
How to expand REG_EXPAND_SZ in Windows Mobile?

I saw ExpandEnvironmentStrings is used here for Desktop. How do I do it in Windows Mobile? The data type looks valid in Windows Mobile ...

what is the main use of set home value in windows registry?

in windows registry there are keys for each application, for oracle i could see two home values each for oracle 9i & 10g, what DB home value would be eventually used during DB access by external application? ...

Linker error with RegSetKeyValue.

Hi *, I am using "RegSetKeyValue" API in my application. I am referring to As told in the article, I have defined _WIN32_WINNT_ as 0x0600 and have included Advapi32.lib in my linker options. But still I am getting linker error, "unresolved external symbol _RegSetKeyValue"...

Cannot read config data from HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE on Vista

We have a Java Web Start application and are trying to store application configuration data using HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE instead of HKEY_CURRENT_USER. We can get someone with admin rights to launch the app the first time and set the configuration, so that it will store the values in the registry successfully. Nevertheless, subsequent Vista u...

how to create a registry key without using system() in c/c++??

how to create a registry key without using system()/.bat/.reg in c/c++?? ...

Hive Based Registry in Flash

To start with I'll say I've read the post here and I'm still having trouble. I'm trying to create a CE6 image with a hive-based registry that actually stores results through a reboot. I've ticked the hive settings in the catalog items. In common.reg, I've set the location of the hive ([HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\init\BootVars] "SystemHive") ...

Access Registry entry from a process started with System.Diagnostics.Process.Start() method

Through my desktop application's installer (C# code), I want to execute an external process. I do so using the following code. ProcessStartInfo sinfo = new ProcessStartInfo(); sinfo.FileName = filePath; sinfo.WorkingDirectory = workingDir; sinfo.UseShellExecute = false; using (...

How to change the order of toolbar buttons in Internet Explorer?

I know I can simply write to the CommandBandLayout regkey but since I don't know what format it is I'm having doubts if that is safe. Also, this answer suggest it's the wrong solution: But how can I change the order a bit? I have written an Interne...

Migrating Application Configuration from Windows Registry to SQLite

Currently, I am working on the migration mentioned in the title line. Problem is application configuration that is kept in registry has a tree like structure, for example: X |->Y |->Z |->SomeKey someValue W |->AnotherKey anotherValue and so on. How can I model this structure in SQLite (or any other DB)? If you have experie...

ExceptionPolicy.HandleException does not install Event Source for Logging in Registry if XBAP run outside debugger

I am using the Logging Application Block (of Microsoft Enterprise Library) to log exceptions in the Event Viewer that occur in my WPF XBAP application. If I run the XBAP in the debugger from Visual Studio, an Event Source entry for my application is automatically created in the Registry at: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSe...

VS 2005 Install Problem

All I have a VS 2005 install set, which when executed seems to run OK however right at the end of the process it responds with the error message: The source '' is not registered on machine '.' or you do not have write access to the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\EventLog registry key. At which point it backs out ...

Use registry to startup a program, and also change the current working directory?

I am trying to start a program I made in this directory: C:\example\example.exe -someargument when the computer starts up. I am attempting to use this registry key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run with the key being: Name: example Type: REG_SZ Data: "C:\example\example.exe -someargument" But my ...

RegGetValue vs RegQueryValueEx

I have a program coded by someone else. It has a function RegGetValue used as: uFuncReturnValue = RegOpenKeyExA( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, acSubKey, NULL, KEY_READ | KEY_WRITE, &hRegistry ...

Help with enum values in registry c++

DWORD type = REG_NONE; int i = 0; size = sizeof(ValueName); size2 = sizeof(ValueData); BOOL bContinue = TRUE; do { lRet = RegEnumValue(Hkey , i , ValueName , &size , 0 , &type , ValueData , &size2); switch(lRet) { case ERROR_SUCCESS: print_values(ValueName , type , ValueData , size2); i++; size = sizeof(ValueName...

Getting program to run at start up from c# code. Setting Registry Run to 'true' doesn't work as well.

I found this nice snippet of code online: rkApp = Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey("SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Run", true); Which runs great but alas on windows 7 and vista I suspect, it crashes cause it doesn't have permission to write there. So then I research (on stackoverflow of course) how to avoid this, quick...

Access to the registry key 'Global' is denied.

While giving permissions to the 'defaultAppPool' user I am getting the message 'There is no such global user or group: DefaultAppPool.' Can anyone help me here! However, using command 'net localgroup "Performance Monitor Users" DefaultAppPool /add' I am able to resolve the error but i am facing this problem in Windows Server 2003/IIS 6.0...

RegistryKey ValueCount/SubKeyCount wrong

I am trying to query the following registry key values: HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\MSSQLServer\Client\SharedMemoryOn HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\MSSQLServer\Client\SuperSocketNetLib\ProtocolOrder But depending on which machine I'm running the program the query returns null. When I debug on my local machine and I inspect the value for ValueCou...

How do i get the reg string from the handle integer?

Hi, ive got the reg handles (as ints) being outputted, but i need to convert this to the HKLM/bla/bla.... I know that the 5 Root Keys are 0x80000000Y where Y is a value from 0 to 4, but i'm also getting much smaller values which represent nodes lower down in the registry leaves. ...

label to display graphics card or total system ram through registry possibly?

hi all i have this great code that i love that will display the kind of processor model and speed like so RegistryKey Rkey = Registry.LocalMachine; Rkey = Rkey.OpenSubKey("HARDWARE\\DESCRIPTION\\System\\CentralProcessor\\0"); Labelproc.Text = (string)Rkey.GetValue("ProcessorNameString"); and i was wondering if theres a way to do this ...

How to make sure that the latest (or at least later than what I have today) .net 4.0 version is installed?

A very much related question has been posted here: However, I found that .Net 4.0 conventions are messy. I need to hard-code some logic into an installer / installed product that goes like this: if not RecentDotNet40IsIn...