
HKLM\SYSTEM\WPA key list changed!!

Hello everyone! Could you please help me and find the reason why list of keys in windows registry branch "HKLM\SYSTEM\WPA\" are changing. Maybe someone knows what exactly this branch contains (i mean what information reflects in keys of branch "HKLM\SYSTEM\WPA\")??? I will be grateful for any information! Thank you very much! P.S. Exc...

Python 2.6 - I can not write dwords greater than 0x7fffffff into registry using _winreg.SetValueEx()

using regedit.exe I have manually created a key in registry called HKEY_CURRENT_USER/00_Just_a_Test_Key and created two dword values dword_test_1 and dword_test_2 I am trying to write some values into those two keys using following program import _winreg aReg = _winreg.ConnectRegistry(None,_winreg.HKEY_CURRENT_USER) aKey = _winreg.O...

Manipulation of the right click context menu in windows shell

I have been trying to manipulate my right clicks inside windows, using the registry. I managed to add single lines inside the shell. [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Directory\shell\Notepad [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Directory\shell\notepad\Command] @="\"notepad.exe" \"%1\"" would launch notepad for example. Now, what I really want is a subdirectory i...

Getting the registry key value at runtime in visual studio Registry

Hi, I want to read a registry key value (key entry for the Microsoft Excel installation path) at runtime using visual studio 2008 registry, under project setup and deployment. I want to get the key value (path) to a variable so that I can copy a file to that folder. I can not hard code it. How can I do that?? Thanks & Regards, Isuru ...

Determining Internet Explorer Cookie Settings Through the Windows Registry

Is there a way to determine Internet Explorer Cookie Settings (that is, whether cookies are accepted or not) through the Windows Registry? ...

C# API to parse ntuser.dat registry file

Is there any API for C# (or C++) which allows for parsing ntuser.dat file which does not belong to a logged user (so that I cannot use regular registry API)? ...

Windows Mobile: "My network card connects to" registry settings

Can anybody please tell me the registry setting(s) that are affected in Windows Mobile 6.1 when a user selects Start -> Settings -> Connections -> Wi-Fi and then changes the value of the "My network card connects to" drop down list on the "Network Adapters" tab? I have a device that seems to default this to "The Internet" when in fact t...

RegCreateKeyEx - does it update the returned handle on failure?

MSDN documentation seems silent on whether RegCreateKeyEx ever updates the value of the handle referred to by its second-last parameter when it fails. My tests have only shown it not to update this - i.e., I set h = 0 before the call, pass &h to a call to RegCreateKeyEx to open a non-existent key, and see h = 0 after the call. Does anyon...

Can free rebol 2.7.7 read in Windows Registry ?

I thought I have seen this somewhere but can't find it any more on google ? ...

Unable to retrieve the complete description string of the event log record

Hi All, I have an MFC application that reads and displays event log records using the ::ReadEventLog() API. The problem is with reading the "Description" message string of the event log record. The MFC application is unable to read the complete "Description" message string and displays only some part of it. However the Windows System Ev...

deleting registry key, using Visual Studio 2008 setup and deployment project in windows 7

I have created a setup and deployment project in Visual Studio 2008 Professional. I'm using Visual C++, and in it I have two exe files which run under custom actions. One is running in commit and other in uninstall. Purpose is to add a registry key at install time and remove it at uninstall. It works perfectly on Windows XP but when I ch...

Set system time into registry

i want to create a new registry entry and set current system time into registry. How can i implement it using C++ ...

How to set system time, day and year in registry

i created new registry entry using RegCreateKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, TEXT("Software\XXXXXX\Test"), 0, NULL, 0, 0, NULL, &hkey, &dwDisposition) Now i want to save current system time data and year to the newly created registry for later retrival How can i implement it in VC++ using RegSetKeyValue. I tried but faile dto implement. ...

Registry entry using VC++, Data corrupting

Hi I want to set system time to registry, i did like this. But some null characters only getting there. when i am giving LPCTSTR data = TEXT("24/3/2010\0"); LONG setRes = RegSetValueEx (hkey, value, 0, REG_SZ, (LPBYTE)data, 100)); thsi is sucessfully adding into registry How to trace the issue IF possible please check my code ...

setting classpath using reg files on windows xp

Hi, I want my classpath to be set using a 'reg' file. How to set that. I've seen on many websites the code for that but will it affect other registry keys? While setting value for a particular key we have to set only that value or we need to set values of other registry keys too? Thank you. ...

Creating compound applications in Windows 7

I need to port a suite of Windows applications (running under XP with little security turned on) to Windows 7 with various levels of security, depending on how our clients may configure it. Each functional area is a seperate executable or DLL that is downloaded and registered by a central 'compound' application. This means that the diffe...

"Requested registry access is not allowed." on Windows 7 / Vista

I'm attempting to write a key to Registry. It works on Windows XP, but fails on Windows 7 / Vista. The code below throws a Security Exception with description "Requested registry access is not allowed." RegistryKey regKey = Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey("SOFTWARE\\App_Name\\" + subKey, true); I realise that this has to do wi...

How to create Item in right context menu for all extensions except .zip?

I need to create Item in right context menu for all files except .zip I thought that I'm able to use something like this: HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\* and exclude only .zip somehow is there any solution for this? ...

What are the techniques to implement evaluation period and ensure it is not tempered?

I've a simple product installer for windows OS, which could be evaluated for a month. What are the techniques I can use so that this piece of software is not used after a month? I've seen that several s/w use system date to check it but it's very primitive and easily forge-able. I think a key based system based on registry or online veri...

VB6 Application fails 8.3 path conversion on a single PC

I have a VB6 desktop application that is deployed on well over 1200 desktops. The devices throughout are a mix of Windows XP SP2 and SP3 systems. All but one of these PCs (XP SP2) is able to successfully decipher the DOS 8.3 path (ie C:\PROGRA~1\DATFOL~1\Config\) that is used in an .ini file related to this application. This particular P...