
Are there any pitfalls trying to run DNN on Windows Server 2008 Web Edition?

I am considering switching to a co-located solution running a DNN (DotNetNuke) installation and an email server that mostly just does alias forwarding. I think I can get DNS services outside of this colocation box - but that could be an issue. I am running this website for a non-profit group and trying to stay inexpensive. Will Window...

Setting IIS 7.0 ApplicationPoolQueue Length > 64K?

I'm having an issue with a migration to IIS 7.0. In the previous version of IIS I have been able to set the Application Pool queueLength to 0 to set it to 'unlimited' but in IIS 7.0 the max it will let me set it to is 64K. It is recommended that you set this value to 1.5 times the number of concurrent connections otherwise you might g...

FTP Error 530 User cannot login

I am trying to FTP to a new FTP site I setup with IIS 7.0 for the Windows Server Web (64-bit) edition. But I get the above error when I try to login to this site. But I can login to my other FTP sites. Also, when I select this website from IIS Manager, the FTP section does not display in the middle section although it does display in A...