
Windows Server 2008 or Vista?

What is an easy (to implement) way to check whether I am on Windows Vista or Windows Server 2008 from a Python script? platform.uname() gives the same result for both versions. ...

Making Vista style apps in C#

I'm running windows vista and want to get the appearance to look like regular vista programs. Are there any really good tutorials/articles on how to build Vista Style apps? I would also like to learn how to use the native code and convert it to C# like in this example. ...

Google Desktop Gadget to Vista Sidebar Gadget converter

Hello, everyone! I have some problem. I need to convert Google Desktop Gadget (not iGoogle gadget) to Vista Sidebar Gadget Do you know any way to do this? Thanks for any answers ...

About ProgramData folder's right with UAC turned on under Vista

I login in with Administrator on Vista with UAC turned on, is it OK for me to create, modifty or delete file in ProgramData folder. My test result is YES, but I found my AP can access the folder which name is "MicroSoft", is there any starndard document to know the ProgramData folder's right under Vista? ...

Stopping Scroll Bar Fade in Vista (.NET or WinAPI)

Hello, Does anyone know of any way to suppress the Vista fade animations on scroll bars? I only want to do this temporarily and I don't think subclassing is an option because the scroll bars are the "automatic" ones generated by the auto-scroll functionality (it's a .NET app but I assume interop is required). The reason I want to do t...

How do I update a VB6 app from XP to Vista?

I work on a vb6 application which is having problems with Vista, for the obvious reasons (writing to program files, and other things that are no longer allowed by default). Where should I store application data or user's saved files? Do I need priviledges to create folders and files, there, too? What other common actions will cause pro...

Vista Phantom Directory

We have a program that the installer checks for the existence of a config file, and if it exists, it doesn't copy that file over (it assumes the user has modified their config file and wants to keep those modifications). Unfortunately, this is a pre-Vista application and it keeps the config file in Program Files. The problem is, if you...

File association - modify shell's edit verb on Vista

I'm looking to programmatically modify the edit verb for the shell on Vista. For example, I want right click edit (in explorer) to open a .cs file w/ Notepad++. How do I change a file association on Windows Vista? Thanks ...

Checking Internet Explorer protected mode

I have several question : 1) As I know function IEIsProtectedModeProcess used from within IE extension Is there way to know programmatically whether Internet Explorer run in protected mode outside of IE ? Thanks ...

What is the period of time that the window manager waits before marking a window as unresponsive?

How long does windows wait before deciding a window is unresponsive and brings up the the unresponsive chrome? Just from anecodotal experience, I assume it is different in XP and Vista, as they are handled very differently by the DWM in Vista and the Explorer shell in XP. ...

From a development perspective: How do I convice the bosses to upgrade to Vista / Windows 7?

Our current development environment at work is Windows XP pro. It is a fine operating system, but after using Vista and Windows 7 at home, I find myself wanting to use them at work where I spend majority of my time on a computer. The problem lies in that Windows XP does the job, and there's 0 cost in moving forward as obviously its alre...

How to remove registry entry from Windows 2008/Vista

Hi, I have this script to run on Windows 2008/Vista to remove one registry key, but I can't get it to run: Const HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT = &H80000000 strComputer = "." strKeyPath = "Installer\Products\334A4D1453680B74CA87BEE6B7E40113" Set objRegistry = GetObject("winmgmts:\\" & _ strComputer & "\root\default:StdRegProv") DeleteSubkeys...

Can't get PHP to work with mySQL on Vista 64

I'm running Vista 64 box, and attempting to setup Joomla using IIS7 (I like Joomla, I want to have some components on my web site, so that's why I want to use IIS7 and not Apache). It's my first time installing both php and mysql, so it's very possible that I'm doing something obviously wrong... though I think I tried enough diag...

How to elevate privileges only when required?

This question applies to Windows Vista! I have an application which normally works without administrative privileges. There is one activity which does need administrative privilege but I don't want to start the application itself with higher privileges when I know most of time user wont even be using that feature. I am thinking about c...

Chrome Style C# Applications?

I'm not talking about the vista glass feature, I already know how to accomplish that. The feature that I'm talking about is add controls to the titlebar, like office 2007 does with the logo and toolbar. ...

System error 5 Access is denied when starting a .NET service

When I try to start a service I created in Visual Studio I receive the following error: System error 5 has occurred. Access is denied. I am running the command line with elevated privileges, so it's not that problem. Is there any place I can look to see what error is occuring. ...

How to get monitor timeout on vista

In an application I wrote a few years back I use function SystemParametersInfo with SPI_GETPOWEROFFTIMEOUT to get the timeout for monitor off. On Vista this doesn't work anymore. So I decided to make this work on Vista, but after a few hours I feel like I'm no closer to a solution. Most of the functions I am going to mention are descri...

Delphi 2009 Application using Large Icons for Vista

I want to use Vista Large Icon feature in my Delphi 2009 application, but I can only embed the normal 32x32 icon in my application. How can I make application have many sizes of Icons? Thanks ...

How does Vista generate the icon for documents associated to my application?

Can I affect the process? I have an application built in .NET 3.5 / VS2008. I have embedded multiple icons into the app with a win32 .res file. This is done in the Properties box for the Project in VS2008 - instead of specifying an .ico file, tick the box to specify a .res file. In the .res file you can have multiple icons. See here ...

C# - Vista - Decompression being virtualized when using CommonApplicationData

Assume UAC is ON. This does not create a problem with it off. I have a c# app with a backup/restore functionality and using sql server 2005 express. code to get the backupPath is used for both backup and restore and the name for all purposes will be backup.dat to generate backup path string path = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environmen...