
can i install and run visual studio 2008 on vista ultimate 32 bit ?

hi guys i m new on vista i just want to install visual studio 2008 on vista ultimate 32 bit so can any body tell me tht visual studio 2008 will work properly on vista ultimate 32 bit? Infact i want to work on with c sharp so some one told me that IIS doesn't work properly on vista so i want to confirm that it is work properly or ...

IT Question: Two NICs with identical gateway metric

Windows Vista Business with SP1 I have two NICs in my Vista Business SP1 machine - one NIC is connected to our corporate network, the other NIC is connected to a private network. Both networks are using DHCP, with the private network obtaining it's address from a LinkSys WRT54G (not being used as a router - just a switch with DHCP). Th...

Enable/disable hardware w/o Admin rights on Vista?

Hi, I've been asked to provide a program/script/whatever that enables or disables the CD/DVD drive USB ports Floppy (!) drive devices without requiring admin rights, that is, that can be run by a 'normal' user. Ideally, something like a command line utility: C:> foobar cdrom /disable Any pointers, hints or clues gratefully accepte...

How to achieve Vista glass transparency (AERO) in a WPF application?

It's easy for a WPF application to make parts of a window transparent or semi-transparent. But how to I apply the current Vista theme (colors, opacity) to these transparent parts? When I have a green glass border how will I get a green glass background of the same style? Is it even possible to do this without calls to the Windows API? ...

C/C++ Programming in Vista

Hey guys, I'm from a Java school, but I'd like to get my hands dirty in C/C++ development as well. Can you suggest: 1) a Lightweight beginner IDE [Eg: JCreator for Java] (Simple and small download) 2) a full-blown advanced IDE [Eg: Eclipse for Java] (Every feature and huge download) 3) should I use GCC or other compilers? Thanks a lo...

IIS 7 'Server.CreateObject failed'

I've installed IIS7 on my workstation and enabled IIS6 compatibility so I can test classic asp pages (for some old projects here at work). Some pages work, but others don't. I receive: Serverobject error 'ASP 0177 : 800401f3' Server.CreateObject failed /, line 55 800401f3 On that line i've g...

WASAPI prevents Windows automatic suspend?

First time poster, be gentle ;-) I'm writing an audio app (in C++) which runs as a Windows service, uses WASAPI to take samples from the line in jack, and does some processing on it. Something I've noticed is that when my app is "recording", Windows won't automatically suspend or hibernate. I've registered for power event notificatio...

Windows Server (2003/2008) as a Development Machine?

I was wondering how many people here use Windows Server 2008 (or w2k3) as their development machine. If you do, what are the pros/cons that you've found? If you don't, do you see any advantages to doing so? I've read many anecdotes online stating that it was a more stable development environment than Vista SP1, and some setup tips her...

Using Vista For Development

My company is pushing that everyone switch to Vista on new laptops. I am using Visual Studio 2005 and SQL Server 2005 right now and had to fix some compatibility issues. I could push for XP and go through HR, but I also could just get accustomed to Vista just for experience sakes. Any experiences with development and Vista? Pros/Cons? ...

How can I programmatically refresh Windows Explorer?

I have a Windows shell extension that uses IShellIconOverlayIdentifier interface to display overlay icons on files and folders. My extension is a little like TortoiseCVS or TortoiseSVN. Sometimes I need to make Windows Explorer redraw all it's icons. To do this, I call SHChangeNotify like this: SHChangeNotify(SHCNE_ASSOCCHANGED, SHCN...

Blocking mouse input from a service in Vista

I maintain a variety of managed userlabs on a university campus. These machines all currently run Windows XP and we have a windows service that is used to "lock" a machine by blocking any keyboard or mouse input. The locking happens during our scripted OS installation so that users aren't able to accidentally halt or break the process....

VB6 install on Windows Vista as a Standard User

I have a VB6 application that needs to be installed on Windows Vista as a Standard User. Using Visual Studio 2005 I have created a setup project that will place the application in a standard user safe place or folder. I also have a dll that I want to install and register to the users application data folder. Once my windows installer ...

MSXML2.XMLHTTP - Vista performance

Hi all, I have the following (simple) VB6 code: Dim xmlDoc As MSXML2.DOMDocument30 Set xmlDoc = New MSXML2.DOMDocument30 Dim xmlRequest As MSXML2.XMLHTTP40 Set xmlRequest = New MSXML2.XMLHTTP40 "GET", "", False xmlRequest.setRequestHeader "Accept-Encoding:", "gzip/deflate...

Ghosts windows when color scheme is NOT Aero on Vista...

Hi, We have a service that launches an application that will interact with the logged on user. The application we launch is always run as a specific user for which we have the credentials. We do what is necessary (get active session ID, logonUser, adjust token) and launch the application with CreateProcessAsUser in the winsta0\Default d...

Installing on Windows Vista

Trying to configure on windows vista but keep getting errors. Now getting the following error HTTP Error 404.3 - Not Found The page you are requesting cannot be served because of the extension configuration. If the page is a script, add a handler. If the file should be downloaded, add a MIME map. Can anyone plz tell which MI...

Interactive services dialog detection in Windows Vista

I have installed 1.4.3 version on Windows Vista. But It keeps giving me Interactive services dialog detection when I execute tests. I even have disabled the interactive services from services panel. but still getting this. Any idea how to get rid of this problem regards Sam ...

What causes a window to not appear in the taskbar until it's Alt-Tabbed to in Vista?

When our app is started programatically (either through custom action in MSI installer or when starting a new instance) in Windows Vista (also happens in Windows 7 Beta) it won't appear in the taskbar and isn't focused. Alt-tabbing to it will make it appear in the taskbar properly and stay there. What causes this? I've seen this in so...

Can Visual Studio Unit Tests be "Run as Admin" on Vista?

We have some unit tests which work with performance counters (specifically creating new categories) and on XP/2003 they work fine but on Vista/7 they fail with a SecurityException ("Requested registry access is not allowed"). I tried checking the "Run as administrator" box on the properties for VSTestHost.exe, but that causes all tests ...

Delphi 2009 SOAP request does not transfer user name with Windows Vista

We implemented a small application that uses the SOAP interface from Mantis Bugtracker ( Mantis is installed on an SSL webserver that requires HTTP authentication. It works perfectly in Windows XP, but not on 64-bit Vista, where it fails with "Access denied". Looking into the server's access log, I can see that ...

UDP Broadcast on Multihomed Systems

I'm working on a project that discovers/configures remote devices using UDP broadcasts. These devices may not have IP addresses configured yet, at least no to match the network they are connected to. Currently we use a single sendto with a target address of This works fine in most cases but on Vista machines with multipl...