
Diagnosing Windows application manifests

Windows application manifests have a very loose grammar — unrecognized parts are ignored. How can I diagnose which parts are recognized and which are not? The problem leading to this question is with an application that has a side-by-side UAC manifest with a requestedExecutionLevel of highestAvailable specified. This should switch Vista...

Newly created modal window loses focus and become inacessible in Windows Vista

Sometimes when I open a modal window in my Delphi application it takes a while to show up, then I notice that the application is kind of blocked, and what happened was that the modal form was open with ShowModal but wasn't displayed and the application became locked as if the Modal Window was in the first layer. Usually when this happen...

Installing Exhuberant Ctags on Windows (Vista and XP)

I want to use Exuberant Ctags on Vista (and probably the XP laptop) at work; no choice about the OS. I'm use GVim instead of the Flex Builder recommended by my co-worker, because the FB is buggy and doesn't do what GVim does, anyway. I got the zip file here. The Ctags install file says, among other things: mk_bc3.mak For MSDOS u...

Problem installing Outlook 2007 AddIn on Vista

We are attempting to install an Outlook 2007 Visual Studio Tools for Office (VSTO) Addin for a client. The MSI file includes a custom action to set the necessary Caspol permissions. We are using Visual Studio 2005, VSTO 2005 SE and .NET 2.0. When they attempt to run the installer on a Vista machine (using an administrator account) it...

WPF rendering is ugly and blurry on Vista

Can anyone explain why this simple WPF application looks so horrible on Vista? I've tried setting SnapsToDevicePixels, but this makes no difference. This is a clean WPF application, nothing added whatsoever except for the one button. Using VS 2008 SP1. In the IDE it looks perfect, but when running it is screwed. All WPF apps that I have ...

Problems With VS2008 Pro Edition 90 day Trial

I have two computers. One computer is an old XP and the other is a new Vista. I have dowloaded and pretty much tested an installation of VS2008ProEdition90dayTrialENUX1435622.iso without any problems on the XP computer. The Vista computer (where I need to do my work and where I have all the hard drive space, etc) has been pretty eventfu...

Where to put global application data in Vista?

Where in a Windows (Vista) system should I place data that ought to be readable and writable by everyone, i.e. every user of the computer? Vista's concepts of C:\Users\xxx\AppData\something, C:\Program Files and C:\ProgramData directories and UAC are a bit confusing. Furthermore, is there any ready solution to determine those locations ...

"operation is not supported" when invoking an RPC call on Vista

My application uses Microsoft RPC for interprocess communications. When two processes are run on the same machine and one process tries to call a method declared as (IDL notation): error_status_t rpcMethod( [in] pipe byte parameter ); this call fails with RPC_S_CANNOT_SUPPORT ("The requested operation is not supported") and never reac...

C# Login Automation of Windows (XP, Vista, Etc..)

I have an authentication key (USB dongle) that I would like to use in place of logging into windows. The dongle is not just a simple thumb-drive it is a specialized dongle made for software authentication. I've seen tutorials on how to do this with Phidgets RFID kit, however I can't seem to find that tutorial anywhere now. Basically I...

Would you recommend 32-bit or 64-bit for Windows Vista?

I understand that 64-bit is the best. However, I've heard that there may be compatibility problem with 32-bit programs. Is this compatibility issue a major enough issue for me getting a 32-bit OS or is 64-bit Windows Vista still better, despite the compatibility issue? I will mostly be using this for development purposes, but I may snea...

Create Vista User Account Question...

Hello, I am trying to find out how I can programmatically create a logon account in Windows Vista with UAC enabled? I have an OCX that creates a user account and it has worked for years on NT and XP, but now our application fails with Access Denied when creating the account on Vista. If our customers turn off UAC then setup that app i...

preventing vista shutdown loggoff API showing

I want to stop the shutdown / log off API which appears when you have programs open to confirm a shutdown/logoff. I have an application already that send a reason to the API. I know this is bad practice but I really need to override / cancel the shutdown with out displaying the API after 5 seconds. is there any way to hack this or ru...

Starting "Click-Once" published application keeps trying to install .NET Framework

The following dialog window keeps popping on my computrer when starting "Click-Once" published application from Internet URL: [Microsoft .NET Framework Setup] - Would you like to download and install the Microsoft .NET Framework? The content you are trying to access requires the Microsoft .NET Framework. Would you like to ...

Vista Remote Desktop connection timeout setting?

Hi all, I'm running Windows Vista Business 64 bit. I'm having trouble with session timeout/logout. If I leave my PC on overnight with apps open but locked, they are all there the next day as I expect. If I leave my PC on then use Remote Desktop via the VPN to access my desktop from home, I get the applications I left open also. I use ...

Redirecting sound in Windows Vista/XP

Hello, Is there any way to redirect the output sound back to recording input through C# without the use of any cable to do it? Thanks ...

Is it possible to silently run an NSIS installer in VISTA?

I made an updater which silently runs in XP and works just fine. But when it comes to Vista, the idea of silent installation gets ruined when UAC prompts the user to cancel or allow the user from running the program. Is there anything at all we can do about this? Thanks... ...

Get HDD (and NOT Volume) Serial Number on Vista Ultimate 64 bit

I was once looking for getting the HDD serial number without using WMI, and I found it. The code I found and posted on works very well on 32 bit Windows, both XP and Vista. The trouble only begins when I try to get the serial number on 64 bit OSs (Vista Ultimate 64, specifically). The code returns String.Empty, or a Spa...

How can I run a local DNS Caching nameserver on Vista?

I'm used to running my own DJB dnscache on all unix-like systems I have, i.e. Linux and Mac OSX. Now that I got me a Vista, I wonder what can I run on it to the same effect? ...

Is there a way to make an ANT task run as Administrator in Windows Vista?

As part of an installer, I need to run a batch file from ANT. If I run cmd.exe as Administrator and run the batch file, all is well since it has the appropriate administrative privileges. When the batch file is executed from ant, it fails, the same way it does if I were to run the batch file without administrative privileges. My question...

Subscribe to Vista Events in .NET (e.g. Window Opened)

Hi, I am trying to build my own little toolbox for Vista. One of the features is a "window placeing tool" which places the windows at saved position. Another tool I could imagine are extensions to firefox or thunderbird... For these tools to work, I need them to be able to capture "Events" in Vista. To give you a concrete example: Ex...