
Need help with Windows Speech Recognition script to compound a string

The command below for Windows Speech Recognition forces the speech recognition engine to use literal text (""all seventy six people paid five dollars") instead of the default ("all 76 people paid $5"). I'm trying to adapt this command to remove the spaces between words so that I could program using speech by saying things like: "Securi...

UDP multicast using winsock API differences between XP and Vista

Hi, It seems to be that the implementation required to set up a UDP multicast socket has changed between windows XP and windows vista. Specifically: Under windows XP, you must call bind() before you can reference any multicast-specific socket options. However, under windows vista, you must not call bind() when dealing with multicast s...

How to infer debug information from Alternates Panel output in WSR

I have this Windows Speech Recognition (WSRMacro) script which compounds multiple words that are spoken into a single word: "Happy children" -> "Happychildren" However, a bug in the script appears under certain circumstances and I do not know how to deduce what the problem is. Although the above example works, the following does not: ...

Python sqlite3 "unable to open database file" on windows

I am working on a windows vista machine in python 3.1.1. I am trying to insert a large number of rows into a SQLite3 db. The file exists, and my program properly inserts some rows into the db. However, at some point in the insertion process, the program dies with this message: sqlite3.OperationalError: unable to open database file...

Sql performance on vista machine client

I have an application written in a language called magic. This application uses MSSQL Server. When it is deployed where the client is on vista machine, and the server is on a remote machine, the performance is dramatically degraded. When that same application is used from an XP client, with the db on remote machine – the performance is o...

Access is Denied loading a dll with ctypes on Vista

I'm having issues with using ctypes. I'm trying to get the following project running on Vista. I've used the project before on Vista and had no problems. I don't see any think changed in svn that cause this I'm thinking it's something local to this machine. In fact I'm not able to load d...

Adding registry key in C# shows when I read it back, but not in regedit

I am adding a registry key using the following code: var key = Microsoft.Win32.Registry.LocalMachine.CreateSubKey(key); Within my code I can read back the value find, even in between runs. However, the key never shows in regedit and the other program that should be reading the key can't see it. The program is running on Vista with el...

Access to external window handles

Hello, I am having a problem with the program I am currently working on. It is caused by the increased security in vista/Windows 7, specifically the UIPI which prevents a window with a lower integrity level 'talking' to a higher one. In my case, i am wanting to tell the window with a high Integrity level to move into our application, It...

"The handle is invalid" error when using DSOFile.dll to read custom properties on a file in Vista

I am using Microsoft's DSOFile library to work with extended file attibutes and I'm having problems under Vista with non-OLE files. The following C# code simply reads any custom attributes that are attached to a file: private void readCustomProperties(string fileName) { DSOFile.OleDocumentPropertiesClass documentProperties = new O...

Javascript Error while opening Infopath templates from within .Net webbrowser control on 64-bit Vista machines.

We have some browser enabled Infopath 2007 templates hosted on Windows Sharepoint server (Windows 2003 machines). We use a couple of 'Rich Textboxes' in these templates and these templates are made available to the end user via .Net windows application that used the WebBrowser control. The application runs just fine, but only on 64-bit...

Invalid Class String Error when creating C++ Project in Visual Studio 2008 with Vista x64

After going through this Problem ( that was related with registry permissions, now again, Visual Studio comes with another error. I have the same error as this guy, I have searched all the internet and it seems nobody has resolved it yet. When I create a C+...

How to Save a setting for All users under Vista

I need to save a setting which is then available to all users of the application on the given machine. It needs to work on Vista/Win 7, and the application won’t be started as administrator. Can’t Save to program directory as the Program Files folder is protected on Vista Can’t save to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE as that’s protected too Can’t s...

How to show Confirm Dialog under Vista with C#?

I need to set a register key in vista but if I use the commands without running as Administrator it throws an exception. How do I show the confirmation dialog, then? ...

Error in installing wince application via activesync on vista sp2

Hi all! I have created an installer for my wince application by following the instructions on this site And it worked fine on windows xp. But when I tried to install this using windows vista sp2, there is an error that says "Error 1001. An exception occured in the OnBeforeInstall eve...

is there any way to know data card is in roaming

Hi All, I wanted to know is there any way to know the data card connected to laptop or desktop is in roaming or not. I wanted to know does Vista or XP provides any API to identify this. If any one of you have any other idea on this, please share with me. with regards Vinayaka karjigi ...

I found this Reboot Vista.vbs script. Can you help with it ?

Hi guys. Found this Reboot Vista.vbs script on a number of forums. Seems like the whole post ( text including the code ) was posted on many forums. So I don't know who the original author is. Heres the code here: Option Explicit On Error Resume Next Dim Wsh, Time1, Time2, Result, PathFile, MsgResult, MsgA, AppName, KeyA, KeyB, TimeDiff ...

As a developer, how should I use the special folders in Vista (and Windows 7)?

Where should I save data related to my application? Where should I save configuration files? Where should I save temporary files? Should I do it in "Documents" ? "AppData" ? etc.... What is the best practice for saving data to the disk (I guess, best practice for special folders?!) Thanks! ...

Why CreateProcessAsUser requires interactive window station on Vista/Windows 7?

I had to delve into this because the code that worked fine on Windows 2003/XP doesn't on Windows 7. Application launched by the use of CreateProcessAsUser fails with 0xc0000142 error code. The difference between my old code and one available from MSDN at Starting an Interactive Client Process in C++ is that I didn't set up privileges and...

how to read NMEA sentences in windows Vista using c++

Hi All, I have a GPS device connected to my system which is having Windows Vista, I wanted to read the NMEA sentences from GPS device and print on screen. How I will come to know, on which port the GPS device has been connected, as there can be other devices also connected on various com ports. I am developing the application in c++,...

Saving a file to Application Data in c#

Hi , I used the following methode to save a file to the folder Application Data in c# string path = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.ApplicationData); Its working fine in windows XP, but i cannt find such a folder path i Windows vista. Where is this folder located in Vista and how can i save the file to this f...