
How to check if application runs from \program files\

Is there a reliable method to check if an application is run from somewhere beneath program files? If the user installs the application to program files on local machine, we need to put writable files somewhere else to avoid virtualization on Vista and Win7. When installed to a network disk, though, we want to keep these files with the ...

Requested Execution Level for a dll

I've got a WinForms application that I am working on. There is one small piece of functionality that needs to be run as an administrator in Vista/Win7. I understand how I can set the requestedExecutionLevel for the application in the manifest. The trick is, I don't want to require the user to run the entire application as an administrato...

How to write a Kiosk application in Windows that has control from startup?

I'm not sure if this is technically a Kiosk, but it's basically the same idea. I have a program that runs full screen all the time from boot to shutdown to control a machine that the computer is hooked to. Right now I just have a shortcut to the exe in the Startup folder so it starts when the system boots up and logs in. Is there any be...

Why does a .NET File.Delete() fail with UAC and requireAdministrator=True?

This is a driving me nuts. I have searched all over StackOverflow and read all about UAC. But I'm still running into a problem. Using VS 2008, I have a simple program that does nothing but this: File.Delete("c:\windows\fonts\whatever.ttf") The EXE has a proper manifest with requireAdministrator=True. When compiled, the app icon recei...

Xampp Installation Problem on Vista

I installed xampp on a machine with vista business SP1 version. The default page(with the "You have successfully installed XAMPP on this system" msg) opens up fine. But when I put a php page in the htdocs folder and try to access it using, I get the "Object not found" error.. The apache service is running as indicat...

How to find the path of the "Shared Documents" folder from c#?

In Windows Vista, the special folder "Shared Documents" contains documents accessible by all the users in the machine. That folder was renamed to "Public Documents" in Windows 7. How can I find its physical path from c#? Note that Environment.GetFolderPath( doesn't have the folder I'm looking for. ...

WS_EX_LAYERED colorkey - Vista issues

We place our transparent app window, over the window of another process. Our window contains some child controls. We create a WS_EX_LAYERED window, using colorkey for selective transparency. The main window is completely transparent, so it only functions as a container for the child controls. This works fine on XP and Vista without Aer...

Why can't I get GetPrivateProfileString to work via pinvoke?

Running a c# console app I wrote on 64 bit Vista. Here's the code: class Class1 { static void Main(string[] args) { Debug.Assert(File.Exists(@"c:\test.ini")); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(500); uint res = GetPrivateProfileString("AppName", "KeyName", "", sb, sb.Capacity, @"c:\test.ini"); C...

Bad behavior with Aero off in Vista

I have a directx9 application, which needs to run on a machine with Aero disabled. The app runs in windowed mode. When the window is first created, it looks just fine within a single screen. When I move the window in such a way that it spans two screens attached to the same graphics adapter (and GPU) the region on one screen seems to mir...

how to dedicate a processor core to an application

I have a core i7 running windows vista and i want to dedicate a core to ONE application. i mean i want that and only that application use that core(which in intel core i7 each core is 2 threads) Some people might suggest setting the affinity but id have to deselect all other applications from using that core. I was thinking if there is a...

Error to load PHP 5.2.6 with Apache 2.2 in Windows VISTA

Hello , I Install Apache 2.2 + PHP 5.2 and want to use any MySQL functions get the following error. This expañol and then in translation. For any extra information just have to ask me my. I do not include data from phpinfo (); since it is much information to include it all. Firma con problemas: Nombre del evento de problema: APPCR...

Vista and Widows 7 borders cut off form content

Forms on Windows 7 and Vista have thicker borders than those of XP. As a result, some content that spans the entire height or width of a form will be cut off. Is there a simple way to fix this, or do all the forms of my application need to be resized to accommodate for this? Update: It appears to be the fault of the form size and not...

How to make CFileDialog synchronize the displayed filename with the selected extension?

We have a class that derives from CFileDialog that overrides the OnTypeChange() method to allow it to change the filename to keep it in synch with the selected extension whenever the user selects a new extension from the filter combobox. (Our filters are set to contain only one extension per filter entry.) Unfortunately, the way we are d...

Taking ownership of trustedinstaller files?

vista32-sp1: I am unable to delete some files on my system that were installed with 'special permissions' by 'trustedinstaller'. I find the usual help suggestion to use 'takeown' is not working, all I get is access denied. I refuse to believe there isn't some way to delete these files. ...

How to abort shutdown in Windows Vista and 7 programatically?

In the second example (in the section examples) on this link, there is a description on using WM_QUERYENDSESSION to abort a shutdown. It also states that this does not work on versions of windows later than XP. This is conflicting with the advice given on another question here at stackoverflow. What is the correct answer? I do not have a...

Vista/Win7 Bass and treble volume

Hi guys, I'm having a hard time with this crazy Vista/Win 7 architecture, it might be just me but its hard to get used to it :| So, my current problem is that I cant set the bass and treble values for my sound card, I found that there is a IAudioBass and IAudioTreble interfaces which can do this, but I'm getting lost how to create the...

Odd behaviour with components with akRight alignment

In one customer computer (windows vista) almost all forms of my app are oddly unnaligned. Making some investigation I noticed that every component with akRight anchor acts oddly, being positioned way more for the right. Searching in SO I found this issue wich is similar to mine but not exacly the same. Since I cannot reproduce the iss...

Attaching a debugger to a running process on Vista or Windows 7 using Debugger.Break()

When encountering a Debugger.Break() statement on Vista, you will get this message instead: "SomeProcess.exe has encountered a user-defined breakpoint." If you click options in the right order, you might be able to attach your debugger. if you don't, you won't. How do you force Windows to give you the Attach dialog every time? ...

DirectX and WPF

Hi, I am trying to develop an application where the UI part is designed by WPF and the engine is developed using C++. I am trying to render a scene using DirectX in native code by getting the window's handle from WPF using WindowsFormsHost method. Though i do not get any error, no image renders on the screen. As far as the handle is c...

Delphi 2006 Application messing up the GUI on Windows 7

Hi. I've been searching the Internet for a solution. Also here on Stackoverflow. But I haven't had any luck so far. We're having a problem with a Delphi 2006 application running on Windows 7. Some ComboBoxes are not shown. The exactly same application runs fine on Windows XP. I been trying to locate any patches. Do any one of you kno...