
Direct3D over Remote Desktop

How can I get Direct3D to work over a Remote Desktop connection? I am using Windows XP Professional. ...

Invoke Blue Screen of Death using Managed Code

Just curious here: is it possible to invoke a Windows Blue Screen of Death using .net managed code under Windows XP/Vista? And if it is possible, what could the example code be? Just for the record, this is not for any malicious purpose, I am just wondering what kind of code it would take to actually kill the operating system as specifi...

Is there any way to programatically set the comment attribute on a file in XP?

Links to point me in the correct direction, or sample code will be appreciated. ...

Resolving 'Environment.SpecialFolder.Personal' when Folder Redirection is active

Our Windows Forms application by default saves data files in a user's 'My Documents' folder (on XP) or 'Documents' folder (on Vista). We look up this location by calling: Environment.GetFolderPath( Environment.SpecialFolder.Personal ) We know for sure this works great for users whose personal folder is on a local disk. What we're not ...

Code in any language (.NET preffered) to edit and create settings for PPPoE connections in Windows XP

Pretty all in question... I'm looking for batch script, code or library which allows to edit and create settings for PPPoE connections in windows when hardware and infrastructure is already present. Also I'm looking for script/code to change active connection. .NET is preffered, but any other language will do as well. Thanks in advance...

What do I need to run ASP.NET web applications on my personal machine for testing purposes?

I'm running Windows XP SP3 and I do have the latest .NET libraries installed, as well as Visual Studio 2008. I'm also running (and would like to continue to run) Apache HTTP Server as well, if that matters. Perhaps someone can provide a list of software that I need and then I can look up configuration or ask here if I can't find what I ...

Remote desktop forced logoff

I use remote desktop quite a bit and I've noticed that on one of my machines when another user is already logged in it prompts them to allow me to log in, even for users with less privileges; however, with another computer, there is no prompt, it just proceeds with the remote logoff even for users with the same privileges. Both computers...

Rename existing files in XP useing a batch file (Backup purpose)

pkzip25 -add=all -dir=current -silent -locale -exclude=extract.bat -exclude=run.bat -exclude=pkzip25.exe -exclude=extracted.txt -exclude=zipped.txt -exclude=.\STORE *.* pkzip25 -view -directories >zipped.txt copy ..\BKX\ CD\BKX rename DistData_2.zi...

Techniques for writing critical text data

We take text/csv like data over long periods (~days) from costly experiments and so file corruption is to be avoided at all costs. Recently, a file was copied from the Explorer in XP whilst the experiment was in progress and the data was partially lost, presumably due to multiple access conflict. What are some good techniques to avoid...

How could I know when someone attaches a removable disk on my computer?

I would like to know how can I detect when the user attaches a removable drive on a computer ( in a Windows XP environment ) . There surely has to be a better way than constantly checking to see if the number of drives increased , right ? ...

Are there any limitations in IIS on Windows XP?

Hello, For the project I'm working on I noticed that file transfer* speed is really bad if I'm using IIS FTP and HTTP services. I know that the last thing I should think is "it's a Windows bug", but the fact that simply by using IIS on Windows Server or by changing IIS on that Windows XP machine to FileZilla and LightHTTPd, my file tran...

How to make mockup screenshots without VB

I am looking for a program to make mockup screenshots with. I first found out I could do it with Visual Basic (uglier names I have yet to hear a programming language being called) from I don't want to start learning VB now, especially since I am still in the process of learning Java. I then found, wi...

Optimizing windows XP for Visual Studio

I have a relatively powerful dev workstation - 8 cores and 3 Gig of Ram. However, Visual Studio 2008 does not seem to take full advantage, especially during large builds. Are there any tweaks to be performed on XP VM settings etc to increase performance? I remember back in the bad old days that out of the box windows does not take best ...

ActiveX control within Web Page to create User Account

I'm wondering if there is any way to create a User Account on a Windows XP machine that can be done through scripting from an ActiveX control on a webpage. Specifically, I'd like to know if there's any way to deploy an ActiveX control with computers (that I preconfigure and ship) that will allow use of my webpage from that computer to d...

How do you add Start->Run shortcuts in Windows XP?

Does anyone know how you setup new commands to launch an application from the Start->Run box? ie. you can type "firefox", "winword" or "excel" into the Run box and those applications will open even though they're not in the system path, but others won't. For example, with Firefox, there's no files named firefox.* in any of my system pat...

Converting winform from XP to Vista - Properties.Settings

I'm upgrading an app with many different settings files from XP to Vista and changing location of the files to use the Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.ApplicationData) line rather than write to application path. There are values used in mannnny places from property settings. Those values are getting assigned from v...

Win XP msvcrt crashes

Do any one know why an application that always ran on Windows XP now suddenly crashes the msvcrt.dll? There were only minor changes made to the threading classes, which was done under Vista in VC++ 6. For all our libraries to work we are Dynamically linking to the MFC dlls. A newer version of msvcrt does not solve the problem. Any i...

How to run my program on before logout on windows XP?

I am looking for an inverse version of "RunOnceEx". RunOnceEx does run some program, before the user's shell(desktop&taskbar) start. The login progress will not continue before the runonceex complete. I want to do exact the same but on user logout. When she/he logout, all running program shutdown, leaving shell(desktop&taskbar), then "...

SSH Password/User problem with Cygwin sshd service

hello I just set up SSHd through Cygwin on a Windows XP Pro box overseas using a RAT and discluded the openssh package from the install. I ran the cywin shell (from c:\cywin) and ran Now, It's under a port I know is safe and fowarded properly, but I won't share it's number. It's not a common port, but it's under 40000. Firewalls are off ...

How to create your own Windows XP Keyboard Mapping?

My father has found a Russian language keyboard mapping that he really likes here. However, it is non-standard and therefore is not one that appears in the Languages (Control Panel->Regional and Language Options->Languages->Details->Text Services And Input Languages->Add) dropdown for keyboard layout selection. To my understanding, it ...