
Graphics in C# (.NET)

I use this code for drawing text in a panel: Graphics g = panel1.CreateGraphics(); g.DrawString(...); So I want to know what size the input text will be when rendered in the panel. ...

WinForm - WPF integration; Piece by Piece

I have a medium sized WinForm App (1 Form that hosts 40 user controls) that we use in house. I want to migrate over to WPF but I cannot do a Mass ReRelease. My idea was, for now, to recreate the App 1 User Control at a time in WPF and have that hosted in the existing WinForm App. I would make them look nearly identical, at this poin...

Getting a NullReferenceException Error when invoking a Select File Dialog Box

Hey everyone This is a real newbie question. I have simple app that selects a picture and display's that picture in a PictureBox. I decided to mess with the Opacity Attribute so I added a timer and created this cool effect where the Main Form's Opacity is increased by 20% every 400 miliseconds. The problem is that now when I click t...

Simple regex question (C#, SQL Server)

Hello, I have some Regex, it looks like this: string regexForDrop = @"^((%27)|'|(\-\-))\s*(d|%64|%44)(r|%72|%52)(o|%6F|%4F)(p|%70|%50)$"; It works fine, when i write to the input "--drop", but it does not works, when i write "drop table users" or something like that. I need that it would be working, no matter what comes after "--drop"...

How do I adjust overall width of rdlc report when some columns are hidden?

I have a customizable rdlc report where the user can choose which columns to show. All the columns are included in the report designer, and I use parameters to hide/show columns based on the user's choice. The report renders correctly, and only shows the selected columns, HOWEVER, the overall width of the report is the same as if all t...

How to clip a rectangle from a tiff?

I have a Winforms Gui in C# that allows a user to draw a rectangle on a display of a tiff and save the position, height, width etc. Basically, what I want to do is take the saved position, height and width of the rectangle and clip that area into a sep. bitmap that can then be passed to sep. method that will just OCR the new clip of the...

Using the using statement with WinForms... Good Practice?

I understand the concept and reasons behind using the using statement, and I use it with things like file resources and remote connections, I was wondering if it is good practice to use the using statement with WinForm forms and dialogs? using (MyDialog dlg = new MyDialog()) { if (dlg.ShowDialog() == EDialogResult.OK) { ...

Updating UI objects in windows forms

Pre .net I was using MFC, ON_UPDATE_COMMAND_UI, and the CCmdUI class to update the state of my windows UI. From the older MFC/Win32 reference: Typically, menu items and toolbar buttons have more than one state. For example, a menu item is grayed (dimmed) if it is unavailable in the present context. Menu items can also be chec...

WPF User Control is causing Out of Memory Exception

Looking for a free spell checking solution, I thought I was so smart in doing this but I guess not. I have created a windows form based application and I want the form to add a user specified amount of user controls (with textboxes) on to a panel. The user can then click some button and the controls on this panel are cleared and new one...

C# equivalent to Objective-C's addSubview

Hi, Does C# (WinForms) support adding a view or control to another control? Could anyone give me an example? Thanks in advance. I use this code in Objective-C. [aView addSubview:anotherView]; ...

FormCollection in VB.NET

Hi, I want to detect if a window form is open and if it is then I would like to bring it in front rather than opening it again. I know I need a form collection for this but I want to know if there is a built in form collection that holds all the forms in VB.NET or I need to implement my own. Thank you. ...

.Net BindingDictionary

I have started using BindingList(Of T) for my generic collections whenever I need the objects to interface with the GUI instead of List(Of T). This has worked well for me so far but a few of my collections are stored in Dictionary(Of TKey, TValue) and there doesn't appear to be a corresponding BindingDictionary(Of T). Has anyone else co...

Exception in MSAccess when adding datas with ' character

i am using windows forms application with MSAccess.... i got data from database table successfully but when i am trying to add data with (') character i got the exception that "OLEDB Exception: Syntax error(Missing Operator)inquery expression" ... Now how can i solve this problem? Plz tell me the solution of this problem.... all charac...

C# how to display datetimepicker control for all rows of gridview

Hi, In my application I am creating rows and columns dynamically. I created a column of type System.DateTime. After this i want to display datetimepicker control for all rows in that column. I created a column using dataTable.Columns.Add("CreatedOn", Type.GetType("System.DateTime")); and i am adding rows as foreach(String filename ....

How to detect Help button press in Windows Forms MessageBox?

I have a message box with 3 buttons: Yes, No, Help: var result = MessageBox.Show("text", "title", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Warning, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1, true); I can detect if Yes/No buttons where clicked something like this: if(result == Dialo...

How to achieve multiple grids like the SQL server Results pane

Hi guys ! I'm having problems with my project once again :( The front end is C# I need to support multiline querying like MS SQL server and when these queries are executed, naturally there are going to be multiple result sets. Getting the datatables respective to the results is not a problem, but how do i make it appear like its ...

How should I use .ico files in a Winforms Application ?

I'm developing a WinForms c# 3.0 application. Our designer created quite a lot of .ico files containing all the needed art. The choice of .ico was made because quite often, the same image is needed in several places in different dimensions. Now, it seems .ico files are really annoying to use in visual studio. The only way to use those i...

Parsing or Extracting the content of html table.

Can I parse the html tables by giving only column name ? Like only those data should be extracted from the table which matches those column names I give. Like for example I have table of column names like serial no., name, address, phone no,total Rs.. And I want to extract the information about only name, phone no and total Rs.. Then ...

import excel data to gridview C#

hi... i need the code for import excel data to gridview in windows forms application... Plz anyone can tell me that code.... ...

how to access i statement in usercontrol...

How can I go about accessing the result of an if statement in a user control? UserControl code: public bool SendBack(bool huh) { if(huh) huh = true; else huh = false; return huh; } And in a separate project i am trying to access it like this: private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { MyCont...