I am trying to run process(console executable) on remote PC from asp.net application using WMI and get "Access is denied" problem. I have checked all event viewer logs on remote PC, no information related this. Where do I start searching for problem? Does Windows has some kind of permission monitor tool?
Also I have tried to use...
From the MSDN articles I've found -- http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa394515(v=VS.85).aspx -- Win32_Volume and Win32_MountPoint aren't available on Windows XP.
However, I'm developing a C# app on Windows XP (64bit), and I can get to those WMI classes just fine. Users of my app will be on Windows XP sp2 with .Net 3.5 sp1.
get-wmiobject -query "Select TotalPhysicalMemory from Win32_LogicalMemoryConfiguration" -computer COMPUTERNAME >>output.csv
get-wmiobject -query "Select TotalPageFileSpace from Win32_LogicalMemoryConfiguration" -computer COMPUTERNAME >>output.csv
I am trying to complete this script with an output as such:
Computer Physical Memo...
How to get process Commandline Parameters at Windows 2000 using C#?
I'm use WMI query :select ExecutablePath,CommandLine from Win32_Process where Name='test'
but windows 2000 throw this exception:
system.management.managementexception : invalid query.
so I do not know how to do it work in windows 2000,please help me,
Thank you!
So I want to build a try method into my powershell script below. If I am denied access to a server, I want it to skip that server. Please help..
[code]$Computers = "server1", "server2"
Get-WmiObject Win32_LogicalMemoryConfiguration -Computer $Computers | Select-Object `
@{n='Server';e={ $_.__SERVER }}, `
@{n='Physical Memory';e={ "$('{...
I want to be notified when a build has been completed\failed in visual studio and I DO NOT want to use pre\post build steps, I want an external process or VS plugin that will count the number of builds.
So is there anyway to achieve this using something like WMI or other such technology?
I'm not interested in third party libaries, I wa...
Hello. I know this question is related to 'server setting'
but I can't receive any answer (http://serverfault.com/questions/141754/setting-wmi-permissions-remotely-on-windows-server-2003)
this question is close to server setting, but is also very close to programming. if not close please
here's the question.
I made a simple progra...
I'm trying to launch an event when someone plugs in a USB device. For now, I'm content to simply print something to the console (in the finished product, it will launch an application).
This code is very loosely adapted from: http://serverfault.com/questions/115496/use-wmi-to-detect-a-usb-drive-was-connected-regardless-of-whether-it-wa...
I'd like to do this using the win32_product wmi class.
I need the script to simply count the number of products installed and also output the time taken to execute the script.
What I have atm doesn't seem to work correctly:
$count = 0
$products = get-wmiobject -class "Win32_Product"
foreach ($product in $products) {
Hello everybody
I have a script on vbscript
Dim WSHShell, WinDir, Value, wshProcEnv, fso, Spath
Set WSHShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Dim objFSO, objFileCopy
Dim strFilePath, strDestination
Const OverwriteExisting = True
Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set windir = objFSO.get...
I need to monitor and control a set of Windows Services that are running either on a local machine or remotely. I've heard of WMI and ADSI and the first one seems to do what I want.
Before going deep into it, I just want to check if I'm going in the right direction?
Thank you
Additional information: I also need to inspect SQ...
I can create an IISWebVirtualDir or IISWebVirtualDirSetting with WMI, but I've found no way to turn the virtual directory into an IIS Application. The virtual directory wants an AppFriendlyName and a Path. That's easy because they're part of the ...Setting object. But in order to turn the virtual directory into an App, you need to set Ap...
i want to retrieve the list of user and local service and network service
Hello. My C# application populates a comboBox with the COM ports found on the system. I would like the mark the COM ports that are in use as such. I know that I can use try / catch blocks to attempt to open every COM port, but I was wondering if there is a more graceful way to do this. Perhaps using a WMI query? I am using Microsoft...
Hi all,
Im using Pylons in combination with WMI module to do some basic system monitoring of a couple of machines, for POSIX based systems everything is simple - for Windows - not so much.
Doing a request to the Pylons server to get current CPU, however it's not working well, or atleast with the WMI module. First i simply did (somethin...
Hi all.
I hope everybody is doing fine.
I try to delete a virtual directory using WMi (Server Manager Class) and recreate with different values.
The problem i am facing is that the virtual directory is not getting deleted. Please help.
How to check existance of a virtuual dir and the call delete?
and similarly how check whether a ...
I need to know, for each subcategory, whether it'll be audited on success, on failure, both, or none. Below is an example of the information I need to collect.
Can I get this through WMI? Or if not, by other means, assuming I have proper (admin) credentials to the target machine?
Again, to clarify, it's not the event log I need to read...
I am trying to write a generic extension to turn a ManagementObjectCollection into a DataTable. This is just to make things easier for a startup script/program I am writing. I have ran into a problem with CimType. I have included the code I have written so far below.
public static DataTable GetData(this ManagementObjectCollection...
My question is :
Is it possible to create a working IIS 6.0 Virtual Directory with providing Physical Path of the Virtual Directory.?
I know that manually, it is not possible via IIS but programmatically such a virtual directory can be created. If an HTTPRedirect is set on that virtual directory but the site physical path is not specifi...
I ran into this problem in a Visual Basic program that uses WMI but could confirm it in PowerShell. Apparently the EnableStatic() method can only be used to set one IP address, despite taking two parameters IP address(es) and subnetmask(s) that are arrays.
$a=get-wmiobject win32_networkadapterconfiguration -computername myserver