
How to use wp_enqueue_style() in my WordPress theme?

I am building out my first WordPress site for a client. I really want to use LESS for CSS and found a WP plugin named WP-LESS. Now, I am total WordPress newb, but it appears that this plugin requires me to use a function called wp_enqueue_style() to tell WordPress to process the .less file. I can't figure out where I use this function....

Wordpress - Contact Form 7 Not Sending to Certain Email

I am using Contact Form 7 with Wordpress, but I am experiencing an email compatibility issue. I have the form setup to email to [email protected], domain.ca being the domain of the website hosting the site. The email address exists and works great, however the Contact Form keeps failing on send. If I change the email address to any of my...

Wordpress, a good search plugin?

Hi, I'm looking for Wordpress plugin that just improved the search results, but doesn't add the the search box. At the moment wordpress isn't even doing plurals. So does anyone know a good plugin that will make the search a whole lot better? ...

WP ecommerce plugin: Show categories and products in tree view

Hi All, I'm setting up a Wordpress site with the WP ecommerce plugin, I have it all setup and ready but I want to display the categories and products in a tree form (i.e. li tags) within the side menu. Has anybody done this beofre - don't mind if I have to whack the code in myself. Any help, much appreciated. Regards Shane ...

WP: custom post type, rewrite url giving 404

Hello, I am registering a custom post type like so: register_post_type('agent_info', array( 'labels' => array('name' => __('Agents'), 'singular_name' => __('Agent'), 'add_new_item' => __('Add New Agent'), 'edit_item' => __('Edit Agent'), ...

I tried to write a Wordpress plugin, but I failed. ( short problem )

Hi , all I write a simple wordpress plugins .. it is for friend blogs , using wordpres 3 but I don't know where is the problem .. this is the code .. <? /* Plugin Name: RandFriendB Plugin URI: http://www.abosami.com Description: Show your frineds blogs .. Version: 1.0 Author: abosami Author URI: http://www.abosami.com */ load_plugi...

Loading file from the same directory doesn't work unless I specify the full path

So I have this line of code inside a WordPress plugin. The code file is in the same folder as the XML file I'm trying to load. When I remove the full path and leave just the filename I get an I/O error. $dom->load("/home/tapadmin/public_html/demo10/wp-content/plugins/". "agentmanager/fielddefs.xml"); What's the correct way to load...

How to insert a particular image in a Wordpress post

Hello Experts, I have theme which shows some default theme in it.The themes name is Flow Hub.In first page and all of the other pages I have a default image there.But my requirement is to replace that default image in there,with the image which I am inserting with the Post. It could be thumbnail or any of the size. Please suggest how to ...

How to access biographical info while in WordPress Admin Editor?

While creating a new post in WordPress, how do I access the biographical info of the currently logged in user? I am asking because I created a new field called signature, and during post creation, I am making the biographical info as the default signature. ...

Error with Amazon S3 for WordPress

I am using a great Wordpress to store files on Amazon S3 called "Amazon S3 for WordPress" it seems to have a bug with version 3.0+ of Wordpress. The error I am getting is: Warning: strpos() expects parameter 1 to be string, array given in /home/dir/public_html/www.site.com/wp-admin/includes/media.php on line 310 Here is the ...

WordPress plugin: Is there any way to add an action to "x" button in the left of each tag?

Hi, I'm working on WordPress plugin which generates related tags and allows user to add/remove them. There is Post Tags box in the right side bar in the admin page. Once user types terms in the text box and presses Add button the term will be listed below with "x" button. I tried to hook jquery function into that "x" button but it just ...

swfupload wordpress

Hi. I am using the SWFUpload from http://www.anedix.com/data/file/news/realname/swfupload-php-example-v1_4.zip and want to integrate this into my wordpress plugin. In the example file there are JS files that need to be referenced. I have enqueued these files in my plugin and they seems to be picked up in the header. function add_...

How to get number of users and blogs from Wordpress MU

I am currently maintaining some Wordpress MU installations ( v2.9.x ) I want to create a report ( outside of wordpress ) to count the number of users that I have, and the number of blogs that I have. Each blog gets it's own tables. I have 4 questions: First question, do you know of a plugin that does this already? I couldn't find o...

Wordpress plugin and database interaction

Hi, I am writing my first plug in and it was all going well unti I needed to pull some data from the WP database. Basically I have no idea how to do it, so I need a hand. **EDIT** // I need to connect to the DB to display records within the wp-admin panel > settings > myplugin's page In my plugin I currently have: $locations = $wpdb...

Wordpress Register Plus Alternative

Does anyone know a "register plus" wordpress plugin alternative that is compatible with wp 3.x. I want users to be able to pick their own passwords without wordpress' default password and register and be able post. ...

Wordbook failing to set up in Wordpress

I have the latest version of Wordpress and Wordbook and no other plugins installed. Yet, when I go to set Wordbook up I get the following error: Some other Facebook-related plugin has out-of-date facebook-platform libraries that are interfering with Wordbook (missing methods: profile_setFBML, stream_publish, users_getLoggedInUser, users...

Search Feature for WordPress CMS

Hi, I need to incorporate a "Search" feature within my WordPress CMS site that I am currently developing and was hoping to attach this feature/plugin to the following piece of code and unsure how to do this in WordPress, i.e.: <div id="search_box"> <form method="get" action="/search" id="form"> ...

Check if oe specific user is online

Hi, is there any way, to check, if one specific user is online in Wp? ...

how to customize wordpress internal functions, like adjacent_post_link()

Hey Folks, I need to customize the previous_post_link() and next_post_link() on WordPress. Per example, I want to shrink permalinks like "Top 5 programming languages that you need to learn" to "Top 5 programing...". The function responsible for creating the link isadjacent_post_link() located at wp-includes/link-template.php ...

how to abort or continue to publish a wordpress post

Hi I would like to know how can i add a filter when i publish a wordpress post. and if the has satisfied some conditions stated inside the filter it will continue to publish the post if not, it will abort from publishing the post and prompting the user that some conditions were not met? Edit Lets just say that the process inside wou...