
Is it possible to convert a Wordpress theme to a flat HTML or Django template?

Hoping to port a Wordpress theme to Django. The theme is the "Thesis" theme, and it keeps everything in a very convoluted way, at least it seems convoluted if you want to just have a look at the full page. The only way I can see doing it is groking through a rendered page by looking at the source HTML, but its not pretty. ...

Separate Title Page in Wordpress

With a wordpress blog (preferably the new 3.0), Is there a way to have a different page be the home page of the blog, and put the usual blog posts and such on a separate page, such as www.domain.com/blog ? ...

Correct way of using wp_get_attachment_image() in wordpress

I'm looking for the correct way of using wp_get_attachment_image(). The following code: <?php $args = array( 'type' => 'attachment', 'category_name' => 'portfolio' ); $attachments = get_posts($args); print_r($attachments); ?> Generates the following result: Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ...

How to retrieve all attachments but those of 2 pages

Hi, I'm currently developing a custom theme for a client of mine. What I want to do is retrieve all the attachments (= images) in the installation via wp_getposts (http://codex.wordpress.org/Function_Reference/get_posts). That code would be: $attachments = get_posts('post_type=attachment&numberposts=-1'); foreach ($attachments as $a...

Wordpress 3 Broke My Theme? - Spurious 404 Errors

Ok so I think I'm going nuts. I've got 2 blogs running Wordpress 3. Both use the same theme. Nothing has been drastically modified in either one, but the one is displaying as it should and the other is missing various styles and functionality. I know the cause of the problem - a 404 error on the one site for two resources. These resourc...

css style - divide nav into left and right

My goals: I want to have #nav to be divide into menu-left and menu-right, and each has its max width I want to make sure that #nav, menu-left and right are not statically fixed. So that it expands and shrinks according to settings of the users. The output should be similar to what we see in the picture. I am doing this in wordpress...

Nav bar not showing pages in my wordpress theme

Hi I have a problem with my WordPress theme (html5) nav bar not showing site pages properly. See this at ChessatmyboarD chess blog at ChessatmyboarD I have tried to fix this over the last few days but so far with no luck. I looked at the TwentyTen default WordPress3 theme but I cannot adapt the code to my theme. Another small issue is ...

Import wordpress theme

Hello, I want to import wordpress theme,without getting into the admin. Funny though, I did it once, but I got no idea how. Thanks Jean ...

Wordpress Page Parent Template

Hi experts, I have a wordpress site in which there are four main parent pages which have many subpages. I have different layout for each parent page. Is there any way I can define that every parent page will use its own template. For example I have parent_page1.php, parent_page2.php, parent_page3.php and parent_page4.php templates in m...

Making a Whats Hot Section in TwentyTen (Wordpress)

Ok so, TwentyTen is a great new theme, fine. However, I wish to add more functionality to it and make it like a theme having a magazine style front page (similar to Hybrid News) with mainly a "Whats Hot" Featured Section where I can pick up posts dynamically having the most activity on them (like checking the number of facebook likes or...

what is heavier on load time: css or php requests?

I'm using a cms (Wordpress) and have a gaggle of external stylesheets I'm loading on each page, though some of these stylesheets are page specific. Overall I'm getting bad scores from Yslow and Page Speed so I'm considering adding some php conditionals to tell the browser to load only the page specific css files as necessary. However, ...

Getting comment count to work on new Wordpress 3.0 theme loop setup

Anyone get this to work at all? In the new theme, comments are populated using wp_list_comments( array( 'callback' => 'theme_comment' ) ); and I have no idea where this is looping, so I don't know where to start counting a new variable. I can alter the layout of the comments in functions.php, but it's just a function and apparently word...

WordPress Mystique theme is not getting displayed with IE and Lower Versions of FF and Chrome

Hi, I have installed Wordpress and activated Mystique theme.I simply love the design and functionality provided by the Mystique team. But the problem is when I try to view my site with IE or any of the little older versions of Firefox or Chrome the page is not getting displayed properly.My Site URL is : http://blog.subhendu.info/index....

Which is a good psd to html/css converter service? (fixed price)

I'm looking for quality code, cheap and extra bonus if they make wordpressthemes. ...

Custom taxonomy as HTML class

I have a custom taxonomy that needs a different colour applied to each term inside. I figured I could grab the slug of the taxonomy and put it in a class. Unfortunately I've been defeated with every try. I've tried a few things with get terms to no avail. Sample of what I'd like <div class="<?php echo $myCustomClass; ?>">the custom tax...

Latest 5 posts from each category

Hello, What is the php code that I need to write to display the last 5 blog posts from each category on my wordpress blog? I only want to include the title of the blog post, date and name of author (no image from blog post). An example of exactly what I want to do is in this theme, under the name 'LATEST POSTS IN XXXXX CATEGORY' http...

Wordpress motion theme

Right now I'm trying to modify the motion theme for Wordpress. As of now I'm not sure if it's the theme are the wordpress app that is highlighting my tables on a mouseover. I was wondering if anybody had any idea how to remove the table highlighting mouse over feature in a wordpress app using the Motion theme. ...

Wordpress: get attachments, but not post-thumb

I have the following code in my functions.php: function get_images($size = 'thumbnail') { global $post; return get_children( array('post_parent' => get_the_ID(), 'post_status' => 'inherit', 'post_type' => 'attachment', 'post_mime_type' => 'image', 'order' => 'ASC', 'orderby' => 'menu_order ID') ); } And in my single.php <?php $phot...

Wordpress Theme development: Getting Undefined index error

hello I am a wordpress theme developer. i created a theme which works fine in WP_DEBUG=False but gets undefined index error when I set WP_DEBUG=True My theme has an options page, whenever i click on save i get these errors: Notice: Undefined index: ang_temp in C:\xampp\htdocs\wordpress\wp-content\themes\Angelia\functions.php on line 1...

WordPress custom content type date field

Hey, I'm trying to build the most intuitive possible Event post type. I'm wondering if there's a core method to both print out and capture the contents of a date field - specifically year/month/day, I don't need hours/minutes. I also need to be able to sort entries by date to print out later - for instance, I need all of the events from ...