
Wordpress get posted in category permalink

So each post it will be posted in one category, and for each post I want to get the posted in category permalink, only the URL without markup. How can I do that? //Explained again Well the post is posted in a category, right? Well I need to show that category, but not the name of the category, the url for that category. ...

Customizable background image on WP theme

Hi all, I have created a wordpress theme and I made it so the background image can easily be changed. The only problem is that currently I have to make the change manually (ie FTP) and Id like to provide my client with a Template options page with an "Upload new background image" option in it. Im pretty sure this is possible, I just don...

Wordpress how can I do something like this?

Hello,on my index page I have Featured Content Gallery,I want to put Dynamic Content Gallery when I open some category(for example category named myCat),like there is another index.php page but it is start page of category myCat.What is the best way to do this,to add extra php file to theme?Some more ideas?Tnx in advance. ...

WordPress adding list of PDF's from Media Library

I've been trying to come up with a way to add a list of PDF's from the Media Library in WordPress. It's for a list of newsletters which will start with the most recent, and list about 5. I want it to list with a title and that title be a hyperlink to the document. So when a visitor clicks the link it will download the PDF. I have tri...

Wordpress - How do you organize your plugins and themes code ?

Hello, I starting working with WordPress as a CMS, now that the V3 makes it way easier to manage taxonomies and custom post types. My work is mostly focused on developping plugins and themes. My biggest plugin does some admin stuff (add admin menu items and the related pages and features), but also does some importing and exporting, an...

Wordpress Theme -> Custom Nav Menu

I'm pretty new at creating Wordpress themes, and I need some help with the navigation menu. The format for the navigation bar needs to be something like this: <ul id="nav"> <li class="top"><a href="#home" class="top_link"><span>Home</span></a></li> <li class="top"><a href="#page1" class="top_link"><span>My Page</span></a> ...

Creating a Dynamic Horizontal Menu

I'm trying to create a horizontal menu in WordPress that can be changed on the fly by non-technical users without editing the theme directly. i.e. The graphics department :). I'm a .net developer and the way I would do this in .net is to create a database with the attributes of the link, and make a user friendly back-end to display the c...

Adding a fuction to wordpress theme to bypass/replace premalinks

Looking at Cssremix.com when you hover over a item you can see the "Views" function I'm assuming they are using a plugin that links with the post views but when clicked the item redirects not to the post but to a website/site used ...

How to display custom fields of a subpages on a parent page in WP?

How would i show let's say two custom fields from the subpages on a parent page. Here's my code so far: <?php $children = wp_list_pages('title_li=&child_of='.$post->ID.'&echo=0'); if ($children) { ?> <ul> <?php echo $children; ?> </ul> <?php } ?> How would i show two custom fields titles "details6" and "details7" ...

Wordpress gallery page with title AND descriptions?

I need to create a page template for wordpress that will allow a user to upload images onto the page easily, like the native upload I suppose. Then be able to render the images on the page like this picture shows. Simple 3 columns, with image, then title and description under it. The images can just be static even, dont need to link or l...

Wordpress and custom menu using wp_page_menu

I'm using the following code to add custom taxonomies to my menu in wordpress. I need to make these "sub" items under Products. Example right now they are showing up: Photography > Lighting Photography > Cameras I need them to show up as Products > Photography > Lighting Products > Photography > Cameras add_filter( 'wp_page_me...

Wordpress: excluding all but latest post from 1 category on homepage

My homepage lists all my posts in reverse chronological order in traditional blog format. I want to exclude from the homepage all posts from a certain category except for the latest post, i.e. display only the latest post from that category (along with all the other posts from the other categories) on the homepage. I tried using the que...

Custom Wordpress index.php which circumvents The Loop isn't working correctly.

I'm building a Wordpress theme for a client and it's unlike any other theme I've built before in that the homepage is a collection of posts spread across multiple different containers and styles. It's supposed to look and feel like a magazine in that, at the beginning of each month, 9 different posts are published simultaneously that eac...

Adding email sucbscription to Wordpress theme

Hi All, I've developed my own Wordpress theme and I wanted to give users the ability to subscribe to my blog. I have the typical Post RSS and Comment RSS options that come with Wordpress under the META section of the sidebar, but I also wanted to give my readers an option to just input their email address and press a button to "subscr...

How to have different logic for a page and a post within Wordpress?

I am modifying a wordpress template and need to slightly separate rendering logic for a post and a page, specifically in relation to how the date renders out. The problem is that I cannot find any code to do this, I am sure that it exists. Is there a variable that exists within wordpress that tells me whether the item being displayed i...

Wordpress - Custom taxonomy page of custom post type listing by terms

I have a taxonomy-taxonomy.php page that needs to look like so: CUSTOM POST TYPE TITLE (RESOURCES) Custom Taxonomy 1 (Resource Types) Resource Type Term 1 (White Papers) White Paper post 1 White Paper post 2 White Paper post 3 Resource Type Term 2 (Videos) Videos post 1 Videos post 2 Videos post 3 Tried to make sense of al...

Show subcategory of a particular Wordpress category

I want to show the hierarchical list of categories using wp_list_categories but I want to show only one category and its subcategory <ul> <li ><a href="#">Main category</a> <ul > <li ><a href="#">Sub cat 1</a></li> <li ><a href="#">Sub cat 2</a></li> <li ><a href="#">Sub cat 3</a></li> </ul> </li> </ul> ...

How can I upload and replace a Wordpress theme?

I just created my first Wordpress theme. I zipped it up and installed it on the server using the Wordpress 3.0.1 Administration Panel. That worked fine. But now I've made a few changes to my theme and I want to update it. I couldn't find an "upgrade" option for uploaded themes so I tried just uploading it again. This is what I got. I...

How to setup slideshow in obox press theme

I am completely new to wordpress and I have been tasked with building a site a theme called press from obox I was able to install and both wp and the theme but can't seem to figure out how to make the slide show like in the demo could anyone help me ...

Fixing my basic WordPress theme

Hi I have coded up a basic WPress theme to use on my chessblog but it has problems displaying the navbar and pages (and displays differently in IE & Firefox). I have asked for help on the forum at wordpress.org but have had no reply. This is starting to drive me nuts as I try to fix it but get no success. Can someone here please help me?...