
Path to WordPress Template Directory inside jQuery?

My header is calling a javascript file which sends out an email: <script type="text/javascript" src="<?php bloginfo('template_directory') ?>/css/effects.js"></script> But inside this file, I have a jQuery code that calls a .php file that does the actual sending of the email: $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: "css/sendmail.php", data:...

Wordpress Multilingual date

I am trying to set the date appear in the french way e.g "2 Mai" instead of "May 2" here is my code:' <?php // Get today's date in the right format //$todaysDate = date('M d'); $todaysDate = date('m/d/Y H:i:s'); ?> <?php query_posts('showposts=5&category_name=events&meta_key=Date&meta_compare=>=&meta_value='.$todays...

Wordpress throws 404 when I try to use a custom template page

I made a custom page template (for example, for About page), added Template Name inside the file and saved that. Then I tried to add a page in wp admin console using that template. It said that the page had been created successfully but when I try to open it in browser, it shows me 404 error. What did I do wrong? Thanks. I forgot to say...

Different sidebars for each Wordpress page

I'm making a Wordpress 2.9.2 theme, and I'd like each page to have its own sidebar than can be edited as easily as the page's content. It would be cumbersome to make a different template file for each sidebar. It would also be weird to add a "custom field" containing all the sidebar text, since I wouldn't be able to use the Visual/HTML e...

How to use walker to replace core function

I want to modify the way pages are listed in the navigation, particularly the function el_start from wp-includes/classes.php. I've first modified the classes.php directly and it worked fine butnow I want to revert classes.php and move the modification out of wordpress' internal files. I wrote a walker class that I want to use but I do...

Wordpress Admin Panel Code Input

I've got a wordpress admin panel for one of my themes and one of the boxes has an input for some code to drive google adsense. when I put the code into the box and call it with my php tags the code comes out like this: <script type="\&quot;text/javascript\&quot;"><!-- google_ad_client = \"pub-9295546347478163\"; /* Leaderboard 5...

Wordpress Hooks vs. includes?

This is somewhat a subjective question. Noticed themes like thematic and carrington use hooks to display their themes. Trying to figure out which works best for a more efficient workflow. Which seems more efficient at theming? Trying to weigh in the cons and pros of hooks vs. just including static files. ...

wordpress user roles : contributer can not delete his/here post item

Contributor can not delete/change his/her posted item after it has been published on wordpress blog. How can I do this? Ps: my purpose (read this to see the big picture) ...

wordpress filters documentation? Trying to understand add_filter()

I read over the documentation several times and have been having a hard time trying to figure out what is going on with the function. I'm more and more confused after looking at the documentation, looking over the source code as well. add_filter($tag, $hook, $priority, $args); it seems to me the new function extends the parent functio...

Add php element to custom page in Wordpress

I'm trying to customize a wordpress page to include an iframe which give the users a link to there download. We're using wordpress 2.9.2 with the Thesis theme 1.51. I've been trying to use thesis hooks but appears that the php is stripped from the output. Help? Suggested alternatives? Code from custom_functions.php: function add_ej...

Wordpress Login & Registeration System Like http://www.damnlag.com/

I came across http://www.damnlag.com/ yesterday and I have no idea how they have managed to build that kind of user sign up system using wordpress. how have they integrated the login form in the main website and how have they changed the look and fields of the registration form. Is it some plugin i'm not aware of? or have they messed ar...

How to attach multiple files to a Wordpress post?

I'm currently working on a project where we are using Wordpress 3.0 RC. The idea is to create custom post types with meta boxes to make the system easier to use for the client. Some of these posts need to have multiple files attached to them, and by attached I do not mean inserted to post but rather we'd like to keep them separate from t...

Is there a way of having Wordpress render `the_category()` items as an (x)html list?

I'm using the following to render the_tags() in Wordpress 2.9.2, currently developing a theme on localhost: <?php the_tags('<ul class="postmetadata"><li>','</li><li>','</li></ul>'); ?> and would like to have same -near-semantic- output from the_category(), which doesn't seem obviously attainable (having looked at the relevant codex pa...

Is there any good tutorials to convert HTML+ CSS to wordpress?

Is there any good tutorials to convert HTML+ CSS to Wordpress? not PSD 2 HTML? I mean if HTML CSS is available we just need to convert a XHTML CSS template to installable Wordpress 3.0 Theme? I'm not talking about PSD 2 HTML. For example this is free CSS template http://www.freecsstemplates.org/preview/regeneracy/ I just want to downloa...

Wordpress comments - perform simple math?

I have a Wordpress website in which one of the categories I've stripped the comments field down to basic whole numbers only. The logged in user can enter data on the post via the "comments" field, in basic simple whole numbers. Is there any way to take the MOST RECENT comment on all posts from that category (cat 1) and run basic math? ...

Wordpress Custom Posts

I'm having a serious problem with custom post types in Wordpress. I made a post type called "Sermons". I then add a meta box with some text fields and echo out the results onto the web page. But here's my problem. The first time when you add a "Sermon", it works fine and the meta box fields output correctly. However, when I try to edit o...

Paging not working in my wordpress installation

I recently started a blog site and wanted to give it a magazine look. I used Wordpress for my blog and used the Arthemia theme with it. I also changed the permalink structure to point to /%year%/%monthnum%/%day%/%postname%/ structure. Now the problem that i have is that the paging has stopped working on my home page. When i click on the ...

Using WordPress as a CMS

Hi, Hoping someone can assist but I am currently teaching myself WordPress and working on my own CMS site. My site will consist of approx 5 pages where the header/sidebar menu/footer will be seen on all these 5 pages. Newbie here and questions are as follows: All these 5 pages will consist of different content, for example, every p...

Add widgets to custom WordPress sidebars on theme activation?

I'm working on a WordPress 3.0 multi-site installation. Each new blog will use the same theme with slight modifications (a custom Thesis install, if it matters). I'm trying to automate the set-up process for each new blog as much as possible. To that end, I'd like to automatically add widgets to my custom sidebars and widget-enabled foo...

How do I change syntax highlighting CSS to a blog hosted on WordPress.com?

I've a blog hosted on WordPress.com, and i purchased the "Custom CSS" update to modify CSS. Now I want to change some CSS options of Syntax Highlighting provided by Wordpress.com. For example, i want that [code lang="C"] int main() { } [/code] will be displayed with a black background instead of standard white one. I've added in ...