
How do i get wp nonce value for my php libcurl script

I'd like to automate some administrative task for myself on my wpmu install. For example, I'm trying to write php curl script for logging in and adding a new blog. So i'm already logged in via curl and now i want to post form that's in wpmu-blogs.php but it has hidden wp nonce field. How do i get this value into variable? I checked sourc...

Upgrade Wordpress MU: Which files and folders should I keep? Incorrect documentation?

I think there is a mistake in the step-by-step documentation upgrading wpmu 2.6 to 2.7. Step 3 to step 8 seems redundent and partly incorrect. Which files and folders should I keep? What are the correct workflow? ...

How to make wordpress mu work with sqlite

Does this plugin works with wpmu? If not, what are alternatives for wpmu? ...

WordPress MU: Login from main page but not individual blogs

I recently upgraded to WPMU 2.8.6 and ever since, my users can't log in on their individual blogs, but they can log in from the main page. My site is at blogs.mtwp.net (we're a school district). So if a user goes to blogs.mtwp.net/BLOGNAME/wp-login.php, their password is rejected. If they go toblogs.mtwp.net/wp-login.php, they can log ...

How to call wordpress functions in custom php script

I have a Php script I want to use for creating a new blog in WPMU. I am having trouble calling wordpress functions like "wpmu_create_user" and "wpmu_create_blog". My hope is to get this script running as a cron job from command line and pick up new blog creation requests from an external db, create a new blog using the wordpress functi...

WordPressMU - get blog list, alphabetically sorted by blogname

In WordPress MU, I've tried writing my own query for this but can't seem to get all of the joins I really need. The result set I'm looking for would be something like: blog_id blog name blog path owner first name owner last name and return it all alphabetically, by blog name. The trouble I'm having is that the first and last name of t...

Solr non-rootEntity deltaQuery woes

I have a WordPress MU (WPMU) install that I am trying to index in Solr (1.4). The way the database is set up in WPMU is that there is a master blogs table that contains some information about each blog and the primary blog ID. This blog ID is then used to create/access the necessary database tables. ex: Blog ID = 3 -> wp_3_posts Blog I...

Weird Issues with WPMU I Can't Figure Out

I know I should post this on the WPMU forum, but no one writes me back and I'm just trying to find a larger audience hoping you have run into this issue as well. I have built a WPMU site for a client, and I am able to upload media into the Media Library and within a Post or Page perfectly. I thought my job was finished, yet the client c...

How to check whether your work on WP or WPMU ?

right now, i use global variable $table_prefix to differ whether i work on WP or WPMU. I need this global for my plugin. But is there any better way to check whether your pluggin is working on wp or wpmu ? any suggestion will be great ...

How should I create a global options in wordpress?

I am using WPMU but there are some options that the administrator should set and should take affect for every user of the website. Does wordpress have a place to store these global options? Can anyone point me to sample code? Thanks! ...

Automating Wordpress Development and Deployment

Has anyone ever worked on a WordPress project with multiple developers in different locations? Are there best practices around distributed development teams and automated deployments? I have a team of varying degrees of developers, including plugin developers, theme developers, and simple CSS style tweakers, in a few different locations...

how do I programically create a category in WordPress if it doesn't exist already?

Using a built in wordpress function (if available) how do I create a new category in wordpress if it doesn't exist. I'm using wp_insert_post to insert posts, but I want to be able to do custom categories. Thanks -Brad ...

Wordpress rewrite image path

I've got a website that is running WordPress. It has several pictures that I am retrieving from a datafeed. The images from the datafeed are at locations like: http://image4.example.com/640/examples/example.jpg http://image4.example.com/640/example.jpg The image4 and 640 locations can change. I want to rewrite the images to where th...

Changing Location of user Login in WP

i have a login form for my wp site, but when they type in the wrong user/pass it directs them to the WP login screen. any way i can change this without hacking WPMU core? ...

Wordpress MU 2.92 Test Suite Errors

I'm trying to run the WordPress test suite (http://svn.automattic.com/wordpress-tests/) against wordpress MU by running "php wp-test.php -v mu" on the command line, and I get a whole slew of errors related to database tables being missing: WordPress database error Table 'wordpress_test.wp_sitemeta' doesn't exist for query SELECT meta_va...

wordpress wp_list_categories problem

I need to make something like wp_list_categories that shows categories that are empty but only if they have children categories that have posts in them. Anyone have any ideas? Thanks ...

Wordpress and custom menu using wp_page_menu

I'm using the following code to add custom taxonomies to my menu in wordpress. I need to make these "sub" items under Products. Example right now they are showing up: Photography > Lighting Photography > Cameras I need them to show up as Products > Photography > Lighting Products > Photography > Cameras add_filter( 'wp_page_me...

Wordpress Theme Gallery Previewing W/ Individual Content

Many wordpress developer sites offer theme previews. Some just use a standard plugin that lets you toggle between themes, using the same content on each. But other, more professional sites like rockettheme.com, elegentthemes.com etc etc, actually have true previews with individual posts and settings specific for that theme. Is this ju...