I have two strings:
$string = shell_exec('reg.bat '.$arg); //returns word\0word\0word
$stringA = "$string";
$stringB = "word,other,word2,other2";
$array1 = explode('\0', $stringA);
$array2 = explode(',', $stringB);
$result = array_diff($array1, $array2);
I can use array_diff to find the differences, but the last word shows up as not i...
I'm helpless on regular expressions so please help me on this problem.
Basically I am downloading web pages and rss feeds and want to strip everything except plain words. No periods, commas, if, ands, and buts. Literally I have a list of the most common words used in English and I also want to strip those too but I think I know how to d...
Hi. I'm working on a relatively rudimentary project which requires using a text-to-speech engine to read the current time. PHP will allow me to output the current time in many ways. However, I need to output the time as words. For example, 13:00 should output as "one o'clock pm" and so forth. Another example, 01:23 should output as ...
Is there a way to get a random word from an online dictionary like dictionary.com, into a string for use in PHP. API's etc...
Impossible or not?
I am using both Daitch-Mokotoff soundexing and Damerau-Levenshtein to find out if a user entry and a value in the application are "the same".
Is Levenshtein distance supposed to be used as an absolute value? If I have a 20 letter word, a distance of 4 is not so bad. If the word has 4 letters...
What I am now doing is taking the distanc...
I have a List of items in my ViewModel. Every Item represents a Row in a DataGrid. Every Row has a column with a RichTextBox as cell editor. I am searching data in the database. The ResultViewModel has the search word And the index of the column + row in the datagrid where the searched word is located.
Now I need a method in th...
How to get all unique words from a webpage in an array? (without all attributes and javascript etc.)?
Could anybody help me with this?
Thanks for reading this. Hope you can help me.
When I have a Mysql table with these row values
id| search
1| butterflies
2| america
3| birds of america
4| america butterflies
how can I tell which rows have all the words in column 'search' occuring in the string "butterflies of america", regardless of the number or order of the...