
Does windows workflow 3 have a concept of working days?

Hi all, I'm looking at the possibility of using Windows Workflow 3.0 (or possibly version 4) for a future project. I've done a fair amount of spec/tutorial/white-paper reading but I can't seem to find any information on implementing a workflow that understands working week days/public holidays etc. These concepts are very common in live ...

How to setup WF 4.0 ?

Is WF 4.0 available for Visual Studio 2010 Express? I installed VS2010 Express and I am confused about how to setup WF 4.0 templates and create a project. Thank you for your help. ...

Workflow Service not calling workflow in another project

I have a windows workflow service 4.0 that calls a workflow located in another project (i.e. another assembly). I have created a project reference in my workflow service project to the workflow in the other assembly. I have set a breakpoint in the workflow service receive activity and this breakpoint is hit. Next I step into the next ...

Windows Workflow Foundation and IIS ApplicationPool recycle (particularly after editing Web.config)

I am involved in testing an ASP.NET MVC site that uses a WF service hosted as a separate site on the same IIS server. We currently use Log4Net to assist with diagnostics in Stage and Production, so sysadmins are regularly setting the logging levels from WARN to DEBUG and back again for brief periods in order to capture logs. I've notic...

How does the workflow engine receive the external event?

WorkflowRuntime workflowRuntime = new WorkflowRuntime(); ExternalDataExchangeService dataExchangeService; dataExchangeService = new ExternalDataExchangeService(); workflowRuntime.AddService(dataExchangeService); PaymentProcessingService paymentProcessing; paymentProcessing = new PaymentProcessingService(); dataExchangeService.Add...

RESTful Workflow Service Endpoints in WF4 / WCF

Folks, I'm building a pretty standard workflow that I want exposed via a WCF endpoint - I'm using the "WCF Service Application" project template and I've got a .xamlx service. This is a very simple document interchange workflow service - I want consumers to POST me a blob of XML as the body of an HTTP post (with HTTP headers containing...

Is Windows Workflow Foundation Designed for a scenario such as this?

I work on a payment system. When a user attempts to pay an invoice a method is called that returns a reason code as to why/why not the user must get approval before an invoice can be paid. As the complexity of the "rules" keeps growing as well as the reason codes it can return I need to shift to a solution that will be easier to modify/m...

Secure a WF4 Workflow Service with ADFS2/WIF ?

I have a .xamlx Workflow Service that I would like to secure so that it can only be called by clients that have obtained a token from my STS (ADFS v2.0). Normally this is very easy to do if you're using a "Web Site" project template, and you've added a .SVC service - the "Add STS Reference" wizard will find the service you want secured a...

Workflow Foundation for Scheduled Process

Is Workflow Foundation a good option for creating a scheduled process for a customer rebilling solution? The process needs to run daily and interact with a data layer as well as a web service. In the past, I have defaulted to using SSIS and either a Scheduled Task or SQL Server Agent job to handle the scheduling. Any input is appreciate...

Do WF and nServiceBus overlap? How? And which to use?

Is there any overlap between MS WF and NServiceBus, in terms of workflow specifically? Is there a need to use one if the other is already in use? How well do they play together? ...

CRM 4.0 workflow activity error message feedback to user

Is it possible to override the default error message in CRM 4.0 that occurs if a workflow fails? Is it recommended against doing so? This seems like the best spot for a remote, non-technical user to read a simple error message that any custom workflow activity has thrown. I would imagine the code extension point for this is overriding th...

Modeling business procces, which techniques are there?

I'm not sure if this is the right place to ask this question but here goes. I'm currently looking into some different techniques to model a business proces. I need to find a suitable option for my company which develops all kind of web applications. What i have found so far: UML, specificly the activity diagrams Flow charts Windows ...

Workflow Foundation - Conversion error of WF.Service1.Entity to WF.Service2.Entity

Hello, I'm trying at the moment to use WF to create a basic Workflow, and face a conversion problem. Here's the setup : Service 1 : Create objects based on a defined Data Contract Service 2 : Apply an operation on objects of type defined in service 1. Service 1 is imported as Service reference. I created a simple Workflow which impor...

How do I troubleshoot PipeExceptions and CommunicationExceptions in WCF?

I have an application consisting of several WCF services, some of which are implemented in Workflow Foundation (.NET 3.5), others just plain C#. These services communicate with each other over a netNamedPipeBinding for performance reasons. The trouble is that I'm seeing more and more CommunicationExceptions and underlying PipeExceptions ...

Not able to run the Windows Workflow Foundation sample HiringRequest

Hi, I am currently exploring the possibilities of WF. Now i downloaded some sample from here. I wanted to take a look at the hiring request sample applications which is also showed in one of the webcasts from When I start op the project and want to see how the HiringRequestProcess.xaml looks like I get errors. It's says ...

Workflow Foundation suitability

Hi, I need to build a workflow based solution and need some advice. First of all, there should be a canvas style editor where a user can create workflows. Then, they will be used in a form based workflow process, where the user answers questions and the system will guide them through the steps based on the workflow. There can also be ac...

Error 'TF215097:...Cannot create unknown type for...' custom CodeActivity

Hi all, I'm trying to create a CustomActivity to run after each successful build. I've followed the exact steps of several tutorials

How to handle user input in a workflow

Hi, I'm building a small workflow application to test out the abilties of WF. What i got so far: I can run the workflow and add the parameter that is used in the StartProcess operation. So the flow goes through the first decision and comes to either Invoice payment or Creditcard payment. The next part is my question: When the flow re...

When the schemas of database changed,how to use SqlWorkflowPersistenceService in WF?

Hi all For some reasons,the schemas of database is not dbo. When using SqlWorkflowPersistenceService in WF,there would be an error found "cannnot find Stored procedure 'RetrieveNonblockingInstanceStateIds'".But if I update the procedure from "XXX.RetrieveNonblockingInstanceStateIds" to "dbo.RetrieveNonblockingInstanceStateIds" there woul...

Exception escapes from workflow despite TryCatch activity

I have a workflow inside a Windows Service that is a loop that performs work periodically. The work is done inside a TryCatch activity. The Try property is a TransactionScope activity that wraps some custom activities that read and update a database. When the transaction fails, I would expect any exception that caused this to be caught b...