
Sharepoint Workflow: How do I get the "BeforeProperties" in a WorkflowItemChanged event handler

I've got a sharepoint workflow with a state where I'm waiting to see what changes the user makes to the list item the workflow is attached to. My state has a "OnWorkflowItemChanged" activity. On that activity I've bound the "AfterProperties" and "BeforeProperties" which created the following members in the code behind: public Hashta...

SharePoint 2007 x64 workflow with Visual Studio 2008?

I have development environment with 64-bit SharePoint 2007. I tried to create SharePoint workflow with Visual Studio 2008 and got error message "A 32-bit version of SharePoint Server is not installed. Please install a 32-bit version of SharePoint Server". Is there any way to solve this problem? ...

Configurable workflow engine for ASP.NET application

I want to use a user configurable workflow engine for an ASP.NET application. The workflow engine should provide a web based graphical designer for the end user and an API for integrating the workflow designed by the end user graphically. Does anyone have a suggestion for .Net based open source configurable workflow engines or a commerci...

Buisness Rule and Process Management?

After some searching in google and wikipedia, I still can not get a clear image about the "difference" between BRMS (Business Rule Management System) and BPM (Business process management)/workflow system. can those two concepts do the same thing from each other? (theoretically) A "rule" can be modeled as a "process" as well. isn't it? ...

SharePoint Approval Workflow

I have a custom content type in SharePoint which has an approval workflow associated with it. The content type contains several Choice Site Columns. There is now a requirement to change the values of the choice columns AND update the existing content to reflect the new values. Eg, Existing Choices: Choice 1 Choice 2 Choice 3 New Choic...

web based workflow solution

The main task is to work on documents which go through some specific workflow which is represented by a lucid graph (diagram). We need document versioning, different roles & permissions and most importantly we need to let the users create the workflow graphs (with all those guard conditions for transitions, mail notifications, calendar e...

Sharepoint OnWorkflowItemChanged before/after properties lists

I would like to use the OnWorkflowItemChanged event in a WSS 3.0 State machine workflow to check for changes made to the list item that kicked off a workflow. The properties of this event include before and after change properties and I can bind to the after properties with no problem and get a property set with the changed values of the...

i have to devlop a web-app using grails + workflow + java what is best way to integrate them ? is there a tutorial ?

i have to devlop a web-app using grails + workflow + java what is best way to integrate them ? is there a tutorial ? ...

Workflow Designer Unusably Slow. Is it the Xoml?

I've got a WF State Machine which I use to handle page navigation on a WPF Media Center App. It's got a half-dozen states which each have Initialization handlers and one or two EventDriven handlers. When you first make a StateMachine workflow using a VS template, you have the option of using a code-behind model, or a code-separate model...

Help me make an argument for why system build tools shouldn't automatically do SVN checkin

I'm trying to make a case against automated checkins to version control. My group at work has written some system build tools around CFEngine, and now they think these tools should automatically do checkins of things like SSH host keys. Now, as a programmer, my initial gut reaction is that nothing should be calling "svn up" and "svn ci"...

What are some alternatives to a Workflow Engine?

We are in the process of rewriting a large legacy system that makes extensive (mis)use of a workflow engine. Going forward, I'd like to consider alternatives to a workflow engine for the new application. One very interesting possibility is a Space-based architecture + Rules Engine. What other paradigms exist? I'll mention that this appl...

Update website with a single command (git push) instead of FTP drag and dropping

Situation: I have a local copy of a website I have a server that I have SSH access to What do I want to do? Commit locally until I'm happy with my code Make branches locally Have one master branch that is the one that should be pushed to the server Update the website using a single command (git push origin master) If I set up a g...

Which design pattern to do this?

I've got a process something like a workflow, assume it like this: Prepare Eat Take your stuff to bin Clean up the table Now what I want to do is even the user cancels the "Eat" event I want them to "Clean up the table" same goes for "Prepare" and "Take your stuff to bin" stages. Currently in my implementation I had to do several c...

MS Workflow Foundation inheritance and while activity

Hi, I have two questions. 1. Why is workflow class "SEALED" class? Is it a bad practice to inherit workflows? 2. The while activity is slow. IE.: I put 3 activities on a seqential wf in this order... Code_activity1 While_activity Code_activity2 (in the while activity) Code_activity1 - sets an int counter to 33320. While_activity ...

Compare object properties in Windows Workflow Foundation?

We are starting a rather complex new project at work, and need some sort of rules engine to make decisions by comparing the values of 2 objects. Here is a simple scenario: An account comes in, and based on its properties (balance, payment due, etc), it can fit into one or many different plans. Each plan will define a specific set of att...

Which Workflow Engine do you recommend?

I am kicking around the idea of using a workflow engine on this upcoming project. We know that there is a lot of caveats with using a workflow engine and we have a lot of development experience in many platforms so we would be willing to let the choice of workflow engine take precedence over our favorite toolset or developer IDE. We are...

Workflow Engine for .net

This is a multipart question: First, what is your personal opinion of WF? Second, are there any other good .net-based workflow engines? Some information about my usage: Using both static and dynamic workflows Integrate with Castle (monorail and windsor) Utilizing queuing via MSMQ We want a simple, clean, non-leviathan framework. GUI ...

Drupal: customizing the look of WorkFlow module

Workflow module adds a workflow box to Edit node screen. This box contains a list of available States for this node and also such extra-options as: " Schedule: Immediately Schedule for state change at: " I don't want to confuse users with abundance of options and want to remove the last two (date related). Where should I customi...

Workflow system

I've just started at a new communications company, and we're looking at a workflow / intranet system to manage jobs and processes. Basically, we receive data files from clients which we then process through our systems. Receive data file (FTP, Email, etc) Process data file (either generic script with data mapping to the file, or bespo...

ERROR: request not found in the TrackedRequests. We might be creating and closing webs on different threads.

This is an error I receive from Sharepoint when I deploy a custom workflow to a forms library. The workflow is very straightforward and doesn't do anything fancy. I was reading from the an infopath form, but have since stripped down all non-essential code to see if I can get it working. As far as I can tell, other workflows are fine (...