I'm trying to host the Workflow Designer in a WPF application. The WorkflowView control is hosted under a WindowsFormsHost control. I've managed to load workflows onto the designer which is successfully linked to a PropertyGrid, also hosted in another WindowsFormsHost.
WorkflowView workflowView = rootDesigner.GetView(ViewTechnol...
I'm on a team using Git right now, and we have a pretty good workflow. We have a central repository with two branches, dev and master. We create local branches to work on individual tasks. We merge into dev when they are ready. Then we merge to master when things are ready, and we tag all of our releases. If multiple developers need to c...
I am trying to implement an activity similar to InvokeWorkflow, which could dynamically load a XOML file, instantiate an activity tree from it, and use it as its only child.
This would be similar to InvokeWorkflow except that the activities which are dynamically loaded are inlined into the main workflow (which is better from a monitorin...
I'm working with a team that is developing a large CakePHP application. Here's how it works:
Our company creates HTML/CSS/JS page designs and commits them to our design server. The outsourcing company in India "downloads" those page designs and writes the PHP/AJAX code for them. Then they commit the completed code with the page designs...
Wondering if it is possible to have a version control of a MySQL database.
I realize this question has been asked before however the newest is almost a year ago, and at the rate things change...
The problem is coming that each developer has apache/MySQL/PHP on their own computers to which they sometimes edit the database. Its rather in...
Let's say I have a custom activity that has a dependency property of type GUID.
I want in my custom designer to show like a combobox (or my own usercontrol) with possible values to select from (the values should comes from the database).
Is this possible ?
We have developed a custom visual studio workflow for SharePoint MOSS. It creates tasks for a document approval process and works fine on our development machines. We are using a main workflow activity and one custom child activity. We use binding on the properties to pass them throughout the workflow, all standard stuff for windows work...
I have a problem with deciding about class responsibilities.
I have 3 html-forms:
For each form there is a html template containing some text and a marker for the form to be included
Each form needs to be validated, if there is an error the template and the form from (1) needs to redisplayed, together with some error messages. Only som...
I am trying to get my Windows State Machine workflow to communicate with end users. The general pattern I am trying to implement within a StateActivity is:
StateInitializationActivity: Send a message to user requesting an answer to a question (e.g. "Do you approve this document?"), together with the context for...
Is it possible to bind to the child activity values of the current item of the collection?
I know with code you can subscribe to ChildInitialized Event and init your child activity with the current InstanceData.
But my system supports only markup workflow, is this possible ?
Hi all,
I wish to create an workflow activity that has a dependancy property structure like this
Wait Period
At the moment the code below will show Setting with the Wait Period as an Integer, but now need to expand it out to 3 sub child properties for Days, Hours and Mins.
I understand i will have to cha...
I have a Person class with a name property.
I have a custom activity that have this Person object as a dependency property.
Now when I drop this custom activity into the workflow designer. I can see the Person in the property grid.
From the designer I'd like to be able to specify the name of the person.
Is this possible? Or the o...
I am trying to write a custom CompositeActivity using WF3.5. Something like a WhileActivity.
The problem is when I want to execute the child activity again (it previously succeeded with a final call to ActivityExecutionContext.CloseActivity()) I get an InvalidOperationException, with this message: "Activity status must be 'Initialized' ...
Is there any 'out of the box' feature in SharePoint to allow you to schedule a workflow?
It seems that the out of the box approve/reject buttons in SharePoint CMS try to direct you to an InfoPath form. We have implemented custom .aspx pages that we use for our workflow approval process and would like it to show these when a user clicks the buttons.
Currently we get an error that the formURN cannot be found.
Can I affect th...
Hi there,
i have another layout problem. I have a WorkflowElement which contains other Workflow Elements: one fixed subelement and on the right side a horizontal List of subelements
here goes my XAML Code:
<Grid Grid.Column="0" Name="defaultGrid" >
<Rectangle Grid.Column="0" Grid.Row="0" Width="2" HorizontalAlignment="Ce...
Hi all,
last week I changed the authentication in WSS from Windows to Forms. Now I have big problem with the workflows I created in SP Designer.
When I start the workflow manually, it fires, but when it should to do it automaticly (when new item is created) it fails.
Before they all worked fine. Had anyone the same problem after the s...
Is it possible to work on Windows Workflow project using Visual Studio express edition? if not is there any work around?
The error message is:
"An error occurred when the workflow was being created. Try to save the workflow again."
More info:
Running CRM 4.0, with service pack 6 installed. I was able to publish workflows, but the moment I placed a email step on the workflow it did not want to publish, with the above error message.
I have an issue with identifying return to application after it was left using Home click.
The main purpose of this is to define when do I have to display to user Type Password dialog.
So, let's imaging such workflow, User works in application and decides to see what's the weather tomorrow. The User clicks Home button and is trans...