
Zoom control to WPF Form

How can I implement a zoom control to my wpf forms similar to the one avaialble in the visual studio designer? thanks! ...

DataForm Control like in SL3 for WPF

Hi Im looking for a control like the DataForm which is new in Silverlight 3 for handling the whole binding and validation logic (declarativly with property attributes etc) for WPF. I always thout of SL as a subset of WPF but there seems to bee no DataForm control, at least not in the System.Windows.Controls namespace like in SL (I know...

MinWidth for ListView Column in WPF

Hi, How can i specify MinWidth for Listview column in WPF? Please reply.. Thanks Sharath ...

Slider On/Off Switch in WPF

Hi, I am looking for a WPF tutorial on creating a slide ON/OFF switch like on the iPhone. Here is an example (the "Send all traffic" option) https://secure-tunnel.com/support/software_setup/iphone/images/iphone_vpn_settings.jpg Any ideas? Cheers, Kevin. ...

Microsoft guidelines for creating WPF "gel" buttons

Anyone know where I can find the Microsoft guidelines for creating WPF gel-type buttons? I'm not sure if "gel" is the correct name for this effect but I have heard many people use the term. If MS doesn't have a guideline, do you have some other standards or guidelines for creating these buttons? ...

WPF Application - Visual Studio 2008 Toolbox Not Loading Correctly!

Hello, I'm pretty new to WPF however i've got a solid understanding of WindowsForms. When I create a new WinForms application in Visual Studio the Toolbox displays a huge list of different controls that can be used for developing the program. However, this is only the second time i've started to design stuff in WPF and the toolbox is l...

ScrollViewer around a WrapPanel: scroll buttons at top of window and no scroll bar

I've got a wrapPanel surounded by a ScrollViewer. The WrapPanel can hold 1-n images. When the number of images in the wrap panel is more than the ScrollViewer can show, the ScrollViewer shows its up/down scroll buttons. But the buttons are both at the top of the scroll bar, and I get no scroll bar. This is shows in the picture, highl...

Difference between Visibility.Collapsed and Visibility.Hidden

What are differences between Visibility.Collapsed and Visibility.Hidden in WPF? ...

[WPF] Control focus styling

Hey guys, in above image you would notice that, doted rectangle indicating ComboBox is focused But the problem is it exceeding the text area of ComboBox... how do I align it with text area WPF Style? Thanks ...

Width Adjustment of a Listview

I have a GroupBox inside it a DockPanel and it contain two listviews. There are 2 buttons, On each button click one listview will visible and other will collapse. But the listview will not adjust the width to make it fit inside the groupbox. How can I make the listview fit inside the groupbox? ...

Resize listview in WPF

Hi, How to resize listview when main window is resized? Sorry for editing. Want to set the minwidth for gridviewcolumn. So the listview column is set to the min width when page is resized. Is it possible? Thanks SD </GridViewColumn> ...

How to control the height of the FlowDocument Zoom Controls

In the following, the zoom controls end up being proportional to the FontSize set in the Expander control: <ScrollViewer> <StackPanel> <Expander MaxHeight="500" Margin="5" Padding="5" FontSize="40pt" Header="Test Header"> <FlowDocumentReader ViewingMode="Scroll" > <FlowDocument Foreground="Black" FontSize="18pt"> ...

Get HeaderClick event of a WPF listview.

How can I get the headerclick event of a WPF Listview? ...

DependencyPropert not set from XAML with DynamicResource as parameter

Hello, I'm trying to develop a custom tri-state button user control and so far I've been using CTF to set properties. But I would like to change this to be using the WPF property system with PropertiesDependencies. Unfortunately I don't manage to make it work, when I set the property from my xaml (father) using a DynamicResource, the...

How to find a resource in a UserControl from a DataTemplateSelector class in WPF?

I'm creating my own UserControl and I have two different DataTemplates under the UserControl.Resources section in my XAML. I want to choose between these two datatemplates depending on the value of a property on objects displayed in a listview. I do this by creating a custom DataTemplateSelector class and overriding the SelectTemplate me...

Selecting Treeviewitem in WPF

Hi, I have a search textbox to search the treeviewitem and select it. The child items in treeview are lazy loaded. I want to select the child times of a treeview passed in search textbox. how can i achieve this? Thanks Sharath ...

Refresh WPF UserControl via XAML

Hello! I'm using WPF within Visual Studio 2008. I have a simple WPF UserControl with the following code: public partial class UserControl1 : UserControl { public UserControl1() { InitializeComponent(); Composite = new Composite(); } protected override void OnRender(DrawingContext drawingContext) { ...

Get the item doubleclick event of listview.

How to get the item double click event of listview? ...

WPF ItemsControl: Where is my memory leak?

sample demo solution: http://cid-e8bbd1bbd58dbc88.skydrive.live.com/self.aspx/.Public/Stuff/GMapNET%20wpf%20leak%20test.zip image: Press END to add 1000 items and remove them. Any ideas where it is leaking memory? void MainWindow_PreviewKeyUp(object sender, System.Windows.Input.KeyEventArgs e) { if (e.Key == System.Windows.Input.K...

Make WPF textbox as cut, copy and paste restricted.

How can I make a WPF textbox cut, copy and paste restricted? ...