
How to Bind Slider's Thumbnail size change to its value

I would like to know how can I use xaml code without extantional code? I want to create a Slider, that its Thumbnail change its size while moving up or down the slider's value. We know that we can use C# Converter is there a way to do that using xaml only. Thanks. ScreenShot [URL=http://img69.imageshack.us/i/wpfbind.jpg/][IMG]http://...

WPF Toolkit - February 2010 Release

Hi All, I'm trying to install the new release of the WPFToolkit, no success... iv'e followed the instructions at codeplex - first uninstall the previous version and then install the new one, but still, after i reference the new version, i get to use the previous. Any ideas? ...

WPF Datagrid time field format hh:mm

I use a WPF Toolkit Datagrid with a LINQ to SQL <my:DataGrid AutoGenerateColumns="False" Name="dataGrid2"> <my:DataGrid.Columns> <my:DataGridTextColumn Header="Date" MinWidth="80" Binding="{Binding Date, StringFormat=d}" CanUserSort=...

Unable to add AutoCompleteBox to toolbox or handcrafting XAML

Hello, I'm trying to use the AutoCompleteBox control from the february release of WPFToolkit. I install the toolkit using the .msi file, add the assembly reference, and only two new controls appears in my toolbox: Calendar and Datepicker. I then tried to handcraft the XAML as shown in http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2338690/wpf-autoc...

WPF - Manipulating VisualState from an UserControl

Hi, I have two Visual States defined in my MainWindow's LayoutRoot Grid as following: <Grid x:Name="LayoutRoot" Background="#FF434343" ShowGridLines="True"> <Grid.RowDefinitions> <RowDefinition Height="100"/> <RowDefinition Height="*"/> </Grid.RowDefinitions> <VisualStateManager.CustomVisualStateManager> <ic:Exten...

WPF Toolkit Calendar takes two clicks to get focus

I am using the WPF Calendar that is part of the WPF Toolkit. I have two different calendars on a control. When I attempt to choose a date from one calendar and then from the second calendar, I have to click on the second calendar twice to get it to choose a date. Has anyone else had this issue and know of a solution? ...

WPF Datagrid Cell with Validation Error Style

Hi, I am trying to change the default style of a DataGridCell (within a WPF Toolkit DataGrid) when there is a validation error. The default is a red border. How can I put my own template? Thanks. ...

WPF DataGrid inside Accordion height issue

I am using the latest WPF Toolkit but am running into a height issue when I have a large record set bound into a datagrid inside an AccordionItem item. The height of the Accordion itself scales nicely but the datagrid inside the accordion control doesn't get get a scrollbar or get constrained in any way so the records are hidden. I know...

Why is WPFToolkit DataGrid so slow when binding?

I have a very simple test application where I have two objects, each with a small collection of items. when I select an object I display its collection in a WPFToolkit DataGrid. The problem is there is a noticeable delay, such that if you press up/down keys to toggle selection between objects you can see it can't keep up. Why is the pe...

Unknown Build Error using WPF Toolkit

I installed the Feb 2010 WPF Toolkit as I'm interested in evaluating the AutoCompleteBox control and I'm having extremely limited success. I can get the control to work, but as soon as I try and set any of it's properties in XAML, I get the following: Unknown build error, 'Cannot resolve dependency to assembly 'WPFToolkit, Version=3.5.4...

WPF Toolkit Pie Chart Fill Values

I Fill my Pie Chart with Data (form observablehas -> dict) but everytime the chart gets new data, the pie fades out and fades in. I want the pie slices to change like here: http://silverlight.net/content/samples/sl2/toolkitcontrolsamples/run/default.html if you choose "Pie Series" and then look at "dynamic data items". ...

wpf toolkit calendar, show selected date as today

How to do that? I would like the textbox in the datepicker to show today's date, not by hardcode, perhaps some binding needed? ...

How do I drag and drop between two datagrids in wpf?

For example, dragging a row from a datagrid table to another datagrid table? However the other datagrid table just present the row, it manipulates the data gathered and present it in its own way. I am using wpf toolkit... Can show me a sample example on this? Thanks. ...

WPF: How do I set the focus on a datagrid?

I would like to set the focus on the first row of a data grid. This is what I have so far: Keyboard.Focus(ResultsGrid) If result.Count > 0 Then ResultsGrid.SelectedIndex = 0 End If This will set the focus to the datagrid, but not the row itself. ...

How to see components in toolbox after adding a new reference?

In my project I add reference on the WPFToolkit assembly, restart Visual Studio and has not seen WPFToolkit components in my VS ToolBox window. What I do wrong? ...

WpfToolkit DataGrid does not work in Windows Phone 7


Binding IntervalType in WPFToolkit chart control

I am using the WPFToolkit to produce a ColumnSeries chart. I set the X-axis as a DateTimeAxes and I bind its IntervalType property with a value in my ViewModel class, but it doesn't work. I read about an identical issue here. Do you know if this problem was solved? Thank you. ...

How can/could/might you bind WPF DataGrid to a List of objects each with some values in a Dictionary<string,string>?

major edit of a tumbleweed, may remain a tumbleweed... If I have a list of Customers and the data for each Customer is contained in a Dictionary how can I bind the list to the DataGrid so that each string key is a column? Edit: N.B. I know it's not a nice way to design a Customer class. e.g. public class Customer{ public int Id...

Wpf tool kit datagrid DataGridCheckBoxColumn on_click event:

I want to get the selected rows, but selecteditems has only one row. I want get the all the checked item. I think I need to add event handler when the checkbox is clecked and then collect them all. How do I do this in a best way? ...

WPF Grid for creating tables

Hi, I'm looking for a type of grid control that would allow the user to enter values and save them to a database. The problem with DataGrid is such that if there are no data from the database already the grid is not visible. In my application, the user should see an empty grid and be able to fill it with his data and then save it. The ne...