
WPF Toolkit DataGridCell Style DataTrigger

I am trying to change the color of a cell to Yellow if the value has been updated in the DataGrid. My XAML: <toolkit:DataGrid x:Name="TheGrid" ItemsSource="{Binding}" IsReadOnly="False" CanUserAddRows="False" CanUserResizeRows="False" AutoGenerate...

Styling WPF Toolkit DataGrid Column Headers

Hi, I'm having an issue styling the WPF Datagrid, I've styled the column headers (of type ColumnHeader). But when the data in the columns does not fill the full width of the grid an additional column is added to pad out the grid. This column ignores the ColumnHeader style and looks out of place presumably because the element has a d...

WPFToolkit DataGrid: Combobox column does not update selectedvaluebinding immediately

I'm using WPF Toolkit DataGrid and DataGridComboBoxColumn. Everything works well, except that when selection change happens on the combobox, the selectedvaluebinding source is not updated immediately. This happens only when the combobox loses focus. Has anyone run into this issue and any suggestions solutions ? Here's the xaml for the ...

Unable to display data in a WPF datagrid that has a DataView instance as the items source

I am using a DataGrid object from the WPF toolkit. I am binding the DataGrid object to the default view of a DataTable instance as declared in the following code: WeatherGrid.ItemsSource = weatherDataTable.DefaultView; weatherDataTable has three columns. The first column is defined to contain a string data type. The other two colum...

Command parameter access in view model

Hi Everyone I am creating a user control in MVVM. I have a datagrid in my user control.When i click a button in the user control i want to pass the parameters as selected items in the datagrid. I have declared the two controls(datagrid and button in two different data template) now when i use command parameter for the button and specif...

Can I use Property Trigger to get selected items from WPFToolkit datagrid ?

Hi, I have a wpfToolkit-datagrid. Can I use a trigger for the following "IsSelected" property to update a selectedItems list in view-model ? < Style TargetType="tk:DataGridRow"> < Setter Property="IsSelected" Value="{Binding IsSelected, Mode=TwoWay}" /> < /Style> ...

WPF Toolkit Datagrid - Can I call a function in view-model, on selection of a row ?

Hi, I have a WPf Toolkit-datagrid..in my application which follows MVVM pattern. How I can call a function in view-model if user selects a particular row in datagrid ? ...

WPF Toolkit Datagrid - How I can implement Paging in MVVM pattern ?

Hi, I have a WPFToolkit Datagrid inside my user control. I am creating my user contrrol in mvvm pattern. How can I implement paging in datagrid? Is there any default paging mechanism or Do we have to go with custom paging ? ...

Sometimes my dropdowns/datepickers will stop functioning?

Q: Where should I check to track this down? Issue: Opening a view model in my application sometimes makes dropdowns/datepickers nonfunctional. ie. dropdown won't drop and the datepicker calendar won't come up I suspect a binding issue but don't see one. Dropdowns have normal things like strings, numbers. One drop has a list of mi...

WPF Toolkit Charting and IndependentValueBinding, IndependentValuePath

So I'm having a problem with the charting engine from the WPF toolkit. We haven't moved our data to a proper object model, so the ItemSource is backed with a DataView. First attempt <chartingToolkit:ScatterSeries x:Name="TargetSeries" DataPointStyle="{StaticResource TargetStyle}" ItemsSource="{Binding Path=TargetSeriesData}" ...

WPF Toolkit DataGrid - Finding only visible/currently viewable rows

I'm using the WPF Toolkit's DataGrid to display a set of search results. As per then scenario in my other question I want to be able to pre-fetch secondary results for each of my viewable (that is, within the visible scroll area) rows in the datagrid. I want to be able to: Query "viewable" rows Raise an event when rows become visible ...

How to add filter and paging to WpfToolkit datagrid

I want to add filter to columns in WPFToolkit datagrid. Is it possible to make it work like the ones in commercial grids (like in DevExpress's or Telerik's..)? Also a small second question about paging in datagrid..Do i need the one in the grid (i just want fast grid, so i thought about paging. Or maybe data virtualization there works ju...

Using a Datagrid as a Datagrid.RowDetailsTemplate

Hey Guys, I want to use a Datagrid as conten of another Datagrid's RowDetailsTemplate. It works nerarly perfect, but there is the problem, that the child Datagrid ColumnDefinition seems to have no effect. Here is my Code: <toolkit:DataGrid VerticalAlignment="Top" HorizontalAlignment="Stretch" AutoGenerate...

wpf toolkit (Feb 2010) datagrid with MVVM - style reveals name of view model on 'spare column'

Hi, I've just updated my app with the latest WPF toolkit and I've now got an issue with my styling. When I bind some data with, for example, two columns to the grid, the header in the spare area at the right shows the name of the ViewModel. So if I bind an IEnumerable with two columns the Grid Header looks like Column1, Column1, [Nam...

DataGrid SelectionChanged happens too often

Hey, Guys As I have a DataGrid as another DataGrid's RowDetailsTemplate, I've got a strage effekt. If I Change selection in my inner DataGrid, the SelectionChanged-Method in the outer Grid is automatically caled, too. I don't know why, but I would like to know, what I can do against this. Thx ...

Binding update adds news series to WPF Toolkit chart (instead of replacing/updating series)

I'm currently recoding a bar chart in my app to make use of the Chart class in the WPF Toolkit. Using MVVM, I'm binding the ItemsSource of a ColumnSeries in my chart to a property on my viewmodel. Here's the relevant XAML: <charting:Chart> <charting:ColumnSeries ItemsSource="{Binding ScoreDistribution.ClassScores}" ...

Having trouble entering time values with MaskedTextbox

I'm using the MaskedTextbox for .NET 3.5 SP1, from the WPF toolkit. I've got a MaskedTextbox on a WPF page, it fills fine from a SQL Server database, but when I tried to edit the value nothing at all happens. I can select anything, but typing over it, or pressing the delete key or anything else I can thing of, does nothing to the value...

How do you set the thickness of the horizontal gridlines in the WPF toolkit datagrid control ?

I am using the WPF toolkit datagrid to display some data and want to increase the thickness of the horizontal girdlines for each row, I would have thought this would be a simple thing to do but i can't find solution. ...

how to make changes to database in WPF?

Drag access database into designer xsd, toolkit:datagrid get datacontext from resources correctly show the table content through this binding. Press button in the button column, can show each row correctly. delete row and add row also work in datagrid however, when i press button column to add a new row or delete a row, there is no chan...

Reset value of WPF Tookkit datepicker to 'default' value

When I first open my window that uses the wpf toolkit datepicker it has today's date highlighted in the calendar but nothing in the associated textbox (expect a water mark of mm/dd/yyy). I want to reset the datepick to that initial state after a user selects a date and "submits" so when they use it again it not at the date they previous...