
WPF DataGrid with SelectionUnit=FullRow allows nagivation within the row. How to disable?

I configure the DataGrid <DataGrid SelectionMode="Single" SelectionUnit="FullRow" CanUserAddRows="False" CanUserDeleteRows="False" CanUserResizeRows="False" IsReadOnly="True" > When it's shown, full row does get highlighted and has a cell with selection border. User can press...

Hide legend of WPF Toolkit chart with more than one data series.

I am trying to use charts from the WPF Toolkit (with LineSeries) and I don't want a legend at all. I need this since I have 10 such charts each with data from a different source and I would like to draw one legend for all 10, to save screen real estate. By default the legend appears the moment you add a second LineSeries. Is there any...

Change margin around plot area and title in WPF Toolkit chart

I am using the Chart control of WPF Toolkit February 2010 release. The chart takes up lots of space relative to the plot area. How do I control the margin around the plot area and title of the chart. This way, I can arrange the 10 charts I need in a grid without having to use so much space on the screen. Thanks, sprite. ...

WPF: Problems with Command when put a ListView inside an Accordion using MVVM Light

Hi guys: I have this View: <Grid Margin="10,0,10,10"> <StackPanel> <wpftoolkit:Accordion Margin="4" HorizontalAlignment="Stretch" Name="accordionCB" ItemsSource="{Binding Path=ContentBlockCategories}" SelectionMode="ZeroOrMore"> <wpftoolkit:Accordion.ItemTemplate> <DataTemplate> ...

How to set the border for a WPF DataGrid Row which is currently having the focus

Hi, I want to set the border for a DataGrid Row which is currently having the focus. But not the seleced row because when the Multi selection is enabled for the datagrid then there is a chance that multiple rows can be selected. I need a solution in XAML Thanks in advance! ...

Two LineSeries with the same Y Axis in WPF Toolkit charts.

I want to do the following with the WPF toolkit charts: I have two line series that should use the same y axis (i.e I want them both to be on the same scale). I could give each of them the same axis definition so they would overlap (and then have one of them with collapsed visibility), but that is not my best choice. This is the solut...

Datagrid text alignment

I was wondering if anyone had an easy way to get the text in a WPF data grid to be center aligned. I got the data grid to work just fine, but the right text alignment bothered me. I goggled some, and downloaded the wpftoolkit, but the examples either do not work, or give me a compile error. I did add the reference to the wpftoolkit to my...

Creating Images in WPF without XAML and dispaying

I am trying to create a WPF Chart in c# code and saving it to file without displaying it on screen. This will be in a WCF Service where data is sent to the service, an image is created and and path to the image is returned. So far I have got the image to save to file and the data on the X & Y axis is displayed but the columns on the gra...

WPF Toolkit - Deactivate Chart Animation

When a new Chart is created and a Series (ColumnSeries for example) is added along with data the columns are rendered as a type of FadeIn animation and appear a split second after the Chart is drawn on screen. Is there anyway to stop this animation happening? Alternatively, is there anyway of forcing the chart to complete the animations...

WPF Toolkit Datagrid Headers and Empty Source...

Hi, How could I make the Datagrid display the headers in case there's no row to display? My Datagrid is "completely" read-only with: "AutoGenerateColumns ="True" "CanUserAddRows="False" "CanUserDeleteRows="False" "CanUserResizeRows="False" "IsReadOnly"="True" If there's no row, then the headers aren't displayed, if I add even an empt...

Locbaml error when using VisualStateManager in Framework 3.5

Hi, When I translated the Tester.WPF.resources.dll, I get an error. It's like the baml file have modified VisualStateGroup to an collection. I don't understand. The poject starts up without any problem in the default language, but if I change the culture, it crashes. I Rebuild it, still that error, even when a start from scratch. With th...

WPF - how to determine why this XAML style code is not working?

Any advice how to fault find to work out why the Grid.Resources styles in this XAML is not making any difference it seems to the end result? Note I'm using Charting from the WPFToolkit so to adjust how a chart looks it seems one has to apply the style areas (suggested by someone on the forum). So my question is generically, noting...

WPFToolkit Charting - How to remove markers or change marker size?

Hi, I can't quite see how to remove the markers in a WPFToolkit graph. I can see they are the ellipses in the XAML below, but I can't seem to successfully change any of the parameters to get the size of them to change, OR to remove them. Any ideas? Here is the XAML (which stills need the WPFToolkit) I've been using as a test. <Windo...

Styling WPF toolkit datagrid

I hope to find an answer on customizing Datagrid from WPF toolkit 2010. I'd like to add a TITLE area to be above DataGridColumnHeaderPresenter of the datagrid. The problem is that I want it to be as a user control or data template where I can populate the title from XML. I want to have unique titles for multiple datagrids on one page get...

unable to set focus to datepicker using attached property in wpf

Hi Experts, I have a custom datepicker with me and i am trying to set focus to this using attached property. I have the toolkit version 3.5.50211.1 which was released on Feb 2010. The focus is working fine when i do DatePicker.Focus(); in my code. My custom datepicker code is as follows: -- My DatePicker using System.Collections.Gene...

WPF - Creating a dynamic datagrid in xaml by datatemplate

I am trying to create a DataGrid by datatemplates. The reason is I want the columns to be dynamically created but all in xaml and not in code behind. I get a List based on which I want to create my grid columns in xaml. class GridColumnElement { public string HeaderCaption { get; set; } public string PropertyName { ...

Handling Checked differently depending on whether it's called from a mouse click or virtualization

I've got a WPF toolkit datagrid with virtualization turned on. Each row has a check box bound to a bool in the underlying model. The check boxes (in addition to the data binding) also have Checked and Unchecked handlers (!) to allow checking multiple items at once if you've click one with multiple lines selected. Here's the xaml: <Con...

Does WPF DatePicker allow you to specify a time zone?

I'm using the WPF Toolkit's DatePicker to select a date. We would like to set DateTime that we get after selecting a date to be at the end of the selected date. Since we are converting the to UTC time we need to be able to specify the user's time zone. Since the tool is running on our machine's we cannot use the current machine's loca...

WPF Tookit, DataBinding of a Chart in DataGrid DetailRow

Hello, I try to create a DetailRow in a WPF Toolkit DataGrid. In this DetailRow I would like to show a ColumnChart. For the DataBinding, I created a ObservableCollection with the following members: int counter; string text; double dvalue1; double dvalue2; double dvalue3; string imagePath; bool loadImage; ObservableCollection<Chart3Deta...

Changing the string format of the WPF DatePicker

I need to change the string format of the DatePickerTextBox in the WPF Toolkit DatePicker, to use hyphens instead of slashes for the seperators. Is there a way to override this default culture or the display string format? 01-01-2010 ...