
Qt4 Wrapper results in Segmentation fault(s)

I'm currently writing a set of wrapper functions of Qt4 for an application as plugin (because I personally think that writing extensions in plain C is easier to accomplish). At first I though this could be done by simply abstracting the following: #include <QApplication> #include <QPushButton> int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { QA...

Wrapping a C++ DLL with a managed class.

Hi! I'm trying to wrap a unmanaged C++ DLL with managed C++ and I keep getting linking errors. even though I include my library.lib in the project and include the correct header file. This is the managed class: #pragma once #include "..\Terminal\Terminal.h" public ref class ManagedTerminal { private: Terminal * m_unTerminal; pu...

Wiki Wrapper for Android Apps?

Hi everyone. I was wondering something - a lot of apps for Android (and iPhone) are basically just wikis with specific information in them, so is there some general Wiki Wrapper out there somewhere that can be used to create an info/guide app? It's not entirely necessary but it would be nice! Thanks SE ...

Class wrapper design question

I want to wrap part of the TinyXML library in some custom classes in my project because I only need some of its functionality and I do not wish to expose everything. I have a problem where my XMLDocument::AddNode(...) function is basically doing the same thing that my XMLNode class is meant for. I wondered if anyone could give me som...

C++ SQL Queries/SQL Wrapped for C++?

Just more a general question I can't seem to find a definite answer on. But what is a good SQL wrapper for C++ that allows me to call queries? I'm used to Oracle, but i've used MYSQL before aswell. And how would you call something such as an insert statement (for example) in one? ...

Windows API Wrapper for .Net?

Windows API So i know that the WinForms touches on the Windows API a little, but frankly its horrible. ESPECIALLY with the layered windows and flickering. So i was wondering if anyone has wrote partial, or full wrappers for the Windows API.Im particularly interested in the Layered Window aspect, but really any part of the API is a goo...

java application as a Windows Service using C#

I would like to wrap a java application as a Windows Service using C#. I can do it easily using the Process class and calling Process.Start("java.exe", "args"), but doing this way I have 2 process, my service wrapper and the java process. I'm looking to fully wrap the java application, including the java process. Does anybody here has d...

how to remove the margin below a textarea inside a div wrapper (webkit)

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> </head> <body> <div style="background-color:#f09;"> <textarea></textarea> </div> </body> </html> Result in Chrome: Result in FF: ...

WebKit .NET Proxy Settings

Hi guys, I currently have a browser project which will allows users to select a proxy server. I'm using WebKit .NET by the way. However, when I tried changing my proxy settings in Internet Explorer(Registry), it doesn't seem to recognize the new settings. My other browsers seem to acknowledge the proxy, even safari. Anyone here tried ...

Managed C++ Wrapper for Unmanaged Static Library with static variables hangs

The explanation of the problem is a little long-winded, please bear with me. I have an unmanaged C++ static library that is used for financial application. It has business day conventions, swap conventions, bond conventions, etc. Most of the conventions rely on static global variables, which are initialized on first use. The library als...

Class Hierarchy - ADT Hierarchy ~ Object, Ownership, container, wrapper, iterator, visitor,

I took a data structures class at a community college and transferred over to a university into a software engineering program. The data structures class i took covered. Queue,stack combined with circular arrays, hash tables and trees. My friend is currently taking data structures at the university i transferred to. They are teaching him...

locate extended attributes

Is there a simple way to write a kind of wrapper script or patch for updatedb (or locate) such that locate can find user defined extended attributes (tags) (suppose in an ext3 filesystem, mounted with user_xattr option), too? ...

String error in my python api wrapper class

I'm writing an API wrapper to a couple of different web services. I have a method that has an article url, and I want to extract text from it using alchemyapi. def extractText(self): #All Extract Text Methods ---------------------------------------------------------// #Extract page text from a web URL (ignoring navigation links...