
Is there a solid .Net wrapper for the Managed Wifi Win32 API?

Hi -- Has anyone developed (either as open source or as a reasonably-priced commercial offering) a .Net implementation of the Win32 Native Wifi API? Or does anyone here know of such a thing? I've done about an hour and a half of spelunking on Google, MSDN, pinvoke.net and here, and haven't found anything. If I've missed something ...

Flickr Gallery API wrapper for Python?

Is there currently a Flickr API wrapper for Python which includes working with galleries? I'm aware of these two wrappers, but neither of them seems to support galleries: http://stuvel.eu/projects/flickrapi http://code.google.com/p/flickrpy/ Is there some wrapper hidden away in the dark corners of the internet or would I have to wri...

iPhoneOS: using detachNewThreadSelector method inside a C++ class method

Hello guys, I have a C++ class method where i need to call the "detachNewThreadSelector" method with all the parameters. Here lies the problem, as my class is not objective C i don't have a self pointer. Also i don't see how i will be able to call a class method from the method that i will set as selector. Please do ask if my question is...

java: Integer equals vs. ==

As of java 1.5, you can pretty much interchange Integer with int in many situations. However, I found a potential defect in my code that surprised me a bit. The following code: Integer cdiCt = ...; Integer cdsCt = ...; ... if (cdiCt != null && cdsCt != null && cdiCt != cdsCt) mismatch = true; appeared to be incorrectly setting m...

How to correctly implement CKEditor v3 into ASP.net?

I'm not so much into JavaScript, so I'm not able to use the new CKEditor right away. Until now I was using the FCKEditor ASP.net wrapper, which works fine for me. Unfortunatly the official wrapper is not for version 3. I've googled http://syrinxckeditor.codeplex.com/ but the project is over a year old and seems like a beta to me. Is th...

Patents - Passing the Nonobvious test: When is a language API/Wrapper worthy of a patent?

I've made this library virtually allowing porting of features of one software language into several others. Obviously, it rides on several past inventions: the library's underlying language, the method/system for allowing different languages to communicate with each other, and possibly others. But what this library does is allow this o...

What exactly does comparing Integers with == do?

EDIT: OK, OK, I misread. I'm not comparing an int to an Integer. Duly noted. My SCJP book says: When == is used to compare a primitive to a wrapper, the wrapper will be unwrapped and the comparison will be primitive to primitive. So you'd think this code would print true: Integer i1 = 1; //if this were int it'd be corre...

C# wrapper design for DLL with P/Invoke

I need an opinion on writing a managed (C#) wrapper for an unmanaged C++ DLL. Let's say I have an object like this: public class ManagedObject { public void DoSomethingWithTheObject() { } } and suppose that the DoSomethingWithTheObject() method has to make a call to the unmanaged DLL method. Now there are two acceptable poss...

How should I name database wrapper object?

For my CMS application I'm writing a DLL that I will include into my projects. That DLL will include funtionality like retrieving all news for a specific project. For instance, my database contains a table called News. By using the Entity Framework 4 I have a automatic generated class called News. I do not want my DLL methods return thi...

What would be the best way to wrap up this void pointer?

Alright, I have library I wrote in C that reads a file and provides access to its' data. The data is typed, so I'm using void pointer and a few accessor functions: typedef struct nbt_tag { nbt_type type; /* Type of the value */ char *name; /* tag name */ void *value; /* value to be casted to the corresponding type */ ...

(Relatively) Size-Safe Wrapped STL Container in C++

Bear with me because I'm self taught in C++ and am spending my limited extra time on the job to try to learn more about it (I'm a chemical engineering researcher by day). I have a pretty simple objective: 1. Make a size-safe container to store a long list of floats. 2. Make a specialized version of that container that acts as a matri...

Is there such design pattern? How to call it?

I have such design: public interface MyInterface { public abstract List<Sth> getSth(); } public class MyConcreteImplementation implements MyInterface { private ConcreteSth mSth = new ConcreteSth(); public List<Sth> getSth(){ return mSth.getSth(additionalParams); } } Purpose of code above is to provide unifie...

How to SELECT whole table with OTL, and save it to file?

Here is the problem, I dont know how many attributes or which type are the attributes in table and I need simple select statment like: SELECT * FROM TABLE1; to write down to file. And this need to be done with otlv4 wrapper. Please help. otl_stream i(50, // buffer size "select * from test_tab where f1>=:f<int> and f1...

Confused on TDD wrappers/adapters

Hi, I'm new to the TDD scene and trying to isolate my tests is having me go around in circles. I have an app I am trying to write that uses OpenXML so it has a mass of objects that it depends on to work from an external framework. I thought it would be a good idea to have wrappers around these objects so I was isolated from them in ca...

EMGU library OPENCV problem with native memroy management - does really work with mono?!

Hi to everyone, we are working in a project involving the use of EMGU and in particoular the SVM functions of OpenCV and we have a problem using Mono on a Ubuntu platform and we don't have this problem on windows. The problem appears when we call the Emgu.CV.ML.SVM.Train method. All the parameters are correct and we canno't debug the wra...

Wrap an IEnumerable and catch exceptions

I've got a bunch of classes that can Process() objects, and return their own objects: public override IEnumerable<T> Process(IEnumerable<T> incoming) { ... } I want to write a processor class that can wrap one of these processors, and log any uncaught exceptions that the wrapped Process() method might throw. My first idea was somethi...

Python - making decorators with optional arguments

from functools import wraps def foo_register(method_name=None): """Does stuff.""" def decorator(method): if method_name is None: method.gw_method = method.__name__ else: method.gw_method = method_name @wraps(method) def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): method(*args, **...

need good sql library for php

hello, SO need library like crystal (crystal-project.net). at this time i use crystal, but this library not really for me at the moment (bad join and table prefix support, don't have function for get rows count). i don't need in ORM or abstraction library. i just need good mysql wrapper with chain method support (->order_by('-id')->li...

php - unset $this

I've made a class that acts like an file wrapper. When user call delete method, i want to unset the object (actually $this). Is there a way (workaround) to do that? The manual said no, there is no way... ...

Why my custom control referencing a .NET wrapper cannot be designed?

Why I get the following error in the Visual Studio (2010) designer if a try to load the Form1 that hosts my custom control at design-time? Could not find type 'myCustomControl'. Please make sure that the assembly that contains this type is referenced. If this type is a part of your development project, make sure that the project h...