
Window Wrapper Class C++ (G++)

Hi all, I am attempting to learn about creating windows in c++, I have looked at an article about creating a wrapper class but I don't really understand it. So far I know that you can't have a class method WndProc (I dont know why) but honestly, that is all. Can somebody give an explanation, also explaining the reinterpret_cast? Here is ...

What to throw in a C++ class wrapping a C library ?

I have to create a set of wrapping C++ classes around an existing C library. For many objects of the C library, the construction is done by calling something like britney_spears* create_britney_spears() and the opposite function void free_britney_spears(britney_spears* brit). If the allocation of a britney_spears fails, create_britney_...

HDF5 .Net wrapper

I'm getting ( http://www.hdfgroup.org/projects/hdf.net/) The specified module could not be found. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x8007007E) from the dependency walker i'm seeing that SZLIBDLL.DLL is missing i tried to download it from random place but then i got another error. Does any one had that problem? i tried also vs2005 and ...

c# wrapper for a c DLL

I'm attempting to write a wrapper so that my C# application can use a DLL written in C. Here is a method defintion that i'm trying to wrap: void methodA(const uint32_t *data); //c header declaration The issue I'm having is trying to figure out how to give a equivalent pointer from c#. In c# I want it to operate on a: UInt32 data[] ...

how to use ByteArrayOutputStream and DataOutputStream simultaneously (Java)

Hi! I'm having quite a problem here, and I think it is because I don't understand very much how I should use the API provided by Java. I need to write an int and a byte[] into a byte[] I thought of using a DataOutputStream to solve the data writing with writeInt(int i) and write(byte[] b), and to be able to put that into a byte array, ...

Using a php://memory wrapper causes errors...

I'm trying to extend the PHP mailer class from Worx by adding a method which allows me to add attachments using string data rather than path to the file. I came up with something like this: public function addAttachmentString($string, $name='', $encoding = 'base64', $type = 'application/octet-stream') { $path = 'php://memory/' . md5(...

C#.Net Calling a C++ DLL

Hi I got a DLL(without the sourcecode) which exports like this: ?ReceiveCoreDataPtr@@YAXPAX@Z ?xenoAddRigidBodyAngularImpulse@@YAXHMMM@Z ?xenoAddRigidBodyForce@@YAXHMMM@Z ?xenoAddRigidBodyForce@@YAXHMMMMMM@Z ?xenoAddRigidBodyLinearImpulse@@YAXHMMM@Z ?xenoAddRigidBodyPointImpulse@@YAXHMMMMMM@Z ?xenoAddRigidBodyTorque@@YAXHMMM@Z ?xenoCha...

How can I build a wrapper to wait for listening on a port?

Hi, I am looking for a way of programmatically testing a script written with the asyncore Python module. My test consists of launching the script in question -- if a TCP listen socket is opened, the test passes. Otherwise, if the script dies before getting to that point, the test fails. The purpose of this is knowing if a nightly build...

Silverlight 4.0 : How to acces to the strings of the ApplicationStrings file through the ResourceWrapper in a business application?

Hi everyone, I want to acces to the strings of the ApplicationStrings file through the ResourceWrapper like this : String loginlabel = ( (ResourceWrapper) App.Current.Resources["ResourceWrapper"] ).ApplicationStrings.LoginLabel; in order to get the good string according to the current culture (language) but it doesn't work at all. A...

jquery xml appending issue - in ie, chrome browsers

Hi, i am using this coding for my xml information to append in to html. As well it works fine. but in the ie7,ie8 as well chrome browser it's not propelry. This code work9ing well with firefox,opera, safari.. i unable to find, what is the mistake i made this.. any one help me please? $(function(){ var thisPage; var parentPage; $(...

Circular references when I create my own Unity wrapper

Hi, I've just started an MVC 2.0 solution using Unity 2.0. I thought it would be a good idea to create my Unity Container with all the RegisterType calls within a separate assembly to allow me to reuse it throughout my Unit Tests. However, I quickly realised I'd end up with circular references regardless of unit testing. My MVC appli...

CKEDITOR Define Editable Area

I'm using CKEDITOR to update the body content of various pages on a website. While I have applied the existing stylesheets via config.contentsCss, I need to wrap the editable area in some HTML like: <div id="contentWrapper"> <div id="content"> [EDITABLE CONTENT] </div> </div> Additionally, I need for only [EDITABLE CONTENT...

SVNKit like wrapper for C or C++

Before I start building one myself; Is there a wrapper for C or C++ which does the same thing as SVNKit? ...

uninitialized constant on class from ruby gem

Hello, I am trying to implement a gem called stanfordparser which can be found here: http://stanfordparser.rubyforge.org/ It is a ruby wrapper for a java natural language parser I am developing in netbeans using ruby on rails / jruby on a windows 7 machine. My web app works fine otherwise, but when I try to add the parser wrapper it br...

SOA WCF class design for collections of objects, or "has-a" object situations.

We are designing an object model from scratch for an application that will expose data via WCF. We are wondering about how to handle the case where objects that have a collection of objects within them. For example, a contact object with a collection of address objects. contact - list<address> Should we have a wrapper object, somethi...

Is it TOS friendly for me to create a .NET wrapper for Google Translate?

I'd like to make a free open source library that will let .NET developers easily translate text using Googles free service. Of course I can do it, but I'm not sure that it's TOS friendly. Anyone shed some light? Is it kosher for me to do this? ...

Logging wrapper - log4j

I have a requirement to do a wrapper interface so that you can switch between different kind of logging mechanisms without changing the code. So I have my own info(String message) method inside a Wrapper class, like: public void info( Object message ) { if ( isInfoEnabled() ) { logger.info( message ); ...

How to encode some frames into Key frame + dependable frames?

How to encode some frames into Key frame + dependable frames? From C#, using some thing like FFMPEG or its wrapper or sending data from my app using pipe to FFMPEG...? So I create RGB (or I can provide BGR etc) frames - 100 for example. from them I want to create some H264 or onVP8 peace of video data. Is it possible, how to do it? ...

Is there any WebM libvpx .Net wrapper?

Is there any WebM libvpx .Net wrapper to encode for example video created frame by frame from your C# code? (I know that in theory it can be done using DS filters but I do not want to mess with it..) ...

How to intercept every AJAX request from a webpage

I need the way to intercept all ajax requests maded from page. So i need some wrapper to add my data to all users requests. ...