
Python, ROOT, and MINUIT integration?

I'm a modest graduate student in a high energy particle physics department. With an unfounded distaste for C/C++ and a founded love of python, I have resorted to python for my data analysis so far (just the easy stuff) and am about to attempt backing python scripts against ROOT libraries and, particularly, utilize MINUIT for some paramet...

Boxing, what's your preference and which do you think is faster?

In short, I think boxing is an annoyance. Let's look at some alternatives... public class Box<T> where T : struct { public T Value { get; set; } public static implicit operator T(Box<T> box) { return box.Value; } } System.Int32 derives from abstract class System.ValueType which derives from class System.O...

How to prevent Vim indenting wrapped text in parentheses

This has bugged me for a long time, and try as I might I can't find a way round it. When I'm editing text (specifically latex, but that doesn't matter) files, I want it to auto-wrap at 80 columns. It does this, except if I happen to be in the middle of a parenthetical clause, it indents the text which is very annoying. For example, this...

C to Python via SWIG: can't get void** parameters to hold their value

I have a C interface that looks like this (simplified): extern bool Operation(void ** ppData); extern float GetFieldValue(void* pData); extern void Cleanup(p); which is used as follows: void * p = NULL; float theAnswer = 0.0f; if (Operation(&p)) { theAnswer = GetFieldValue(p); Cleanup(p); } You'll note that Operation() alloca...

JS/jQuery: How can I automatically wrap <a href> tags around <img />s with the href being dynamic based on the img src?

Hello. Heads up: I am quite new to Javascript and have so far only written very basic scripts based on jQuery. I am a quick study though.. What I am after is a way to: 1) identify tags 2) read the img tags 3) wrap the tag with an <a href> tag with a dynamic link based on the src of the img. Example: <img src="../../img_T/Cultur...

How can I auto-fill a paragraph in Eclipse?

I would like to auto-fill a paragraph to 80 characters (or some other fixed width) in Eclipse. Is this possible via a keyboard command like in Emacs? Or is there maybe a plugin (I did not find anything on google)? Edit: I am not sure if this is relevant, but I need this for docstrings in Python code (using the PyDev plugin). ...

Is it a best practice to wrap arrays and their length variable in a struct in C?

Hi, I will begin to use C for an Operating Systems course soon and I'm reading up on best practices on using C so that headaches are reduced later on. This has always been one my first questions regarding arrays as they are easy to screw up. Is it a common practice out there to bundle an array and its associated variable containing...

Text Wrapping in Gedit

Is is possible in Gedit (The GNOME text editor) to indent a wrapped line of text? For Example: if (x > y) { System.out.println("ABCDEFGHIJ KLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"); } instead of: if (x > y) { System.out.println("ABCDEFGHIJ KLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"); } ...

How do I use Haskell's FFI on structs?

I have created the following C library for reading an image: typedef struct { unsigned int height; unsigned int width; unsigned char* red; //length=height*width unsigned char* green; unsigned char* blue; } Contents; Contents readJPEGFile(const char* inFilename); I can't really find any info using arrays and struc...

Elgently ignoring netscape.javascript.JSException during development

Hello, Eclipse allows you debug applets using sun.applet.AppletViewer. It will actually start the applet, run it and emulate complete browser runtime. If you have javascript manipulation code in your applet this will cause JSException because the present context is not a real JS enabled engine. How would you solve this issue? I can see...

How to use 2 C libs that export the same function names

Duplicate of the following question: C function conflict Hi, in my current project I have to use some kind of interface lib. The function names are given by this interface, what this functions do is developers choice. As far as I can tell a project shall use this functions and when it comes to compiling you choose the lib and with it ...

Clean, efficient algorithm for wrapping integers in C++

/** * Returns a number between kLowerBound and kUpperBound * e.g.: Wrap(-1, 0, 4); // Returns 4 * e.g.: Wrap(5, 0, 4); // Returns 0 */ int Wrap(int const kX, int const kLowerBound, int const kUpperBound) { // Suggest an implementation? } ...

Pitfalls of using shell scripts to wrap a program?

Lets pretend I have a program that needs an environment set. Let's just pretend its Perl and I want to modify the environment (to search for libraries a special spot). Every time I mess with the the standard way to do things in UNIX I pay a heavy price and I pay a penalty in flexibility. I know that by using a simple shell script I wi...

going left: unrestricted / wrapping mouse tracking? in Flash?

So, I'm shooting up dudes in [3D Game], and I can keep dragging my mouse to turn left round and round. Is this possible in Flash? Or have I misunderstood how the mouse is handled within [operating system] and then passed to the Flash Player? ...

How to wrap text of html button with fixed width

I just noticed that if you give a html button a fixed width, the text inside the button is never wrapped. I've tried it with word-wrap, but that cuts of the word even though there are spaces available to wrap on. How can I make the text of an html button with a fixed width wrap like any tablecell would? <td class="category_column"> ...

Why don't Java Wrapper Classes have no-arg constructors?

What is the rationale of not providing no-arg constructors in Wrapper Classes? I know that they were inherently built for Wrapping primitive types, so the right way is to provide a primitive type for constructors. But considering primitive types have no-arg constructor, why don't they have one? Besides, if they had no-arg constructors,...

When you write TeX source, how do you use your editor's word wrap?

Do you use "hard wrapping" (either yourself or automatically by your editor) by inserting newlines into your source document at a certain line length, or do you write your paragraphs in one continual line and let your editor "soft-wrap" for you? Also, what editor do you use for this? Note: I'm interested in how you wrap lines in your T...

How to pass pointer to an array in Python for a wrapped C++ function

I am new to C++/Python mixed language programming and do not have much idea about Python/C API. I just started using Boost.Python to wrap a C++ library for Python. I am stuck at wrapping a function that takes pointer to an array as an argument. Following (2nd ctor) is its prototype in C++. class AAF{ AAF(AAF_TYPE t); AAF(double v0, ...

How to wrap uninterrupted text in Latex?

Hello, I need to insert text like this in my Latex document: ((((tetrameristaceae,pellicieraceae),marcgraviaceae),balsaminaceae),(fouquieriaceae,polemoniaceae,sladeniaceae,(ternstroemia,adinandra)pentaphylacaceae,(schima,gordonia)theaceae,(lissocarpa,diospyros)ebenaceae,symplocaceae,(maesaceae,(theophrastaceae,(primulaceae,(myrsine,ard...

sIFR is scaling text down instead of wrapping text

Hello, I inherited a site that uses sIFR 2.0.7 and for reasons beyond my control upgrading to sIFR3 is unlikely. I have a div with text that is successfully being replaced with sIFR. The text is fairly large and should wrap to the next line, but instead it is scaled down by sIFR. Without sIFR it wraps correctly. I've searched both t...