
Blackberry ListField Text Wrapping - only two lines.

Within my ListField, I want to be able to take any given long String, and just be able to wrap the first line within the width of the screen, and just take the remaining string and display it below and ellipsis the rest. Right now, this is what I'm using to detect wrapping within my draw paint call: int totalWidth = 0; int charWidth = 0...

How to use Emacs to write comments with proper indentation, line-length, and wrapping?

I'm tired of writing comments that look like this { # bla bla blabla bla blabla bla blabla # bla bla blabla bla blabla bla blabla bla blabla bla blabla bla bla # blaaa bla } I have to manually wrap the lines and take care of the # as well. How do emacs pros make the editor work for them? ...

Wrapping a pure virtual method with arguments using Boost::Python.

I'm currently trying to expose a c++ Interface (pure virtual class) to Python using Boost::Python. The c++ interface is: Agent.hpp #include "Tab.hpp" class Agent { virtual void start(const Tab& t) = 0; virtual void stop() = 0; }; And, by reading the "official" tutorial, I managed to write and build the next Python wrapper: A...

make one cell or div shrink to give room for others

I have a line of cells (or divs): cell1 cell2 cell3 cell4 I want cell1 cell2 and cell4 to always show all their data (but also to shrink to fit), and if there is not enough room on the line, i want cell2 to clip its data in order to prevent a wrapping of the line. I also would like cell4 to align to the right of the row. cell1 c...

IE8 duplicates text in wrapping <pre> tags

I have a webpage where I put a text into a "pre" tag that is inside a "div" that resizes with the window size. If the "div" is so small that the text in the "pre" overflows horizontally, I want the text to wrap at a word break. Here is the html that demonstrates the problem: <html> <head> <script type='text/javascript' src='http://ajax...

What is the Python code to split up a string so that it prints out normally in an 80-character window without wrapping?

When I run my program (which decrypts a paragraph from a certain document), I have: W E T H E P E O P L E O F T H E U N I T E D S T A T E S I N O R D E R T O F O R M A M O R E P E R F E C T U N I O N E S T A B L I S H J U S T I C E I N S U R E D O M E S T I C T R A N Q U I L I T Y P R O V I D E F O R T H E C O M M O N D E F E N S E P R ...

Retrieving a resource file from an exe

I'm wrapping files with Visual C++ 2008, I've figured out how to embed them but I can't figure out how to retrieve them. I have some C++ experience, but none with Win32 or Visual C++. The goal of the wrapping is to run some code, and then if everything okay it can run the embedded file. I'm wrapping many different files, so code reuse...

Fire event on Word-Wrap

Hi All Is there some way to find out when the text gets wrapped (WordWrap) inside a RichTextBox? I've dug around quite a bit but haven't found anything so far, will keep looking though... The reason I'm looking into this is because I need an event to fire whenever the RichTextBox wraps the text at the end of the line. Thank you all ...

Android - Wrapping a complete line, not just words

Hi all, Am currently writing an App for Android and in one of the layouts I have a users name and beside it a couple of tags. If both the users name and the tags are short enough, they fit neatly into one line. However, when either of the two are longer I want the name to stay fixed to the left, and the tags to drop to a line below an...

Patterns for wrapping a command line tool in another language

I'm currently writing some Java to wrap around an extensive command line tool. It feels like I'm writing a lot of similar code. I'm wondering if there are any established patterns for wrapping command line tools - passing arguments and handling output and so on. Specific examples in Java would obviously be great, but any general sugges...

Silverlight 3 - Control over wrapping in TextBox

Hey! Ok I have the following problem in Silverlight. I have a control with 2 columns. On the left is a stack panel with line numbers and on the right is a textBox. So when I write in textBox without wrapping turned on I can simply create the right count of numbers on the left, because I'm searching for '\r' in text. But when I turn ...

Sourcing a script file in bash before starting an executable

Hi, I'm trying to write a bash script that "wraps" whatever the user wants to invoke (and its parameters) sourcing a fixed file just before actually invoking it. To clarify: I have a "ConfigureMyEnvironment.bash" script that must be sourced before starting certain executables, so I'd like to have a "LaunchInMyEnvironment.bash" script th...

Wrapping a pure virtual method with multiple arguments with Boost.Python

Hello, I followed the "official" tutorial and others but still don't manage to expose this pure virtual method (getPeptide) : ms_mascotresults.hpp class ms_mascotresults { public: ms_mascotresults(ms_mascotresfile &resfile, const unsigned int flags, double ...

Boost Python : How to only expose the constructor of a class with virtual (pure & impure) methods

Hello, I'm a newbie with Boost::Python but I tried to search on the web to do so I want to expose a 3rd party library to Python. One of the class of the library (.hpp) is composed of a public constructor with arguments a protected constructor and functions various regular functions various pure virtual functions various non pure virt...

Can I force automatic wrapping in BorderLayout

I was wondering if it is possible to force components in BorderLayout to wrap like they do in FlowLayout. ...

How do you word wrap a RichTextField for Blackberry

I've been trying to modify a rich text field to display correctly in its half of the horizontal field. The goal is this: --------------------------- | address is | ***********| | very long | ** IMAGE **| | state, zip | ***********| --------------------------- Where address is a single string separate from the city and zip. I am modif...

JList with JScrollPane and prototype cell value wraps element names (replaces with dots instead of showing horizontal scrollbar), why?

I've got a Jlist inside a JScrollPane and I've set a prototype value so that it doesn't have to calculate the width for big lists, but just uses this default width. Now, the problem is that the Jlist is for some reason replacing the end of an element with dots (...) so that a horizontal scrollbar will never be shown. How do I disable w...

ReSharper wrapping test result stacktraces?

ReSharper 4.5's test runner will run MSTest tests out of the box, and that's what I'm doing. When a test fails, I click on the test to see the stacktrace and the failure reason. The pane I'm clicking in to do this is the "Unit Test Sessions" pane. The lower half of this pane (or the right half, if you have it configured that way) show...

jQueryUI Tabs: how to keep them on a single line?

Hi all, Maybe my question is wired: is there a way to prevent jQueryUI tabs from floating if browser window is too small? Explanation: I have a simple horizontal tab using CSS only. The content is floating but not the tabs. Important: there is no width set manually, the current width is taken automatically. Here is the code: <!DOCTYPE...

How to wrap category labels in JfreeChart

I have Stacked Bar Chart created using JFreeChart. The labels of the category are quite big and they overlap with the label of the next Bar. I would like to wrap it to the next line. I did some searching and found that i have to use the below code. setMaximumCategoryLabelLines(2) in the CategoryAxis and still it doesn't wrap ...