
Detect row selection in wxGrid

I would like to be warned when user selects the whole row in a wxGrid but I do not see an event that handles this.What is the best way to do it? ...

What's the state-of-the-art in Python programming in Windows?

I'm looking to set up my development environment at home for writing Windows applications in Python. For my first piece, I'm writing a simple, forms-based application that stores data input as XML (and can read that information back.) I do want to set up the tools I'd use professionally, though, having already done a round of didactic p...

Flexible 'em' style Fonts with wxPython

Im looking for a way to present a flexible font, that will increase and decrease in size according to to the size of the screen resolution. I want to be able to do this without the HTML window class. Is there a way? I thought I've done quite a bit of googling without success. EDIT This seems a good question, I changed the title to r...

Opening a wx.Frame in Python via a new thread

I have a frame that exists as a start up screen for the user to make a selection before the main program starts. After the user makes a selection I need the screen to stay up as a sort of splash screen until the main program finishes loading in back. I've done this by creating an application and starting a thread: class App(wx.App): ...

How do you force refresh of a wx.Panel?

Hi All, I am trying to modify the controls of a Panel, have it update, then continue on with code execution. The problem seems to be that the Panel is waiting for Idle before it will refresh itself. I've tried refresh of course as well as GetSizer().Layout() and even sent a resize event to the frame using the SendSizeEvent() method, b...

wxPython gauge problem (skipping)

Pastebin link: http://pastebin.com/f40ae1bcf The problem: I made a wx.Gauge, with the range of 50. Then a function that updates Gauge's value when the program is idle. When the gauge is filled by around 50% it empties and doesn't show anything for a while. The value is actually 50 when it does this, and I think that when the value is 50...

wxPython TextCtrl transform to UPPERCASE

I was looking for a way to transform text entered into the textctrl field to uppercase. I tried using a validator and transforming the value of the key event object to the uppercase letter char value using 'ord' however I could not find any 'set' methods. I may be able to access the event class variable directly as class variables in p...

Non-editable text box in wxPython

How to create a non-editable text box with no cursor in wxPython to dump text in? ...

Speed up image display

Hello, I am using the PIL (python image library) to crop a very large image and present the cropped area to the interface. The problem Im having is that the process is taking too long. When the user clicks on the image to crop it, the image takes quite a long time to show up on the sizer I attach it to. I tried doing this two ways: ...

System standard sound in Python

How play standard system sounds from a Python script? I'm writing a GUI program in wxPython that needs to beep on events to attract user's attention, maybe there are functions in wxPython I can utilize? ...

Changing height of an object in wxPython

How to change only hight of an object in wxPython, leaving its width automatic? In my case it's a TextCtrl. How to make the height of the window available for change and lock the width? ...

wxPython - Running built in event prior to custom bound event

I'm trying to figure out how I can specify that the mouse_down event in wxPython (StyledTextCtrl) is first handled by the built in event listener, which changes the caret position, and then handled by my own custom event handler. To bind the custom event handler I use wx.EVT_LEFT_DOWN(self.styCtrl, self.OnMouseClick) def OnMouseClick(s...

wxPython: wx.CallLater being very late

In my wxPython app I have an EVT_IDLE handler that calls some function that has to be called once every 150 milliseconds or so. After calling the function, the handler calls: wx.CallLater(150,self._clear_idle_block_and_do) That _clear_idle_block_and_do function basically posts another EVT_IDLE event, continuing the cycle. Now I'm not...

wxPython: Items in BoxSizer don't expand horizontally, only vertically.

I have several buttons in various sizers and they expand in the way that I want them to. However, when I add the parent to a new wx.BoxSizer that is used to add a border around all the elements in the frame, the sizer that has been added functions correctly vertically, but not horizontally. The following code demonstrates the problem: ...

scrollbar for statictext in wxpython?

Hi... is possible to add a scrollbar to a statictext in wxpython? the thing is that i'm creating this statictext: self.staticText1 = wx.StaticText(id=wxID_FRAME1STATICTEXT1,label=u'some text here',name='staticText1', parent=self.panel1, pos=wx.Point(16, 96), size=wx.Size(408, 216),style=wx.ST_NO_AUTORESIZE | wx.THICK_FRAME | w...

wxwidgets/wxPython: Resizing a wxFrame while keeping aspect ratio.

I have a wx.Frame that has only a single child. While setting up the child's wx.Sizer, I can use the wx.SHAPED flag, which keeps the aspect ratio of the child locked. However, the Frame still has complete freedom in it's aspect ratio, and will leave a blank space in the area that is left unused by the child. How can I lock the aspect ra...

Handling events in wxPython

How to pass an argument to an event handler in wxPython? Here's my code: def close_handler(event): baz(foo) ... foo = 'bar' frame.Bind(wx.EVT_CLOSE, close_handler) How to pass foo to close_handler() function? ...

Getting rid of Python console in wxPython under Windows

How to get rid of the console that shows up as standard output when running wxPython programs in Windows? ...

Showing a .png image in a window in wxPython

How to show a .png image in a window in wxPython? ...

Is it possible to use Panda3D inside a wxPython app?

I'm developing a wxPython application. Will it be possible to embed a 3D animation controlled by Panda3D inside the gui? Bonus question: Do you think that Panda3D is the best choice? (My interest is physical simulations, and no, I don't need an engine that supports Physics, my program is responsible for calculating the physics, I just n...