
wxPython: Making a fixed-height panel

I have a wx.Frame, in which I have a vertical BoxSizer with two items, a TextCtrl and a custom widget. I want the custom widget to have a fixed pixel height, while the TextCtrl will expand normally to fill the window. What should I do? ...

Python/wxPython: Doing work continuously in the background

I'm making a program for running simulations in Python, with a wxPython interface. In the program, you can create a simulation, and the program renders (=calculates) it for you. Rendering can be very time-consuming sometimes. When the user starts a simulation, and defines an initial state, I want the program to render the simulation con...

How to draw a transparent frame in wxpython

UPDATE I completely rephrased the question I want to create a window with round corners, that's also semi-transparent. I managed to make a frame semi-transparent by calling the SetTransparent( alpha ) method, however, I still don't know how to make the window have no background. I tried to get the device context (dc) of the window and...

wxPython: Calling an event manually

How can I call a specific event manually from my own code? ...

How do I use the wx.lib.docview package?

I'm currently working on a simple wxPython app that's essentially document based. So far I've been manually implementing the usual open/save/undo/redo etc etc stuff. It occurred to me that wxPython must have something to help me out and after a bit of searching revealed the docview package. At this point though I'm just not quite sure...

Programmatically generate video or animated GIF in Python?

I have a series of images that I want to create a video from. Ideally I could specify a frame duration for each frame but a fixed frame rate would be fine too. I'm doing this in wxPython, so I can render to a wxDC or I can save the images to files, like PNG. Is there a Python library that will allow me to create either a video (AVI, M...

wxAuiNotebook - preventing certain tabs from closing

I'm experimenting with wx.aui.AuiNotebook; is there a way I can prevent particular tabs from being closed? i.e. I have an app that allows the user to create multiple tabs in an AuiNotebook, but the first 2 tabs are system managed and I don't want them to be closed. Also, in a close event, can I get the window object attached to the tab ...

HTML e-mail viewer in wxPython

Hi all, I have a wxPython application that sends multipart emails with HTML and embedded images. As part of the sending process every email gets stored away as-is (RFC822 format) for future reference.. My question is: what would you recommend to show these emails from the application itself? (Xubuntu 8.10) ...

wxPython: Using EVT_IDLE

I defined an handler for EVT_IDLE that does a certain background task for me. (That task is to take completed work from a few processes and integrate it into some object, making a visible change in the GUI.) The problem is that when the user is not moving the mouse or doing anything, EVT_IDLE doesn't get called more than once. I would l...

wxPython crashes under Vista

I am following the Getting Started guide for wxPython. But unfortunately the first 'Hello World' example crashes. The dialog window shows just fine, but as soon as I move my mouse over the window a "pythonw.exe has stopped working" Windows message appears. I use: Python 2.6.2 wxPython2.8-win32-unicode- Vista (latest SP an...

How do I get the dimensions of the view (not obstructed by scrollbars) in a wx.ScrolledWindow?

Is there an easy way to do this? Alternatively, if I could get the width of the scrollbars, I could just use the dimensions of the ScrolledWindow and subtract them out myself... ...

wxWidgets: how to change caret style in StyledTextCtrl (sending a command to scintilla)

wxWidgets has wxStyledTextCtrl which (as I understand) uses Scintilla behind the scenes I don't know much about Scintilla API, but I kinda have the idea that you issue commands to it. In particular, I want to make the cursor have a block style, I found in Notepad++ the following snippet: execute(SCI_SETCARETSTYLE, CARETSTYLE_BLOCK) ...

Nice IDE for wxPython or Tkinter GUI Development

I've had a little experience developing small command-line apps with Python, I want to move on to developing GUI's with Python, from all the GUI frameworks for Python the ones I feel most inclined to are wxPython and Tkinter but I don't want to code all the GUI by myself at this time. Is there any good GUI IDE for any of this frameworks...

How to debug wxpython applications?

I'm trying wxpython for the first time. I've wrote a GUI for a python program and when I run it, it produces some error in the GUI, but the GUI disappears very quickly, quickly enough for me to be unable to read the error info. Is there any log that I can check for the error message? (I'm running Mac OS X) or any other way? Thanks in a...

using threads and pyGST in a wx python app

OK, so I am writing an app, which plays music with the pyGST bindings. This requires the use of threads to handle playback. The bindings library handles most of the thread control for me, which is nice(and what I was looking for in them). Now, I don't have a full grasp on this concept, so I would be eager for some references. But the w...

WxPython: FoldPanelBar not really folding.

I've written the following code using FoldPanelBar: import wx import wx.lib.agw.foldpanelbar as fpb class frame(wx.Frame): def __init__(self,*args,**kwargs): wx.Frame.__init__(self,*args,**kwargs) self.text_ctrl_1=wx.TextCtrl(self,-1,style=wx.TE_MULTILINE) self.fpb=fpb.FoldPanelBar(self,-1, style=fpb.FPB_HO...

wxPython: A foldable panel widget

I have my main program window, and I would like to make a foldable panel. What I mean is, a panel which is aligned to one of the sides of the window, with a fold/unfold button. It's important that when the panel gets folded/unfolded, the other widgets change their size accordingly to take advantage of the space they have. How do I do th...

WxPython: Cross-Platform Way to Conform Ok/Cancel Button Order

I'm learning wxPython so most of the libraries and classes are new to me. I'm creating a Preferences dialog class but don't know the best way to make sure the OK/Cancel (or Save/Close) buttons are in the correct order for the platform. This program is intended to run both on GNOME and Windows, so I want to make sure that the buttons are...

App dock icon in wxPython

In wxPython on Mac OS X is it possible to display a custom icon when an application is launched. Right now when I launch the app I wrote, a blank white icon is displayed in the dock. How would I go about changing it? ...

wxpython ogl package drag event.

Hello! I'm testing the ogl package in wxpython. I want to drag a shape. And when I do drag it, I want a second shape to move at the same time. The problem is that I have not found a move/drag event. Only pre and post move events. The only solution I can think of is to hide the second shape, and redraw it at the new position when the d...