
Wxwidget Grid

Hi. I posted this in the mailing list, but the reply I got wasn't too clear, so maybe I'll have better luck here. I currently have a grid with data in it. I would like to know if there is a way to give each generated row an ID, or at least, associate each row with an object. It may make it more clear if I clarify what i'm doing. It is ...

How can I handle a mouseMiddleDrag event in PythonCard?

I would like to use the middle mouse button to drag an image in an application written in Python and using PythonCard/wxPython for the GUI. The latest version of PythonCard only implements a "left mouse button drag" event and I am trying to modify PythonCard to handle a "middle mouse button drag" as well. Here is the relevant code from...

WxPython differences between Windows and Linux

The tutorials I've found on WxPython all use examples from Linux, but there seem to be differences in some details. For example, in Windows a Panel behind the widgets is mandatory to show the background properly. Additionally, some examples that look fine in the tutorials don't work in my computer. So, do you know what important differ...

Wx.choice doesn't work in ubuntu

I speak only spanish, i will try to write in my poor english, sorry. I'm learning wx.Python and i write a small example in Windows XP and run perfect, but the same code in ubuntu Jaunty don't work well. The fonts of wx.Choice appear desfased and the options are barely visible, when you chosee one, the Label is always empty. hxxp://ric...

wxPython won't close Frame with a parent who is a window handle

I have a program in Python that gets a window handle via COM from another program (think of the Python program as an addin) I set this window to be the main Python frame's parent so that if the other program minimizes, the python frame will too. The problem is when I go to exit, and try to close or destroy the main frame, the frame.clos...

Why are my GenBitmapToggleButtons killing my tooltips?

I've encountered some weird behavior I was wondering if anyone has seen/has an answer to. I want to use a wx GenBitmapToggleButton on my application (running on a Linux system with Ubuntu 8.04), but the button seems to be killing my tooltips. When I use the GenBitmapToggleButton the tooltips (all over the GUI, on all buttons and all pan...

Embedding a 3-D editor (such as Blender) in a wxPython application

Is it possible to embed a 3-D editor inside my wxPython application? (I'm thinking Blender, but other suggestions are welcome.) My application opens a wxPython window, and I want to have a 3-D editor inside of it. Of course, I want my program and the 3-D editor to interact with each other. Possible? How? ...

In wx.Python, how would I get the window handle (hwnd) to my frame and set its style?

How can I get a handle to my current window in wx.Python (hWnd) and set it's style to WS_EX_NOPARENTNOTIFY, or can I set this when I initialize the frame? This question is a result from an answer here ...

Prevent a timer from updating a text box if the key cursor is in the box

Is it possible to check if a TextCtrl is under keyboard focus (blinking cursor in text box) without defining a handler for EVT_SET_FOCUS? I just want to do a quick boolean check to prevent a wx.Timer from overwriting the text box if the user is writing something in the box. ...

Error running tutorial that came along wxPython2.8 Docs and Demos

I tried the following example code from the tutorial that came along "wxPython2.8 Docs and Demos" package. import wx from frame import Frame class App(wx.App): """Application class.""" def OnInit(self): self.frame = Frame() self.frame.Show() self.SetTopWindow(self.frame) return True def main()...

What is the proper way to compute the fully expanded width of wx.TreeCtrl

The preferred size of the wx.TreeCtrl seems to be the minimum size into which all elements will fit when the tree is completely collapsed. Is there a good (ie cross-platform compatible) way to compute the width of the tree with everything expanded? My current solution is this: def max_width(self): dc = wx.ScreenDC() dc.SetFont...

Instance methods called in a separate thread than the instantiation thread

I'm trying to wrap my head around what is happening in this recipe, because I'm planning on implementing a wx/twisted app similar to this (ie. wx and twisted running in separate threads). I understand that both twisted and wx event-loops need to be accessed in a thread-safe manner (ie. reactor.callFromThread, wx.PostEvent, etc). What I...

wxPython on KDE 4.2: popping window on top of the screen and hiding back

I want my window to be invisible most of the time, but get to top of the screen on hotkey and hide again if the user switches to another application. In my hotkey handler I use self.Show() self.Raise() self.Iconize(False) and in my activate message handler self.Hide() self.Iconize(True) but the window pops up on top of the...

select GUI on windows (wxPy vs pyQt)

Hello! We are plan to create an application for monitoring and configuring our service (which is running on remote server). After long time discuss, we decide for python as pl for our app, because we love and know python (better, than english, really). but we don't know, what GUI toolkit preffered for our aims. We need fast (for develop...

Best way to get the name of a button that called an event?

In the following code (inspired by this snippet), I use a single event handler buttonClick to change the title of the window. Currently, I need to evaluate if the Id of the event corresponds to the Id of the button. If I decide to add 50 buttons instead of 2, this method could become cumbersome. Is there a better way to do this? import ...

PythonCard - Can I launch a CustomDialog Stand Alone?

I have a CustomDialog I made to let the user configure settings. Normally I want this to be launched from a menu item within the main application which works fine. But during the install, I want to launch just the dialog to let the user configure the settings. Is there a way I can have both? ...

How to use standard toolbar icons with WxPython?

I'm designing a simple text editor using WxPython, and I want to put the platform's native icons in the toolbar. It seems that the only way to make toolbars is with custom images, which are not good for portability. Is there some kind of (e.g.) GetSaveIcon()? ...

wxPython: how to create a bash shell window?

I want to create a popup window using wxPython that acts like a bash shell. I don't want a terminal emulator, I don't need job control, I just want a REPL (Read, Eval, Print Loop) based on a bash process. Is there an easy way to do that with wxPython? I know the basic concept from my days as a tcl/tk programmer but my wxPython fu is we...

How to tell a panel that it is being resized when using wx.aui

I'm using wx.aui to build my user interface. I'm defining a class that inherits from wx.Panel and I need to change the content of that panel when its window pane is resized. I'm using code very similar to the code below (which is a modified version of sample code found here). My question is: is there a wx.Panel method being called behi...

wxProgressDialog like behaviour for a wxDialog

I want to create modal dialog but which shouldn't behave in a modal way i.e. control flow should continue if i do dlg = wx.Dialog(parent) dlg.ShowModal() print "xxx" dlg.Destroy() "xxx" will not get printed, but in case of progress dialog dlg = wx.ProgressDialog.__init__(self,title, title, parent=parent, style=wx.PD_APP_MODAL)...