
how to force lostfocus when button is clicked

XAML C# not WEB page is a Window at the click of a button I : 1) need to trap the name of the last control onfocus 2) would like to Force the lost focus event of the control. TIA ...

Create a repeat symbol in XAML / WPF

Hello, I need to create a repeat symbol in XAML / WPF (procedural code would be ok too, though I'd prefer XAML if possible), something like the following, but I just need the not finished circle with the arrow (the white drawing in the button): http://www.vista-style-icons.com/libs/phone/repeat.htm I know how to create a circle in XAM...

link for XAML WPF documentation which describes elements/attributes

I'm after a link to online Microsoft reference doco for the XAML elements/attributes that are used in WPF XAML? thanks ...

WPF - how to change XAML and get an immediate view of the affect in VS2010 without compiling/running?

Is there a way to get an immediate feedback/view of the impact of changing XAML in a WPF application? i.e. without having to recompile/run? In VS2010. In particular I ask this as I'm using the Charting from the WPF Toolkit library, and I'd like to be able to see the change in the UI I make after changing various charting sytles et...

ElementName vs. FindVisualAncestor

How does the XAML engine search for Binding.ElementName vs RelativeSource.AncestorType. It would take a huge different when I am searching for a parent Window or Page (that x:Name was set in it), if the ElementName searches up (meaning starting from near current element up the tree levels children, then it's better to use the AncestorTy...

Add multiple event handlers for one event in XAML?

Hello, in procedural code in can do the following: // Add two event handler for the button click event button1.Click += new RoutedEventHandler(button1_Click_1); button1.Click += new RoutedEventHandler(button1_Click_2); But how can I add multiple event handlers for the button's click event in XAML? Thanks for any hint! ...

Adding Time information in XAML

Hi All, I am tracking my website using Google Analytics and I have events corresponding to button clicks. I want the Time information also as to which button was clicked first and which came next. For this I was thinking of adding a time information in the Value field of my track action for the button. Is there anyway I can get the cur...

WPF, XML databinding into dependent/cascading ComboBoxes

I have an XML file with the following structure: <Products> <Product name="MyProduct1"> <Components> <Component name="MyComponent1"> <SubComponents> <SubComponent name="MySubComponent1"/> <SubComponent name="MySubComponent2"/> ...more SubComponent nodes... </SubComponents> ...

WPF, using XPath in XAML with XmlDataProvider to select nodes based on selected value in ComboBox

This question ties to my previous question but is more specific. Say I have two ComboBoxes, one populated with product names, the other empty. When a product is chosen, I want the second ComboBox to be filled with data related to that product. I have XML like the following: <Products> <Product name="MyProduct1"> <Componen...

String Localisation Problem in Silverlight Application

I have an odd problem in silverlight. I use the following XAML to bind the content of a label to a double property in my viewmodel. Content="{Binding FeePeriodActual, Mode=OneWay,StringFormat=\{0:c\}}" However, the display string always shows the $ Dollar Currency symbol rather than the the £. This is the same on the production serv...

Import many pages from a xap file in Html

I'm starting at silverlight and I tried to import two pages(.xaml) from a .xap file in one HTML. ...

How do you scroll a xaml grid when viewable area is less than minHeight?

I tried placing a XAML Grid inside of a ScrollViewer, but the grid automatically resizes with the content. When I add 50 items to ListA, the vertical scroller shows up. If I set the VerticalScrollBarVisibility="Disabled" then the Grid displays as it should. What I'd really like is for the ScrollViewer to be disabled unless the width fall...

combining resources in xaml

I have a window that is composed of several UserControls, three of which are DataGrids. It looks like this: <DockPanel LastChildFill="True"> <local:MainRibbon DockPanel.Dock="Top" .../> <local:LeaveTimeActivityGrid ... /> <local:AdminActivityGrid ... /> <local:TotalsFooter ... /> <local:ProjectActivityGrid ... />...

Using MEF and XAML together

MEF is a great framework. I can just put a dll into given directory and when host composition goes the DLL code will run. The question is if it is possible to create objects and use interfaces from XAML description, not from DLLs, in the case? ...

How can i access Dynamic objects from code behind to .xaml file ?

Hi friends, I am new to wpf.I want to apply animations for r1,r2,r3,r4,e1,e2. I have to access these object names in my .xaml file for writing storyboards so that i can apply animations.How can i acces these object names in .xaml file? Can you send me sample applicationsfor how to create dynamic objects and how to access it into .xaml fo...

WPF, calling method with parameters in XAML's class

I have an ObjectDataProvider in my XAML that references a method in my Window-deriving class. That is, I have NewForm.xaml.cs with class NewForm and the ObjectDataProvider in NewForm.xaml is referencing a method in NewForm. Currently, with the following XAML, I get a stack overflow error because the NewForm constructor keeps getting ca...


I am currently having an issue using the FocusBehavior.InitialFocusControl. The focus works fine with the Data Grid that is in the Content of the HCC but the button in the HeaderedContentControl.Header does not lose focus when pressed. When you click anywhere else it will lose focus but it does not follow the GlowFadeIn/GlowFadeOut tha...

How can I use SnapToDevicePixels and StrokeDashArray

Hello, I have the following XAML code: <Path Data="M0,0 L 12 0 L 12 12 L 0 12 Z M 6 0 L 6 12 M 0 6 L 12 6" StrokeDashArray="1 1" Stroke="Black" StrokeThickness="1" SnapsToDevicePixels='True"> </Path> However it looks horribly fuzzy on my screen. Is there a solution? ...

Importing into SiteFinity

I just finished installing SiteFinity 3.7 standard version on windows server 2008. Is there a way to entirely/partially import an already existing .NET project (ASP.NET) into SiteFinity with some minor changes in the code of course (may be by changinf a couple of xml files or something similar). I could only see an "export" under Adminis...

Shrink Panel in Silverlight Storyboard

I would like to have an item's width shrink on a click of a button. Right now I have two objects basically, when you click the button on objectA, a storyboard starts that rotates it around the x-axis and collapses it. Then it shows objectB by setting it's visibility to visible and rotates it around into view. All I want to add is setti...