
Is it possible to tell the WPF binding to respond asynchronously to a PropertyChanged event (low priority)?

I've got a long list of items which I'd like to filter. I've added an IsFiltered property to the view model in my list. Using an ItemContainerStyle I'm able to bind the ListViewItem's visibility to the IsFiltered property. <ListView ItemsSource="{Binding Path=MyItems}"> <ListView.ItemContainerStyle> <Style TargetType="{x:Ty...

WPF XML Databind to ComboBox

HI All, I am trying to bind some XML into a combobox using the below code: <UserControl xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml/presentation" xmlns:x="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml" x:Name="myComboBoxControl"> <UserControl.Resources> <DataTemplate x:Key="dataTempla...

Is there a RoboHelp alternative that generates XAML?

Looking to generate help content for a number of Silverlight applications. Would like the content to be consumed directly inside Silverlight WITHOUT any browser interop as we want to support online & offline with minimal effort. ...

In XAML, what "guidelines" should I use when deciding whether or not a property should go in a style?

When writing WPF/Silverlight applications, I sometimes struggle when determining whether or not a property should go inside a style or be left directly on the element. What guidelines do you use when deciding? ...

WPF binding XML data to GUI items

I'm new to WPF and don't yet have a solid grasp of how things should be done... I have an xml file that stores config data and I want the data that is in this xml file to be displayed on the gui front end. I'm currently using an XmlDataProvider that reads in a set of data The data is roughly like: <Items> <Item name="item01"> ...

XAML - Convert Value to Specific String?

Hey all, This should seem to be a fairly straightforward question, but I'm struggling a bit. I have a collection of objects that's I've bound to a Grid aling with a Series of GridViewColumns for each property of the object I'd like to display. One of the columns, however, is currently displaying as an int and I'd like to convert it ove...

Using custom class in XAML so it's properties serves as binding destination

First of all sorry for my "pidgin" english, :( Application was built on MVVM pattern. ViewModel exposes its functionality via commands & has special command - DispatchCommand which receives (in CommandParameter) pair of other Command/Parameter & executes received Command with received Parameter. The feature (rather unimportant for topic...

WPF: Binding lists in XAML- how can an item know its position in the list?

Given the following XAML code that with a ListControl like behavior: <StackPanel> <ItemsControl Name="_listbox" ItemsSource="{Binding ElementName=_userControl, Path=DataContext}"> <ItemsControl.ItemTemplate> <DataTemplate> <DockPanel> ... ...

Displaying ObservableCollection in a side-by-side format

In a WPF application, I am attempting to display the elements from an ObservableCollection in a side-by-side fashion. For example, if the collection was of letters, the basic format would be: Letters A D G J B E H K C F I L etc.. I am considering making each a separate ListView and then breaking each ViewMo...

Access WPF (XAML) Element from F# ?

Let's say I have this xaml code : <Window xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml/presentation" xmlns:x="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml"&gt; <Canvas> <Rectangle Name="papan" Fill="Red" Height="20" Width="20" /> </Canvas> </Window> And I have a file named Program.fs (F# code), how can I ac...

Modifying the cursor of a resize grip in a WPF window ("CanResizeWithGrip" + "WindowStyle:none")

Hello. Seems ilke none of the other StackOverflow questions answers this specific question. Or it may be lousy search skills... I have a ("CanResizeWithGrip" + "WindowStyle="none"") application written in WPF / C#. The application resizes sideways only (MaxHeight and MinHeight are the same), so I would want the cursor of the ResizeGrip ...

Take data from clicked ListView

Hi all, I have XAML file like this <UserControl x:Class="UISkripsi3.Sidebar" xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml/presentation" xmlns:x="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml" xmlns:d="http://schemas.microsoft.com/expression/blend/2008" xmlns:mc="http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/markup-compatibili...

XAML/Silverlight CheckBox ToolTip

Im trying to add a tooltip to a checkbox in XAML, however all i get is errors: <ToolTipService.ToolTip> <ToolTip x:Name="ToolTipDelete" Content="Delete" /> </ToolTipService.ToolTip> Anyone know how I might add this to a checkbox? Silverlight 2. ...

Blendability: isn't it solved with d:DataContext? What am I missing?

I feel as though I still see a lot of guidance and advice stating that a view-first approach is the best way to go to get Blendability in your application. However, with d:DataContext, d:DesignData and d:DesignInstance, isn't the problem of Blendability easy to solve regardless of how your views and viewmodels are wired together? With D...

How to inherit/extend styles from a resource dictionary?

I am having trouble extending one of my styles that I have defined in the Windows dictionary. Alone, it seems to apply the style to my controls as expected. However, if try to extend the style in one of my userControls, using the basedOn property, it simply overrides the main one and all the base styles dissapear. Here's an example: ...

ObservableCollection auto-index

I've got a list of items that I'm placing in an ObservableCollection which I am then databinding to a datagrid UI created in XAML. One of the columns displayed is the index of the item in the list. Currently, I am creating a property and binding to it. However, this creates a lot of work when I need to update/add/remove items from the li...

VS 2010 Win 7 Problem

Hello, I have an issue that I haven't been able to fix. When I open up a XAML file in VS 2010 Ultimate, my Win 7 changes to the Basic color scheme. It's annoying and just started about a week ago. If anyone has any suggestions, please let me know. Thanks, Tim Savage ACEP, LLC ...

any disadvantages when opening XAML with XML Text Editor instead of Cider XAML Editor

I have made the experience that editing large XAML files is extremly faster when doing it in the standard XML text editor instead of the the split-screen cider XAML editor with the design view. This is also true when I have the "Always open documents in full XAML view" option enabled. Allthough it gets a little better when this option is...

Why does this binding display a class name?

What might cause the value of a Silverlight 4 DataGridTextColumn.Header to display as System.Windows.Data.Binding rather than the resolved bound value? It seems like a ToString is happening somewhere that displays a class name rather than the formatted value of the class. The binding looks like this Header="{Binding Path=Dummy,Source={...

Can I create a KeyBinding for a sequence of keys in WPF?

Is it possible to define key bindings in WPF for a sequence of key presses like the shortcuts in Visual Studio e.g. Ctrl+R, Ctrl+A is run all tests in current solution As far as I can see I can only bind single key combinations like Ctrl+S using the element. Can I bind sequences using this or will I have to manually handle the key pre...