
XAML: Property inheritance WITHOUT WPF?

I'm working on a XAML - based CUI (console user interface) framework (which should look like Turbo Vision) for C# and I need to use property inheritance with dependency properties. Is there ANY way to accomplish that? I would prefer to be able to derive future widgets from "DependencyObject", not "Visual" or something similar, because ...

DependencyProperty not updating BusyIndicator

I'm attempting to connect a IsBusy boolean property defined on my child window to a BusyIndicator provided by silverlight ria services codegen. Here is the busy property: public bool IsBusy { get { return (bool)this.GetValue(IsBusyProperty); } set { this.SetValue(IsBusyProperty, value); } } public stati...

Processing Illustrator or pdf files into XAML

What are the alternatives to process illustrator files or PDFs into XAML. My Current workflow works like this: Open the PDF file in Adobe illustrator Save the file as .ai (Adobe Illustrator) file Open in Expression Design Do some processing, mainly separating elements to layers and removing unneeded parts. Save as XAML Add XAML to B...

Silverlight DataTemplate "Name", how to use in codebehind?

Hi Guys, In the following XAML, how can I use _xyzStackPanel in the code behind? Is this not possible when we use DataTemplate? I need to show/hide this stackpanel, what is the best way? Can I use the VisualStateManager here? Could someone provide example please, thanks. <ListBox ... > <ListBox.ItemTemplate> <DataTemplate...

Design-time problem with custom behaviors and triggers in Silverlight

I have implemented a few custom behaviors and triggers and added them via XAML. They work fine at run time but prevent the Cider designer view from loading at design time, and presumably will cause a problem in Blend too, though I haven't confirmed that. Here is an overview of what I've implemented for one of the behaviors; hopefully so...

WPF/XAML TreeView doesn't Hightlight Nodes after Binding

So I am having an issue with the TreeView. If I build a tree view statically, every node in the tree is selectable in that when I click on it, it highlights itself blue, indicating that node is selected. <TreeView Grid.Column="0" Grid.Row="2" MinHeight="100" MinWidth="100" BorderBrush="White" DataContext="{Bind...

XAML Security, Injection, In-Place Editing

I'm working on a new WPF application and we've been experimenting with some attached / dependency properties and triggers to do some things in our XAML. The question came up the other day about the ease of editing xaml in an existing executable. Similar to an IL dump / injection, If someone could export xaml, edit it, and re-package it s...

xaml assembly reference problem

I have a problem where most of the assemblies I'm referencing in my silverlight application appear to be not found in the xaml, despite the fact that I've added the references to the project using the 'Add Reference' dialog, can see they are present in the specified location, and can browse them using the object browser. I'm using VS 201...

Filtering animals using wpf radiobuttons

I am playing with a sample WPF application that is tiered in a Model-View-Presenter manner. The Model is a collection of Animals which is displayed in a view via binding to properties in a presenter class. The XAML has an items control that displays all the animals in a model. The model class has a boolean attribute called 'IsMammal'. ...

uncheck SelectAll if one of row unchecked

I have an issue. When I check SelectAllCheckBox all rows of checkbox column in ListView is checked. But when I unchecked one of row checkbox the SelectAllCheckBox is still checked. How to uncheck SelectAllCheckBox if one of row is unchecked? And second question is how to highlight ListView rows, for instabce, blue color when SelectAllChe...

Overriding themes in WPF

I have a got a small issue with the wpf project I am currently working on. I am new to WPF. In my app.xaml I am using the Microsoft Aero theme for my application. I have got something like this in my app.xaml <ResourceDictionary> <ResourceDictionary.MergedDictionaries> <ResourceDictionary Source="/PresentationFramew...

WPF: Shorten string to a specific lenght

Hi everyone I have a TreeView with a given width. When I add a node with a name which makes it exceed the maximal TreeView width it displays a vertical scrollbar. I'd prefer to display only the beginning of the name followed by '...' to avoid the scrollbar. I tried googleing it but I fail to find a result. Could someone tell me how it...

XAML Path sizing and positioning

I am trying to design a template for a TabItem using paths and rectangles. The sides of the tab layout are paths to accommodate curves in the design. I am having a problem with getting the sides to line up/resize correctly. Here's my XAML: <StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal"> <Path Stretch="UniformToFill" Fill="#FF000000" Data="F1 ...

A question about WPF. Size in Viewport3D

<Window x:Class="Viewport2DVisual3DExample.Window1" xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml/presentation" xmlns:x="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml" Title="Button on 3D" WindowStyle="None" Background="{x:Null}" Foreground="{x:Null}" AllowsTransparency="True" > <Viewport3D> <Viewp...

WPF WrapPanel will not orient items Vertically from within Xceed DataGrid.

Why does this NOT correctly wrap the TextBlock and WrapPanel vertically? <xcdg:DetailConfiguration.Headers> <DataTemplate> <WrapPanel Orientation="Vertical" Height="Auto"> <TextBlock Name="ecrDocs" FontSize="16" Foreground="SteelBlue" Text="{Binding RelativeSource={RelativeSource Self}, Path=(xcdg:Da...

How to declare Array of StringDictionary in XAML?

I know I can declare an array of string in XAML like this: <x:Array Type="{x:Type System:String}"> <System:String> first </System:String> <System:String> second </System:String> <System:String> third </System:String> </x:Array> How can I declare an array of System.Collections.Specialized.StringDictionary in XAML <x:Array Typ...

WPF get Type in Design time?

Well i have a control that inherits usercontrol(view) and im using it as you use a usercontrol (a base control) now here is the problem if i do MessageBox.Show(this.GetType().ToString()); i get different messages in runtime and design time, in design time i get View and i runtime i get the class name of the xaml file inheriting the v...

WPF: Can't drop filename in textbox

I'm trying to drop a file into a textbox on my WPF application but it won't work. I believe I have the XAML setup correctly to do this, and a PreviewDragOver event handler does work-- just not Drop or PreviewDrop. Here's the XAML in question: <Window x:Class="TableTagCount.MainWindow" xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006...

WPF - Global Style?

Hey all, Is there a way to setup global styles for my WPF application? What I'm hoping to do is apply a style to all my Buttons that also have an Image child. Thanks in advance, Sonny ...

How to show a WCFinformation in Silverlight?

Hi everyone. I have a Silverlight application that displays a map, and my intention is, when I mouse over a specific location in the map, the information about this location gets displayed somehow in the app. What I've done so far is to link the silverlight app to a webservice that retrieves this information for me, but now I'm stuck, an...