
Navigation xBap problem with frames

Hi all I have a problem in navigation in xBap I created two pages (Page1 and Page2) Page1 have one button for navigation to Page 2 <Button Height="23" Width="76" Name="button1" Click="button1_Click">Page2</Button> private void button1_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { NavigationService n = NavigationService.GetNav...

Display Exception in WPF XBAP

I am extremely new to WPF and I'm using XBAP to create a drag and drop application for a company Intranet. I have pretty much everything working, but I am getting an exception (I presume) but the exception isn't displaying. I'm in a debug environment but it doesn't seem to be making a difference. How can I see the exception which is b...

Detect framework version 3.5

I'm developing an XBAP (Partial trust) application, with multiple (~100) users. In the next version the prerequisites have been bumped from framework 3.0 to framework 3.5, and we need an easy way to detect the framework version of each client machine, and advise them on whether they need to upgrade or not. Any ideas or suggestions on ...

C# XBAP QueryString (BrowserInteropHelper.Source.Query) Above 2080 Characters Problem

I'm passing a very long argument string to a C# XBAP application, and I'm using the BrowserInteropHelper.Source.Query method to read the argument string. But, for some reason, everytime the string for the arguments goes about 2080 characters, the application fails. Have I exceeded the maximum length? Any help would be fantastic! ...

How to update an XBAP’s config file after deployment

Hi All, Here is my scenario and would love any feedback. We have a WPF XBAP application which gets hosted on our customer's IIS server on which we as a vendor do not have any control over. So as a part of configuration, clients first need to configure the WCF service to point to the proper endpoints. Default location for the service is...

View Report in XBAP Partial Trust

I Have a Problem for view Application Reports in XBAP Partail Trust . because of using xbap in Partial trust, can not use windowsFormsHost. Is there is a way to view report in XBAP Application? (rdlc || Crystal || etc.) ...

Detection of browser version in WPF

Is it possible to find out in what browser version a browser hosted application (XBAP) runs (eg. IE6, IE7 or IE8)? I want to find out the browser version from within the XBAP. ...

XBAP refresh event

Hi. I am developing an xbap application and have run into a problem with users refreshing the application using F5, which results in an immediate application crash. The workaround is to use the browsers refresh button. This reloads the application as expected. What exactly happens when the user presses F5 in an xbap? Is there any way...

Unable to debug XBAP with Visual Studio 2010

Just migrated my project to Visual Studio 2010, but target framework was left 3.5. Project contains an XBAP app in partial trust and a bunch of WCF services. Debugging is configured to start PresentationHost.exe with -debug and -debugSecurityZoneUrl parameters. Under VS2008 everything works fine, and in VS2010 Beta2 (don't sure about R...

BrowserInteropHelper.HostScript is null in XBAP in Firefox

Hi, We're trying to use a full-trust XBAP as a sort-of-browser-independent bridge between Javascript and COM. .NET 4 allows scripting of XBAPs via BrowserInteropHelper.HostScript, and this does indeed work very nicely in Internet Explorer. The process is approximately: Script creates an iframe and sets the src to something like '../Xb...

That assembly does not allow partially trusted callers When Using AutoCompleteBox in DataGridTemplateColumn

I Develope a XBAP Partial trust that use datagrid. This DataGrid has a TemplateColumn that use AutoComplateBox as Editing Element. When Click on One of that Column's cell throw the exception System.Security.SecurityException: That assembly does not allow partially trusted callers. any idea? tanx ...

Why no classic report generator for xbap(WPF)

I can not find a specific solution for report generation in XBAP or maybe WPF. has a classic solution? (or best solution) example: Use Crystal Or Microsoft Report through ASPX pages. convert report pages to portable formatted such as photo and send to XBAP app. or ... suppose the user is familiar with classic solution. ...

ExceptionPolicy.HandleException does not install Event Source for Logging in Registry if XBAP run outside debugger

I am using the Logging Application Block (of Microsoft Enterprise Library) to log exceptions in the Event Viewer that occur in my WPF XBAP application. If I run the XBAP in the debugger from Visual Studio, an Event Source entry for my application is automatically created in the Registry at: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSe...

How to deploy a WPF 4 Full Trust XBAP an on intranet?

I'm having trouble running a full trust WPF 4 XBAP (browser application), created with Visual Studio 2010, from my intranet. I do not get a ClickOnce elevation prompt, as described in ScottGu's post on WPF 4: Full Trust XBAP Deployment Starting in WPF 4, the ClickOnce elevation prompt is also enabled for XAML Browser Applicati...

XBAP Browser Control - Invoking Click event of the html Input type button

Hi, Here is what I have. XBAP application with WPF Browser control, hosted on Page1.xaml XBAP in Full Trust, certificate installed in client browser Once the XBAP loaded, the browser control is navigated to some third party site. We are using MVVM for XAML stuff So, when a certain page is loaded, I attach click event handler to th...

Calling COM Library From XBAP

I am trying to call an old COM library from my XBAP and continue to receive the following exception: System.AccessViolationException was unhandled Message: Attempted to read or write protected memory. This is often an indication that other memory is corrupt. I have tried adding the HKLM value for RunUnrestricted to no avail. I don't ...

How to detect whether code is running in a XBAP application or a WPF application?

Im creating a custom control. I have common code for WPF and XBAP application. I have some different calculation/work to do if it’s a XBAP application. How to detect whether it’s an xbap application or a WPF application? ...

Override mime type with VS Web Dev Server

I would like to serve xbaps from the VS web dev server (cassini) to Firefox, but when served from the dev server, Firefox offers to download this file. As far as I can tell, this is because the dev server is serving the xbap file with a mime type of "application/octet-stream" instead of "application/x-ms-xbap", which works when served fr...

What do I need to do to make a WPF Browser Application (XBAP) that requires Full Trust work on Windows 7?

So this is a Visual Studio 2008, .NET, WPF, XBAP, Windows 7 question, regarding .NET trust policies. At work, we have several Web Browser Applications (.XBAP files) developed with Visual Studio 2008 (so .NET 3.5) that we deployed internally. These required a .NET FullTrust policy, we found a way to make a .MSI that adjusted the policy o...

problem in xbap mvvm implementation

Hi, I am trying to implement a mvvm design pattern for xbap application But unable to carry out simple text binding. Following is the definition of my DemoViewModel.cs, class DemoViewModel : INotifyPropertyChanged { string name; public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged; public string Name { ...