
What is the right way to embed a Flash movie for XHTML compliance?

I have a simple movie that has a tiny bit of Actionscript 2.0. What is the best way to embed a flash movie for XHTML compliance? Which version should I export for? The code that Flash automatically outputs is so bloated, I'm not sure what I need. Also, I noticed that a Macromedia URL is in the code, and now that Adobe owns Flash, I w...

Make a DIV Into a Link

I am looking for an XHTML 1.1 valid way to make a DIV into a clickable link. ...

Is the `xml:lang` attribute required (in addition to the HTML `lang` attribute) when specifying the language of an XHTML element?

I've got an XHTML 1.0 Transitional document. Most of the content is in English, hence this is what I've got at the top: <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"&gt; <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" lang="en" xml:lang="en"> Some elements are in d...

Bumping up bottom element

Hey, On this site: http://www.catonthecouchproductions.com/new/ - I have been trying to remove the space between the two red borders, for I can keep my latest projects box without scrolling. Right now it has a slight scroll, then if you click the blue box at the top in Latest Projects, it pulls up a Client List. I am talking about the ...

Asp.Net GridView Pager colspan?

Well i have a GridView with some data and a pager so that i dont have to display all data on one page.. But if i look at the html the grid view generated the pager column has a colspan of 66? this fucks up the layout in Chrome and Safari as thay are based on the same rendering engine.. But why does it set the colspan to 66 when there ar...

CSS Dropdown menu help.

Can someone tell me why the CSS dropdown menu (rollover "Software Solutions") works here : http://deltaassocc.web704.discountasp.net/temp/page-works.html but not here: http://deltaassocc.web704.discountasp.net/temp/page.html This has been driving me crazy! I'm using Firefox 3.0.10. Please help.. ...

When doing equal height columns in CSS, is there a way to get internal anchor links to still function correctly?

I've used the last example on this page for equal height columns. http://www.ejeliot.com/blog/61 The problem is, when you click an internal anchor link, the content is shifted up, and the overflow is making the top part of the page disappear. For example, click this link http://www.noosanativeplants.com.au/~new/articles/botany-words/...

How to Display Data with DIV based layout?

I want to Display this type of Data using Divs and other elements like ul li p span possibly minimum tags. Note that: There repeatably blocks and Left content is right aligned and Right content is Left aligned. Please provide good solution for this with minimum code. Here is the Link what I tried to do with UL-LI wazdeisgn ...

CSS Styling Forms -- IE 6/7 bug

I am developing a website using forms and one of the browsers being targeted is unfortunately IE 6 and 7. I am having an issue with CSS and IE's rendering of form elements that are styled. I have written a test case, and it is as such (also available online at http://xistence.osnn.net/testcases/ie67fieldset/): <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-/...

PDF Tables of Arbitrary (within reason) Width

I know PDF generation has been discussed a lot here; however, I've yet to find what I need. I'm trying to generate PDF reports (mainly tables) from python. Yes I've tried ReportLab and Pisa. Both had column content "break out" in circumstances I didn't think were unreasonable and unrealistic to encounter in production. When I say r...

Drupal Themes

Can anyone suggest a better place than drupal.org to find quality themes? ...

How to parse an XHTML file that is not 100% valid?

I have XHTML files whose source is not completely valid, it does not follow the DTD of an XML document. Like there are places where for " it uses &Idquo; or for apostrophes it uses &rsquo;. This causes exceptions in my C# code. So is there any method or any weblink that i can use to get rid of this? ...

Extending sidebar down page

Hey all, I am trying to get my right sidebar to fill to extend the full length of the content within my #wrapper on this site: http://www.starmedianetwork.com/ I put a red border around it to try to see where my #right is on my page. I have tried working with: height:100% on that #right and others. Also searched on google about clear ...

cols, colgroups and css :hover psuedoclass.

I'm trying to create a table to display an individual's BMI. As part of this, I'd like, on :hover, for the <tr> and <col> (or <colgroup>) to be highlighted also, in order for the intersection to be more apparent. As the table will feature both metric and imperial measurements, the :hover doesn't have to stop at the cell (from any direc...

what is the best cross browser html WYSIWYG editor ?

Hello all im looking for cross browse WYSIWYG css/html web editor ( freeware please ) that is desktop , can you recommend me on which should i use ? ...

is it true that XHTML is not supported by IE but many people still use it?

so i heard that XHTML is not supported by IE and so it is treated as HTML 4.01 any way, but still many people still use it... is that true? one example is that <div id="contentForAjax" /> in XHTML, it is self closing, but IE will treat it as not closing, and mess up later layout. ...

what actually is PCDATA and CDATA?

it seems that a loose definition of PCDATA and CDATA is that 1) PCDATA is character data, but is to be parsed. 2) CDATA is character data, and is not to be parsed. but then someone told me that CDATA is actually parsed or PCDATA is actually not parsed... so it is a bit of a confusion. Does anyone know the real deal is? Update: I act...

Positioning div in div

hello members, I am having a problem in placing a div inside a div as required. Please look at the code below. <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"&gt; <head> <title></title> </head> <body> <div style="min-width:100%; min-height:90%; background-color:Red; text-align:center;"> <div style="min-height:100%; background-color:G...

At the end of the day, why choose XHTML over HTML?

I wonder why I should use XHTML instead of HTML. XHTML is supposed to be "modularized", but I haven't seen any server side language take advantage of any of that. XHTML is also more strict, and I don't see the advantage. What does XHTML offer that I need so bad? How does it make my code "better"? EDIT: another question I found in the ...

Passing Parameters to jQuery Delete Button Click EventHandler

I have the following jQuery $('#btnDelete').click( function() {//Do the delete here via jquery post}); In my table I have numerous rows with the following <a id="btnDelete">Delete</a> How I do I pass parameters to the click event to post an ID to delete something ...