
innerHTML removes attribute quotes in Internet Explorer

When you get the innerHTML of a DOM node in IE, if there are no spaces in an attribute value, IE will remove the quotes around it, as demonstrated below: <html> <head> <title></title> </head> <body> <div id="div1"><div id="div2"></div></div> <script type="text/javascript"> alert(document....

Why do Google and Twitter use table layout?

Possible Duplicate: Does it make sense to use the <table> tag on a modern website? Everywhere I go I see don't use table layout, it's evil, even Google says that, so why one of the most visited websites, Google and Twitter, use it for their homepage? I don't think it is any kind of mistake, or any other stupid problem. The on...

Ruby on Rails field_for Form Helper Problems

Hi all, I'm using the field_for form helper with a loop: <% f.fields_for :permissions do |permission_form| %> <tr> <td><%= permission_form.object.security_module.name %><%= permission_form.hidden_field(:security_module_id) %></td> <td><%= permission_form.object.security_module.description %></td> <tr> <% end %> Th...

What's the easiest way of converting an xhtml string to PDF using Flying Saucer?

I've been using Flying Saucer for a while now with awesome results. I can set a document via uri like so ITextRenderer renderer = new ITextRenderer(); renderer.setDocument(xhtmlUri); Which is nice, as it will resolve all relative css resources etc relative to the given URI. However, I'm now generating the xhtml, and want to render it...

Are there any standards for markup like the one that SO site uses?

I will like to design/develop a formatting markup for an application that we are developing. Is there any standard on this like what StackOverflow uses when writing each question description. ...

jquery modifying the value of href

Hey, I have a lot of links with the class .moo, I need jquery to scan the element for them, then to add a bit of text to the end of the href. For example: This is what I have: <a href="http://root.net" class="moo">root.net</a> and this is what I would like to have, after the jQuery magic happens: <a href="http://root.net?iframe=tr...

IE8 and quirks mode

Does IE8 run in quirks mode like IE6/7? I have a webpage that has some truly bizarre code. The content is centered with padding and negative margins. It works correctly in IE6/7 and other browsers but in IE8 the content area is half as wide and not centered (flag for quirks mode). The source code has three blank lines before the DOCT...

IE8 - Container with margin-top: 10px has no margin

EDIT: This happens only in IE8, it works fine in IE7, Firefox, Opera etc First of all, here is a picture I have made in photoshop to demonstrate my problem: http://richardknop.com/pict.jpg Now you should have idea about my issue. Here is a simplified version of markup I'm using (I left out most irrelevant content): <div class="left">...

How do I position an element 40 pixels beneath the lowest reaching DIV on a page when a scrollbar is present?

I am branding several sites I recently created with an image that reacts to hovering and links back to my own site. I'm dynamically inserting the markup and CSS with a jQuery append function that absolutely positions my logo in the bottom righthand corner of the client's site, and it's working great for the most part. However, I need to ...

IDE Duel -- Zend Studio 7 or Dreamweaver CS4

I'm developing PHP apps that leverage several frameworks (though not the Zend Framework yet...) and I make good use of Javascript (mostly jQuery). All mark-up is XHTML, of course, with CSS, etc. I'm looking to move beyond the beautiful simplicity of Notepad++. I'm using Windows Vista. I'm trying to decide between Zend Studio 7 or Dre...

IE7 shrinking dropdown menu box

Hi. I have the following dropdown menu : <div id="dropdown_menu"> <ul> <li><a>Item1</a></li> <li><a>VeryLongLongLongItem2</a></li> </ul> </div> outer div has position: absolute, the links are highlighted. ('li' and 'a' should be of the width of the widest element in the list, so that a:hover will highlight the whole line - see ...

image form submit IE

Hey guys I want a form to be submitted but it just won't work in IE. Altough in mozilla and other browsers it is working. The code: <input type="image" name="zoeken" src="knop_go.jpg" value="zoek" alt="zoek" /> What's the solution for this problem ? ...

HTML: Is it possible to have a FORM tag in each TABLE ROW in a XHTML valid way?

Hi, i can best describe this as follows: I want this (entire table in 'editmode' and save button in every row) <table> <tr> <td>Id</td> <td>Name</td> <td>Description</td> <td>&nbsp;</td> </tr> <tr> <td><input type="hidden" name="id" value="1" /></td> <td><input type="text" na...

xhtml css floats etc help

I'm really thinking of going back to tables because this is just #¤€&/@£ always something.... <div style="float: left; width: 20%"> #1 <a>SmokA</a><br /> <small>Admin</small><br /> <small>2009-08-07</small> </div> <div style="float: right; width: 80%"> I would buy a boat </div> <div style="clear:both"></div> <div style="border-to...

CSS Parent/Ancestor Selector

I know this is a shot in the dark, but is there a way, using css only, CSS2, no jquery, no javascript, to select and style an element's ancestor? I've gone through the selectors but am posting this in case I missed something or there is a clever workaround. For example, say I have a table with classname "test" nested inside a div. Is t...

Wide table causing horizontal scrollbar

I have a table inside a couple of nested divs. One column holds an image whose width makes the total width of the page wider than the display and the horizontal scrollbar shows. This cell is from an asp.net ajax popup (on mouseover) and is hidden via javascript, so the scrollbar isn't needed. Is there a way via css/xhtml to make it ...

Converting wiki format to XHTML

I have a database storing "wiki formatted" text which I would like to display in XHTML using PHP. Here is an example output with all the wiki markup: Default text == Heading 1 == === Heading 2 === ==== Heading 3 ==== ===== Heading 4 ===== ====== Heading 5 ====== '''Bold''' ''Italic'' <s>Strikethrough</s> * List item 1 * List item 2 #...

Added Characters on POST

I have simple form posting to another file. The problem I'm having is with TEXTAREA field. In the form TEXTAREA, I enter this: <h1 class="padlock">Member Login</h1> and the Output is on the other page when echo with PHP: <h1 class=\"padlock\">Member Login</h1> It's automatically escaping characters. I'm displaying the output in a...

XHTML strict Disabling Form Labels

I'm using ASP.NET with asp:Label to give my input controls labels. When my page is in read only mode I disable all my input controls and associated labels. When I set Enabled="false" on the label it renders as disabled='disabled' which is not valid XHTML strict (a requirement for my project) Is there a way to disable ASP.NET labels th...

CSS - Border only inside the table

I am trying to figure out how to add border only inside the table. When I do: table { border: 0; } table td, table th { border: 1px solid black; } The border is around the whole table and also between table cells. What I want to achieve is to have border only inside the table around table cells (without outer border around the...