
Firefox not running jQuery for XHTML output

Okay, I did a crappy job of describing the issue in my previous post. I think the discussion got sidetracked from the core issue - so I'm going to try again. Mea Culpa to Elzo Valugi about the aforementioned thread. I have an XML file: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="wtf.xsl"?> <Paragraphs...

Find the number of <input> in an Div tag

Hi Friends, I need to find out the number <input> tag within a <Div> tag.. How it's possible.. For example the code will be like this.. <div><li ><a>Jayan</a><input type="checkbox" id="c21" onClick="fcheck(this);" ></li> <li ><a href="#">Reshaba</a><input type="checkbox" id="c22" onClick="fcheck(this);" > <ul> <li ><a>crescent</a>...

HTML and CSS possibilities when wrappeded inside 'select' tags

I need to display options present in a select region (allowing multiple select) in form of tree. This tree needs to be collapsible/expandable. I have implemented it such that it looks and works as intended in FF. - 1 - 1.1 + 1.1.1 - 1.1.2 - - - + 1.1.3 I have achieved t...

HR tag renders white pixel

In IE8 and mozilla 3.5 theres an white pixel to the right. How can i get rid of that? Seting background-color changes nothing. neither does width. hr { border-top: 1px solid #111; border-bottom: 1px solid #444; } This is how it looks right now Thanks alot! ...

display the content of a cell in excel sheet on webpage

Hi all, I've been creating my FIRST website (XHTML) - means I don't know a lot (please explain evrything very detailed ;o) I need to show a value from an excel sheet on my website. The excelsheet "Country" is on C: and I need to show the text from cell C2. Can someone help me? ...

Background Image "Link" in CSS

I've inherited a large project that already has a large markup base coupled with a short deadline, so a complete rewrite is out of the question. As such, I have an issue that needs to be resolved ASAP: (Forgive my cryptic shorthand in advance) I have a header that contains an UL and a DIV. div id="header" ul id="nav" <a li...

Very Unusual Margin Appears Always in Internet Explorer [CSS]

Only in Internet Explorer does this occur: I'm getting an additional margin (of 19 pixels) below a fieldset and I can't seem to see why, whatever I try! Try it for yourself, take a look at http://theshrop.com/d/call_us_or_call_in.php. To aid I've added a grid and some background colours. The fieldset should have a 1.125em bottom margin a...

HTML/CSS: Making the main scrollbar always visible

Hi I saw a trick once on a website which made the main scrollbar of the page always stay visible. I can't remember how it was done. Does anyone know? ...

Java and xpath - xHtml parsing problem

I'm trying to parse a well formed xhtml document. I'm having problems during the nodes iteration. My xHtml has a structure like <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <html> <head>...</head> <body> ... <form> ... <div class="AB"> (1 or 2 times) ... <div class="CD"> ... <tab...

DOCTYPE's role in general XML

I know the purpose of DOCTYPE (and what each url/identifier on the line is) as far as web standards and page validation goes, but I am unsure about what it actually "is" in the context of an XML document. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml11/DTD/xhtml11.dt...

HTML Purifier - what to purify?

I am using HTML Purifier to protect my application from XSS attacks. Currently I am purifying content from WYSIWYG editors because that is the only place where users are allowed to use XHTML markup. My question is, should I use HTML Purifier also on username and password in a login authentication system (or on input fields of sign up pa...

Alternative to target="_blank" when using XHTML strict and no javascript!

I need to use XHTML strict I need to ensure my site works with no javascript. I need to open a new help window from my own application. Of course I wanted to use target="_blank" when no javascript detected but this is not XHTML strict. Are there any alternatives? ...

IE6/7 link overlapping + text-indent

hi.. I need a little guidance here... I have 2 links: <div class="tarjBodyHolder"> <div class="imageHolder"> <a href="#" onclick="alert('picture link'); return false;"> <img border="0" src="/picture.jpg" /> </a> </div> <div class="linkTransp"> <a href="#" onclick="alert('family link'); retu...

How to automatically append text to text copied with JavaScript

In JavaScript, how can you select text on a website, copy it (by Control+C, Command+C, or Edit Copy) and have JavaScript append a line or two to the clipboard so when the user pastes, the content they copied is shown as well as the extra line? Also, would this be possible to do only within certain <div>s of the site? If so, how? ...

Knowing how wide a text line will be in HTML for word wrap and other applications

Do you know a good cross-browser way of knowing how wide will be a text line so you can break it exactly to fit a fixed width? Suppose you want to break a long text like so it doesn't overflow a fixed width container, but you want the line to break the closest to the border possible, so guessing where to insert s isn't a clean solution....

HTML anchor link with no scroll or jump

I have various links which all have unique id's that are "pseudo-anchors." I want them to affect the url hash value and the click magic is all handled by some mootools code. However, when I click on the links they scroll to themselves (or to the top in one case). I don't want to scroll anywhere, but also need my javascript to execute and...

Move jQuery to the end of body tag?

My friend read an article on net which mentioned that move all JavaScript file to the end of body closing tag (</body>), this is a valid point to move all JS files to the end of body tag. I have moved all JS files to the end except the JQuery and the JS files which are attaching event to an element on page, like below; $(document).rea...

XHTML DOM manipulation with jQuery

I'm using Firefox 3.5. My doctype is XHTML 1.0 Strict. Let's say I want to insert an image into a div with id "foo"; then I might try: var foo = $('#foo'); foo.html('<img src="bar.gif" />'); This does indeed add the image. But I noticed that this was causing some odd behavior later in the document, which I suspected might be due to XH...

adding return true to jquery cycle's next/previous buttons.

The jQuery code used: $('#contentspacer').cycle({fx:'fade',speed:2500,timeout:6000,next:'.next',prev:'.prev'}); $('.pause').click(function() {$('#contentspacer').cycle('pause'); return false;}); $('.play').click(function() {$('#contentspacer').cycle('resume'); return false;}); The html used for the "navigation": <div class="pnbtns"><...

IE7 - Floated Image Disappears!

Ok. Here's the situation. I am styling a comments section on one of my websites. Here's an example markup: <ol class="comments"> <li> <a href="/view/profile/id/2"> <img src="/images/photo-thumb.gif" alt="johndoe" /> </a> <p class="pad-top"><em>written on Sunday 2nd of Aug...