
How can I display an image using the "em" unit?

I've created a <div> with width:10em and height:5em. Now I would like to display an <img> (GIF image) in this <div> with the exact same size. But apparently it doesn't "know" the em unit. It shows the picture in 10x5 pixels instead. How can I display this <img> using the "em" unit? ...

position a picture in the middle

Hi, I (absolute beginner) would like to put an image into a box with a little margin around. I tried with padding and so, didn't work. Then I tried this: <div style="border:1px solid #CC6699; width:11em; height:5.5em;"> <img style="align:center; width:10em; height:5em;" src="path"> </div> But instead the image gets stuck in the u...

Outputting XHMTL with xsltproc

Background: We've created a client portal that selects desired data points from our database and outputs them as XML. The client has provided us with their desired format in the form of an XSLT stylesheet. So our deliverable to them is preferably the most user-friendly format possible, preferably a PDF. Our service is in Perl, so we've ...

Convert XHTML to XAML FlowDocument

Dear All Does anybody invent a workable converter program that can convert XHTML file to FlowDocument xml file? I need this because my XHTML document have nested tag and it make my converter xslt thrown exceptions. any ideas? I appericate all replys and your times. Best regards -Ariso ...

ASP.NET BulletedList disabled item not compliant with XHTML 1.0 Strict DOCTYPE

I have a site that I've tried to make compliant to XHTML 1.0 Strict. The doctype has been declared accordingly and I've set the web.config with the following: <system.web> <xhtmlConformance mode="Strict"/> </system.web> My problem now lies here. I have a BulletedList server control whose DisplayMode is set to BulletedListDispl...

€ char is shown as ? in UTF8 Output

I have reworked a website and now it is xhtml valid etc and using UTF8. Everything is fine, but if anywhere in the Database is a Euro-char it is just displayed as a questionmark. What would be the right way to fix this? As output is done by Typo3 i cant change much about that. ...

Is it currently "safe" to use arrows from htmlentities instead of arrow images?

In the real world, are there any issues with using the htmlentities in Grade A browsers for → right and left arrows per this link? Can everyone reading this page see these arrows ? Apparently if the character is not in your font set, they won't appear, but so far my work has been to english speaking audiences...don't the arrows come s...

Where to get descriptions of (X)HTML tags & CSS properties from? (for parsing application)

Hi, I need the definition of XHTML tags with their properties... last time I asked here you told me to use DTD, so I did wrote a small script using XML_DTD (PEAR extension) that parses it for me ... However its not enough. It doesn't contain any tag descriptions (as it is for validators ;) ) ... now I need to have short descriptions of ...

jQuery How to move an element into another element?

I would like to move one DIV element inside another. For example, I want to move this (including all children): <div id="ctl00_c1_vw_Module_SectionAssociation_pnl1" class="i-panel"> ... </div> into this: <div id="sectionassociation-i-panel" class="i-panel"> ... </div> so that I have this: <div id="sectionassociation-i-panel" class...

adding images to openxml doc created from altchunk

I need an automated process for creating docx files from xhtml source. The xhtml files contain images (<img> elements) whose "src" attributes point to an external reference. But the docx files need to be readable without a network connection, so I need to find a way to embed the images directly into the docx package (namely, in the /medi...

oops - a ghost tab-box in firefox

I was happy to cobble some code together that gives me a nice looking tabbed-box on my (wordpress) page - 2 tabs; a feed and recent comments. Only after a few days have I noticed a problem: Firefox shows 2 tab boxes, one below the other, each showing the other tab. IExplorer displays a single functional tab-box as intended. Could some...

Using .NET Microsoft.Office.Interop to convert .DOC to XHTML

I'm trying to convert the contents of a Microsoft Word (.doc) file into nicely formatted XHTML using C#, .NET 2.0 and the Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word namespace. This is just a little exe that I'm building, which I can hopefully integrate into our automated build process. The reason I'm doing this is because Word's built in "Save as Web...

JQuery xml/xhtml processing

Using JQuery I am sending an Ajax GET to a web server. The web server is replying with an xml block like this; <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?> <ajax-response> <response> some response here </response> <response> some response here </response> </ajax-response> The jQuery get looks like this; jQuery.get(...

Java - SAX parser on a XHTML document

Hey, I'm trying to write a SAX parser for an XHTML document that I download from the web. At first I was having a problem with the doctype declaration (I found out from here that it was because W3C have intentionally blocked access to the DTD), but I fixed that with: XMLReader reader = parser.getXMLReader(); reader.setFeature("http://...

How do I validate XHTML with nokogiri?

I've found a few posts alluding to the fact that you can validate XHTML against its DTD using the nokogiri gem. Whilst I've managed to use it to parse XHTML successfully (looking for 'a' tags etc.), I'm struggling to validate documents. For me, this: doc = Nokogiri::XML(Net::HTTP.get(URI.parse("http://www.w3.org"))) puts doc.validate ...

How to center image of variable width in DIV on page?

I have an image of variable width that I'd like to center in a container div, which will be centered on the page. If I set a width on the div and give it a margin: 0 auto, it will center, but the problem is that the image inside of the div is of variable width, so I can't set a width on the container div. Any suggestions? Clarificatio...

DOMDocument & XPath - HTML Tag of each Node

Given the following PHP code using DOMDocument: $inputs = $xpath->query('//input | //select | //textarea', $form); if ($inputs->length > 0) { for ($j = 0; $j < $inputs->length; $j++) { $input = $inputs->item($j); $input->getAttribute('name'); // Returns the Attribute $input->getTag(); // How can I get the input,...

XHTML correct syntax

Hello, I have a question. I am developing a card board which is 4x3. So I have tryed to do markup with XTHML Transitional. I have used containers mixed with tables. The example for first row: <table> <tr> <div class="slot_01"></div> <div class="slot_02"></div> <div class="slot_03"></div> <div class="slot_04"></div> </tr> ...

How to Implement Ajax to display some content in php?

I want to create a page which displays some contents when left navigation menu is clicked. For Eg. When MY FAVOURITE VIDEOS is clicked then the list of the users favourite videos should be displayed on the right side using AJAX. Help me ...

Why is some text size in the brower appear bigger while veiwing on a moblie device?

I just made a site for a bbq site and when you view the old75.com/home/contact/ page on a iphone, you will see that the content appears normal as the footer is in a more larger font. But the font size of the footer is the same as the content. Can anyone see why this could be? I have this problem on some other sites as well. ...