
What do i use for names and id in forms with repeated rows

I'm programming an order form that has multiple order items. Each line item is a row in form, identical to the previous row. I'm wondering what the convention for names and ids on the input fields. Do i use the same names and id for the fields in each row? How do I reference an input field within a particular form row? How do i refere...

SEO implications of including style and script tags inside body?

I was wondering if there are any SEO side effects if I put my <script> and <style> tags anywhere other than in HEAD. Or is it just due to the XHTML rules that this is bad? ...

Warning when validating my website with http://validator.w3.org?

I created a simple test page on my website www.xaisoft.com and it had no errors, but it came back with the following warning and I am not sure what it means. The Unicode Byte-Order Mark (BOM) in UTF-8 encoded files is known to cause problems for some text editors and older browsers. You may want to consider avoiding its use until it is ...

ASP.NET MVC: How do I send "text/xml" to all browsers but IE?

I need to be able to send the content type "text/xml" to Firefox and Safari, to allow them to render inline SVG in one of my pages. This works, as long as the content type is "text/xml". However, when IE hits the page, if the content type is not "text/html" it tries to render the XML document tree, rather than the XHTML content of the ...

HTML/CSS Best way rounded corners

Possible Duplicate: What is the best way to create rounded corners using CSS? What is the best way to make rounded corners in div-containers! I need a solution which works in every browser .. what i have tried is jquery corner plugin (don't work in Chrome) CSS tags (don't work in IE) Is the only working solution (for every b...

Is this possible in XHTML: tags in a title-attribute?

hey everyone, I got following code in an XHTML-document and every browser saysit is malformed :( <a class="tooltip" title="Um nach einem <b>Datensatz zu suchen</b>, k&ouml;nnen Sie mehrere Suchbegriffe auf einmal eingeben!<br /> Um <b>Zeilen zu l&ouml;schen</b>, selektieren Sie diese bitte...

CSS: remove separator on the last and first item

Hi, I have a menu div which has a dark background. Inside it, I have several menu item divs with 1px margins on the right and the left. This way I've got separators between them. Obviously these appear on the very left and very right side of the menu which I don't want. Is there a way to accomplish this without inserting 1-pixel divs as...

Do input field NAMES have to be unique across forms?

Do input field NAMES have to be unique across forms? I would imagine that it's ok since the reference to each input field is qualified by the form name. document.form1.inp1.value document.form2.inp1.value Am I right? Will it work in all browsers? thanks ...

xhtml user attribute

Hi, Is it possible to use "user defined attribues" in html/xhtml tags? Best regards. ...

Image Map w/Image-Based Rollovers Bounded by AREA Coordinates, jQuery if Possible

Basically I need this: http://plugins.jquery.com/project/maphilight ...but instead of just having the <AREA> tags recieve a border or fill color on rollover, have them recieve a background image. The image needs to be clipped by the shape of the <AREA>s. Any ideas? Basically the setup I have is as follows: <img usemap="#map" /> <map...

Expand an <a> tag to fill the space

How can I make the anchor tag expand to the bottom of the list item? I know I could put the anchor round the list item tag, but that breaks XHTML 1.0 Strict compliance, so I cannot do it. <html> <head> <style> #listWrapper { text-align:center;} #list { margin-left: 0px auto; margin-right: 0px auto; width: 100%; min-hei...

How to approach problem of creating graphic buttons with dynamic text for web page

I want to be able to create links looking like buttons with dynamic text and graphic bakground, these buttons also have to change their apperance on mouse over/mouse down and when subpage which button corresponding to is currently opened ame as mouse down) I want to avoid using - java script/jquery - server-side generated images - f...

jpg image not getting rendered in HTML.

Hi All, I have one jpg image which is getting rendered in FF but not in IE6. <img src="Image/warn.jpg" alt="aimage" /> Path is correct as this is working on FF. any clue? ...

jquery selectors problem

I have an issue using jquerys selectors when it comes to a page I am populating from a database. The database populates a which will display 4 <li> tags per row for x amount of rows. I am trying to use addClass to give the first and last result on each row of the <ul> a different class. I have tried :first and :last but these obvious...

Recursive text conversion

Given the following: > This is level 1 > This is level 2 >> This is level 2.1 >> This is level 2.2 >>> This is level 2.2.1 >>> This is level 2.2.2 > This is level 3 How would you convert that text to XHTML, without a parser library such as ANTLR? That is: <ul> <li>This is level 1</li> <li>This is level 2 <ul>...

Euro sign in HTML

Hello! The euro (€) is the official currency in 22 European states. In HTML there are different possibilities to display the sign €: &euro; &#8364; &#x20AC; Which one would you use in HTML? I think no representation is supported in all browsers. It's a pity that there is no standard way to display the sign. Can you recommend one o...

Hovering <a> in CSS without href

I need a picture to change upon hovering over it. I got that working in CSS by changing the z-index upon hovering over it. However, I don't want anyone to click on it. Thus, I have removed the href from the tag. I have heard that this is a problem for IE6, however I have read that such is within the specifications of even XHTML, which i...

Displaying XHTML in Swing (JEditorPane)

I'm writing a Java application with GUI using Swing. One of the GUI components is a JEditorPane that renders HTML. All the rendering is fine except that it shows in the first line the XML header: ?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?> I've googled a little bit and I've found the same question here and there, but never any ...

Menu incorrect in IE6

Hello, I've several problems with IE6 There are 2 unordered lists which do not look fine in IE6. This is a snapshot from Firefox 3.5: http://img524.imageshack.us/img524/2772/ff35.gif IE6: http://img403.imageshack.us/img403/7321/40553149.gif The code: CSS #nav-black { height: 37px; background:#000; } #nav-black ul.left { floa...

Scripting Object (as iframe replacement) in IE does odd stuff...

I'm using the strict xhtml on my website, so I don't have the "Iframe" element. Instead, I'm trying to use the object tag. I want to dynamically open content, so I've got a javascript function like this: <object id="oPageName"> <script> function openPage(pageName) { var ifContent = document.getElementById("oPageName"); ...