
Rendering arbitrary XHTML with JasperReports

We have embedded JasperReports into our application to generate reports, but I've been rather dissatisfied with the way that the JEditorPaneHtmlMarkupProcessor handles writing arbitrary XHTML. For example, I needed to output a bulleted list at one point, which it does, but because it converts it to actual bullet characters and newlines, ...

When width of an element is greater than the width of a viewport…

Hi We use overflow property to specify whether scroll bars should be provided when content overflows element’s box. Is there a similar property with which we could specify whether horizontal scroll bars should be provided when the width of an element is greater than the width of a viewport ( ie display area )? thanx ...

CSS: Hover one element, effect for multiple elements??

Hi, this is my first question here! :) I'm looking for method for my hovering issue. <div class="section"> <div class="image"><img src="myImage.jpg" /></div> <div class="layer">Lorem Ipsum</div> </div> Now, both classes (image and layer) has borders, both have different color for normal and hover. Is there way to make so if I hove...

HTML output via an XSL transform involving special characters

I am having trouble transforming particular characters from an XML feed into XHTML. I am using the following example to demonstrate the problem. Here is my XML file: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <paragraph>some text including the –, ã and ’ characters</paragraph> Here is the XSLT I am applying: <?xml version="1.0" encodin...

How with JQuery cause Hover on diffrent element than mouse is currently on top of

I got image which is partialy overlapped by DIV, this particular image got its border set with CSS in external file to change color when mouse is over image. problem is when i move mouse from image to div overlapping it, then image losts hover and border is going back to normal state. How to tell to element with particular ID that mous...

Make a space between paragraph (x)html, css

Hi, I want space between my <p>content</p> tags. Not before and not after <p> tags. Fx my code is: <div> <h1>A headline</h1> <p>Some text</p> <p>Some text</p> </div> Something I don't want space between h1 and p which is done with zero margin on h1. But I don't want space after the last <p> tag. Is this possible without :las...

How can accomplish a dual div swap on rollover?

I am looking for advice on a way to accomplish this. Given the following: [Div A (contains an image)] [Div B (contains a horizontal list of 8 or so text links)] [Div C (contains text)] Upon rolling over any link in Div B, how can I have Div A and Div C swap their respective contents out to something different that corresponds to the co...

textarea cols property when using CSS

It seems that to be XHTML compliant an HTML textarea needs to have the cols property set. I want to use CSS instead so I can just expand the textarea to 100% style="width: 100%;" How should I be doing this in a standards compliant way? ...

Change bullets color in a list without span

Hi there I was wondering if there is a way to change the color on the bullets in a list. I have a list like this: <ul> <li>House</li> <li>Car</li> <li>Garden</li> </ul> It is not possible for me to insert anything in the li's such as a 'span' og a 'p'. So can I change the color of the bullets but not the text in some smart...

How to create this type of element using XHTML & CSS?

I want to create an element using DIV & CSS like below: Create By: <avatar image 16x16> Prashant Can anyone tell me what will be the CSS and DIV code for above type of layout. I don't want to use tables for this, DIV and CSS only. In Digg listing you'll find the same kind of display, I tried but not able to make the "username" cent...

VB.NET XML Parser - Find elements with specific attribute & value

HI, I am using VB.NET to read an XHTML file. I need my program to find every element within the XML structure which has the "class" attribute set to a specific value. IE: I need an array (or similar list) of all elements from the document which contain class="mytag". There is a list of several values I need to detect, all of which sta...

Removing rules attribute from asp.net gridview

i have a gridview i wish to style without borders but whenever i use the control asp.net adds in the attribute rules="all" i've tried overriding in on the control like so: <asp:GridView ID="GridView1" runat="server" rules="none"> but this doesn't work either ...

Whole image won't show

* { margin: 0; padding: 0; } body { margin: 8px auto; background: #20272D; width: 900px; } body, td, input, textarea { font: 11px Tahoma; color: #DDD; } #content { width: 400px; margin: auto; background: url(img/blixt.png) 0px 18px no-repeat; padding-left: 25px; } There's a image (blixt.png) that I want to show up ...

regular expression check for closing tag XHTML

The end of my expression is the only part causing me problems, im trying to match > not /> something like this: \s*[^\/]> however i dont want to match any other characters before the > Here is an example, I want this to match any img tags that are not closed. <img((\s+\w+(\s*=\s*(?:".*?"|'.*?'|[^'">\s]+))?)+\s*|\s*)\s*[^\/]> ...

How to make a simple jQuery button in XHTML strict with no form postback?

I am making a site with DOCTYPE XHTML Strict and it complains if I have an input button or button element outside a form. So I put it in a form and it complains that I don't have an action attribute. So I put in an action attribute but then the buttons postback to the page, which I don't want. How can I just have a normal jQuery butto...

Php - Looping For Different CSS

MySQL $selectSize = "SELECT * FROM products"; $querySize = $db->select($selectSize); while ($product = $db->fetcharray($querySize)) { HTML <ul> <li>Product A</li> <li>Product B</li> <li class='right'>Product C</li> <li>Product D</li> <li>Product E</li> <li class='right'>Product F</li> </ul> Question While getting the prod...

Javascript Tab Menu with sIFR

Hi There, I am working on a two-level menu like the Dynamic Drive examples on this page. The goal is to show a subnav layer below the main nav onmouseover, reverting to each page's default subnav layer after a timed interval. It works, except for a big problem: I am using sIFR on the main navigation items (<a>s inside of <li>s). The scr...

How to get align="center" effect in CSS and be XHTML compliant and have it work on most browsers

I'm trying to get some HTML pages to be more compliant and am starting off with simple stuff like removing align="center" in tables, etc. However, I can't seem to get the effect I want using CSS. Stuff I've tried include text-align:middle vertical-align:middle and the most suggested by designer friends margin-left:auto; margin-right...

Is it necessary to use H2 after h1

Is it mandatory to use H2 after h1 if text is too small then can we use h4 after h1 . and is it accessible ? ...

CSS sprites navigation and User with image disabled.....

I made a css menu with css sprites but the problem is with sprite we don't use inline image we use in background only so if images are disabled in browser then nothing will show . any solution for this ? For example : See this menu and turn off images : http://line25.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/css-menu/demo/demo.html (it will not be s...