
How to give sentence case to sentences through CSS or javascript?

How to give sentence case to sentences through CSS or javascript? I've tried these CSS properties but these are different capitalize Transforms the first character of each word to uppercase uppercase Transforms all characters to uppercase lowercase Transforms all characters to lowercase Edit: 19 FEB 2010 is there any option i...

Issues with nesting elements in <a>

Hi all, So the quick background is that I have a page listing a set of results and for each I display a thumbnail (image tag), short description (paragraph tag) and title (header tag). The result item links to it's brochure. I want each result (about 100px in height and full width) to be a single link rather than have the image and tit...

Validation on fieldset. The fieldset is inside the form and has inputs outside.

<form id="youtube-form" method="post" action=""> <label for="searchField" id="label-youtube-id">YouTube ID:</label> <input type="text" id="searchField" name="videoid" class="search-field" /> <fieldset id="outputFieldset"> <legend>Output format:</legend> <label for="flv">FLV</label> <input type="radio" id="flv"...

XHTML CSS Auto Height Div Problems

Basically I'm laying out a website and I'm using DIV's to have a header, left-column, right-column and footer. I want to have the content section of the website expandable to the html/text inserted into it so i have been using height: auto. I'm using background images for the top of the header, bottom of the footer and a 1px high fille...

CSS drop down positioning problems in IE7

Hi Everyone, I've been trying to figure this out all morning and I just can't get anywhere with it. I'm working on this website for a client and the dropdown menu just will not position properly in IE7. I have it working in everything else (even IE6!) but IE7 just will not play ball. If there is anyone that could help that would be awe...

How to style unordered lists in CSS as comma separated text

I'm looking for a way to style an unordered list in XHTML with CSS such that it is rendered inline and the list items are separated by commas. For example, the following list should be rendered as apple, orange, banana (not the missing comma at the end of the list). <ul id="taglist"> <li>apple</li> <li>orange</li> <li>banana</li>...

Standard and Best practice in dealing with Muliple/Complex Columns with Forms

Hi, I've want to know what is the best practice or approach in dealing with multiple and complex columns with a form inside. here's an example of the form I'm dealing with http://img96.imageshack.us/img96/5658/complexform.jpg How to properly write a HTML markup for this? If I wrap every form element with a 'DIV' for every column it...

Asp.net GridView ignore the CellSpacing attribute

I am having some difficulties with a GridView here, a client asked me to put some space between the cells, typically I would do CellSpacing="5" however it seems it is not working, I tried a few stuff and everything is rewritten... Code I tried : <asp:GridView ID="gvShoppingCart" runat="server" CellSpacing="5" Width="100%" AutoGenerateC...

Viewing source in XML to XHTML transformation through XSL

I'm trying to use an XSL file to transform an XML file into an XHTML file. How can I view the XHTML source that is output after the transformation. I'm currently viewing the results through Firefox, but all I see is the rendered version of the XHTML file. I want to see the source, but when I go to View->Page Source, all I see is the XML....

Skipping css file mentioned under asp.net App_themes folder

Hi, I've an asp.net web application which uses App_themes feature. Application has aspx pages which refer to master pages. Master pages apply css file (for eg. A.css) present in App_themes folder to all the aspx pages. For some of the aspx pages, I want to skip this A.css file and apply a new one called B.css instead.How do i achieve ...

setting the style attribute of a li element using xsl

I'm using an XSL file to transform a XML file to a XHTML file. I am trying to create an element li and set the "style" attribute to the value "hello:" <li><xsl:attribute name="style">hello</xsl:attribute></li> I get: <li style=""></li> But was expecting to get: <li style="hello"></li> Anybody have any idea what's going on? ...

Is .html extension better than .php and .aspx for SEO ?

Is .html extension better than .php and .aspx for SEO ? or extension less url is better then all ...

How can I access the sub-items of a <svg:use> tag from javascript?

Hello, I have the following SVG code in a XHTML page <svg:svg> <svg:svg width="450" heigth="450" viewBox="0 0 500 500"> <svg:defs> <svg:g id='mygroup'> <svg:circle id='a' cx="15" cy="15" r='15' fill="green" fill-opacity="0.3"/> <svg:line id='b' x1="15" y1="15" x2="15" y2="0" style="stroke: black;" /...

Reading cookie expiration date.

Is it possible to read cookie expiration date using javascript ? if yes how ? if not is there a source i can look at. Thanks ...

CSS Fluid Width inside div with fixed width

I have two divs inside a wrapper div of width 880px. The first div contains an image which can be any width, I'd like the second width to scale with it i.e: Div 1 = 300px Div 2 = 580px << this div scales to fit the parent div. Setting a width of 100% on the second div ignores the fixed width on the parent div. Is this possible using ...

(x)html/css: list items distributed in columns

Hi all, Is there a way, with the help of CSS, to let a single list (ul or ol) behave like this: 1. 4. 7. 2. 5. 8. 3. 6. 9. In other words, have their subsquent elements be distributed in columns? ...

Is element ‘ul’ cannot be nested within element ‘ol’? (i am getting this error from xhtml validator) help pls

<ol style="padding-top:0;"> <li><a href="http://www.24hourfitness.com/membership/offers/specials.html?cm_mmc=Silverfox-_-SEM-_-Google-_-Branded?"&gt;24 Hour Fitness</a></li> <!-- open nested list --> <ul> <li>This website would be ideal to use as a reference. The information provided lists references and is also very detaile...

How to automatically propagate the XMLNS attribute from on XSL template to another

I'm looking for a way to have the XMLNS attribute propagate automatically from one XSL Template to another so I don't have to redeclare it each time. Here's my situation. I'm trying to transform an XML file into an XHTML file using a XSLT file. My XML file is: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" enco...

Giving an Element 100% width while using fixed padding

I have an element with width 100% of the body and i need to be able to give it padding in pixels. every attempt i had at it ended up adding scrolling. i can't use overflow:hidden because i need to have vertical scrolling, and overflow-x/y isn't fully supported yet. so how can i add fiexed padding to an element with a 100% width? ...

How many tags can have same id in document

I know there can be only one unique ID attribute per document. To be sure, I need real doc link where this is written. ...