
Float and Height

Hi, I have a div named footerWrap, which contains 3 unordered lists. I floated left, all the unordered lists. My intention was to make the footerWrap grow in height according to the height of the unordered lists. However... in all browsers (exept IE6) the unordered lists pass over the div... like they had z-index atribute! I tried to ...

How do I get html attribute order to be consistent when testing in Javascript.

I have a component that creates a set of text like this in the innerHTML: fourty two<br><br><input value="Select" type="button"> upon setting the innerHTML, the browser will sometimes parse this text, producing: fourty two<br><br><input type="button" value="Select"> This behavior seems browser dependent, because I can get my tests...

How to remove namespace in xslt

Hi All, using xslt I am trying to get xhtml o/p .I have used xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" in <xsl:stylesheet> to get xhtml o/p.Every thing is fine but in the first div I am getting the same namespace. i.e. <div xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"&gt; Now how to remove xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" ...

[CSS] IE8 reserving space for a non-displayed element

I have a simple page with a form and selects. Number of those selects are set invisible and I use Javascript (JQuery) to set visible/invisible the good one. The CSS to set them invisible is : select { margin:0; margin-top:5px; padding:0; border:0; } .Invisible { display:none; } It works fine on Firefox, Opera an...

<embed> tag in HTML not supported

I get the following warning in a ASP.NET project using the <embed> tag to put a .swf: Warning: Validation (XHTML 1.0 Transitional): Element 'embed' is not supported. What is the "supported" way to do it instead??? ...

zeroClipboard complex css problem

i have list of images and on mouse over there is option box shows under it, which has embeded code input box to copy from. now i implemented zeroclipboard on it, for making copy function work on click, so when i do mouse over on image, it shows the option box properly, but when i take mouse to click on the input box to copy the code, the...

What is the best approach to make 3 column fixed width cross browser compatible, accessible, semantically correct layout ?

What is the best approach to make 3 column fixed width cross browser compatible, accessible, semantically correct layout ? <div id="wrapper"> <div id="header"> This is the Header </div> <div id="top-nav"> Top Navigation </div> <div id="leftcolumn"> Left Column ...

Screen reader with a non breaking space in alt attrib

I am using a CMS for images which is by default not generating alt attributes in image tags unless the alt text is provided. I can provide an empty space " " into the alt tag to produce : <img src="../.." alt=" "/> Would this be a problem with screen readers, and web accessibility ? ...

cross browser strechable round corner with semantic code and minimal use of images. is it possible ?

I know to make round corner is not possible for IE without Javascript or images. JS solution will not work if js is disabled so i want to go for image option i need any images + css solution to make cross browser compatible round corner div with minimal ,easy to make and pure semantic and W3C valid code, strechable and minimal use of i...

two divs on each side on the same line

How can I make it stay on the same line? I want "How ya doin?" to be on the same line as the menu. <div class="header"> <b>How ya doin?</b> <ul class="menu"> <li><a href="#">Home</a></li> <li><a href="#">Registration</a></li> <li><a href="#">Terms of Use</a></li> <li><a href="#">Support</a></li> </ul> </div> THe CSS: * { margin: 0...

Why <div style="width:50%" /> is not rendered in xHTML?

Why <div style="width:50%" /> is not rendered in xHTML? If I do <div style="width:50%"> &nbsp; </div> only then it is rendered. Do I miss something? Will min-width help? I use strict xHTML 1.0 Is it possible to fix it with CSS only or I must change html markup? ...

Is it possible to render empty <div style="width:50%"> </div> with CSS in xHTML strict 1.0 without setting width and height in pixels?

Is it possible to render empty <div style="width:50%"> </div> with CSS in xHTML strict 1.0 without setting width and height in absolute values and not adding &nbsp; inside? Targets are IE7-8, FF 3.x Can I somehow render empty div if I want it to get 50% width and variable height? ...

Users entering ampersand & character messing up my sites w3c validation

Hi guys, my social networking site is w3c xhtml valid however users are able to post blog reports and stuff and at times enter in ampersand characters which in turn mess up my validation. How can I fix this and are there any other single characters that I need to look out for that could mess up my validation? ...

HTML inside XML doc doesn't display properly if first text inside element

I'm using javascript to pull data returned from an XML document. Inside this XML file are elements that may have XHTML tags inside of them. The nodevalue is not displaying when the XHTML is surrounded by CDATA tags nor when I enter &lt/&gt manually. When there is no XHTML formatting inside an element, the nodevalue displays fine. <note ...

How to make a "tableless" table with help of CSS?

How to make a table like structure (design) with help of div and [CSS][1]? to show tabular data on html page. i don't want to use <table> <tr> <td> . I work on custom made CMS in my company and for a page cms prdouces xhtml in div tags so xhtml code is not in my hand so therefore i want to show table like data without table. EDIT: My ...

Is there an equivalent CSS declaration to "width: auto" for <table> elements?

I'm trying to create a <table> that doesn't exceed a certain width (let's say 500px), even with borders of any size. Normally, if I do: (HTML) <div> <table> <tr> <td>This is a test.</td> </tr> </table> </div> (CSS) div { width: 500px; } table { width: 100%; border: 10px solid #000; } I'm going to end up wi...

<strong> doesnt work, but <b> does

Hi Friends, I don't make anything particular. I use Safari, and when I use <strong>blabla</strong> it doesn't work, but <b>blbla</b> does. any idea about what can be the reason? Regards... I use Yahoo Reset.css, if it may cause the problem. sample code: <p><strong>Address:</strong> bla bla bla blaabllb</p> ...

BBCode to XHTML: Two possibilities, one regex?

Hi, I'm writing a small blog module. I want the users to be able to type BBCode. I need to convert that to XHTML to store in the DB, which I managed to do for most of the tags, except for [url]. There are two cases I want to allow: [url=http://stackoverflow.com/] which should be converted to <a href="http://www.stackoverflow.com"&g...

How to use CSS grid framework for custom widths and gutters ?

How to make custom CSS grid framework for custom widths? In my company i get design (PSD) in different sizes in width site like 900px, 920 px, 915px, 973 px etc. and different gutter sizes like 10 px on right, 20 px on left etc. in this type of condition how can i use and take benefir of grid based framework ...

How do I resolve entities when loading into an XDocument?

I'm trying to load an XHTML document into an XDocument but I'm getting "reference to undeclared entity" exceptions thrown at me. I need to resolve entities like &reg; and &raquo;. I believe my document is properly formed, here is the head: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "...