
How to copy code and paste in Rich Text Format with syntax highlighting?

I want to ability to select code from my program such as dreamweaver or visual studio and then paste the code into a word file or my favourite work processor and have the syntax highlighted as well. Is there a website that can provide this service with the ability to highlight syntax from various languages? ...

[HTML/CSS/JavaScript/PHP]: In which order code must be written?

While writing code in a file that would comprise of PHP, HTML, CSS & JavaScript, in what order each must appear? What are the best practices for separating the presentation and the logic? Sometimes external .js and other files are using in the link tag. Where these link tags must appear? ...

Question about output formatting in PHP/XHTML

Is there a way to only print or output 10 elements per row inside a table in PHP from an indexed array with X number of elements of type int. Maybe some function, I have not heard of? Or some technique that's used by professionals or beginners alike. I will embed some code for the TR and TD; however, I was just wondering if there is s...

Ignore mouse interaction on overlay image

I have a menu bar with hover effects, and now I want to place a transparent image with a circle and a "handdrawn" text over one of the menu items. If I use absolute positioning to place the overlay image above the menu item, the user will not be able to click the button and the hover effect will not work. Is there any way to somehow di...

HTML elements for JavaScript hooks

Most of my development life, I have done a JavaScript generated button like so: <span>Open/hide</span> With CSS like span { cursor: pointer; } This seemed to work for me, and IMO, it looks and seems better than <a href="(#|javascript:void(0);|javascript:;|return false)">open/hide</a> However, I'm starting to think people mig...

why <br /> and not <br/> ?

This is one of those things that you read once, say "aha!" and then forget. Exactly my case. Why is the line-break tag in xhtml preferentially written with a space <br /> and not in the also ok format <br/> ? I remember the reason was interesting, and as you can imagine it's not easy to find with google. For sure it's not an issue of x...

Can we have content text directly in <div>?

can we have content text directly in <div>text content</div> or it should be like <div><p>text content</p></div>? according to web standards. ...

Do we use doctype only to render webpages in standard mode with IE6 ?

Do we use doctype only to render webpages in standard mode with IE6 ? or does doctype do something more than that? ...

jqtransform and collapsed DIV

Hello, I am using a jQuery plugin called: jqtransform This plugin uses JavaScript to apply CSS styles to form elements. The problem that I have consists in the following scenario: I’m building a search page, with a advanced search option. When the page loads, the div called “advancedSearch” is hidden, and it will only show if the use...

Which is the strictest mode of XHTML to make my coding habits semantically and better?

Which is the strictest mode of XHTML to make my coding habits semantically and better? XHTML 1.0 Strict or XHTML 1.1 ...

Sending a delte.php properly to my db

Hello all, I have a function on my that has a delete button to erase comments. I have the button all linked up and ready to go. I just don't know what I should put on the 'delte.php' script I am creating, and what to tell it php wise to send to the db to make the status dead. as well as deleting the comment off of the page. Thanks ...

Delete help for my script

So I almost have my delete function working...I have the page loading correctly without any fatal errors but still not doing the trick Here is the portion of my while loop: echo "<a href='http://www.@#@$#%##%#.org/Profile.php?id=".$prof-&gt;id."'&gt;"; echo " delete"; echo "</a>"; and here is the portion of my query which is obviousl...

How to order rows (or divs) vertically using blueprint css?

Hi, I have the following html code (in the given order) <div id="content">...</div> <div id="footer">...</div> <div id="header">...</div> And of course, I want to display the header part at the top followed by the content part and then followed by the footer. How can I do that with a CSS code using blueprint? P.S. : The content part...

How do I make disabled/enable in HTML?

When I pick Coffee check box group – enabled button box group – disabled When I pick Hot Coco check box group – disabled button box group – enabled BELOW CODE: <fieldset id="mixdrinks"> <!-- pull down or drop menu examples --> <label><strong>Drinks Selection</strong></label><br /> <select name="drinks" id="drinks"> <option selected=...

Ifstatement used to make a functionality button appear?

I am on my 2nd day(16th hour) of trying to get my delete button to do what I want with PHP. I have a site that is a social network that has user profiles. Users can leave comments on another users profile. I am trying to put a delete link in a designated area that only shows up if you are viewing your own profile and goes away when you a...

Encode quotes in HTML body?

Should I encode quotes (such as " and ' -> &rdquo; and &rsquo;) in my HTML body (e.g. convert <p>Matt's Stuff</p> to <p>Matt&rsquo;s Stuff</p>)? I was under the impression I should, but a co-worker said that it was no big deal. I'm dubious but I can't find anything that says it is verboten. Am I mistaken? Is it a best-practice to encode?...

How to remove extra margin-bottom from floted image ?

When we use <img> inside <p><img style="float:left">dummy text dummy text dummy text dummy text</p> the how to give same margin at right and bottom of the image. http://jitendravyas.com/image-margin.htm ...

Is the rel attribute usage compatible with all browsers and tags

Just to be sure it can be safely used with JQuery scripting. ...

Cannot get my 'delete.php to send to db and mark as dead

Is this an id problem or is there something I am missing? I am trying to get it to delete a comment...On this 'delete.php' page, $prof is the user sending the delete request, on the page that I'm trying to delete from, $auth is the sender of the comment. $prof = new User($_GET['id']); $query = "UPDATE ProfileComments SET status = 'd...

Do variables transfer over from one seperate script to another via PHP?

I have a script that has PHP on it, and a link that goes to a new script that alters that PHP. When writing the query and containing variables on the second script, do I need to use the same variables or are the new ones I create completely seperate? or can will the variables from the first script carry over to the second script if used?...