
What is negative point on using W3C presentational xhtml tag ?

If some xhtml tag are presentational but valid in W3C then if i use then what is negative point of using those Tags in terms of semantic, code maintanance. I'm talking about b, big, br, hr, i, and small.Are all presentational tags deprecated? ...

What are pros and cons to add line-height to body { }?

Is it good to add line-height in body{line-height:1.5} or it would be better if i add separately for tag by tag like p{ line height:1em} etc. Edit: body {line-height:in em} create problem with if we put image with float inside Edit: 24 April 2010: If i have to add different line heights to elements like p {line-height: 1.4} h1 {l...

Question regarding PHP and XHTML Form

Hi , Is it possible once I have submitted a form to carry the uploaded file to the next page and place it back into a new form ? ...

Collecting form data and removing or hiding a form field using JQuery

Hello , I'm currently working on a problem that basically involves processing all data in a form, saving it, and replacing the entire form with a text link. My primary goal is to convert a form, with some data using the POST method, and a submit button, into a standard text link that can then take the saved/serialized data and POST it t...

What is xhtml's role attribute? What do you use it for?

I have read w3's page on this here, but it is still vague to me. Is the role attribute's purpose to clarify the code? Or will it be interpreted by some browsers or spiders? Can it be used as a dom selector using some javascript libraries (I am thinking that since the id attribute has to be unique, this could be use to identify multiple...

Is a list with only one child element really a list? Is this false semantics?

When I hear a list, I expect there will be more than one item. Is this ever a problem? Am I simply being semantically anal? <h3>Search Results</h3> <ul> <li><a href="??">only one result</a></li> </ul> One child list item element doesn't really seem to be a list does it? Has anyone else ever thought about this too? ...

Obeying the POST to modify data

So I've read you should use POST for anything that could modify data. E.g. BAD <a href="edit.php?id=12">Edit</a> GOOD <form action="edit.php" action="post"><input type="hidden" name="id" value="12" /><button type="submit">Edit</button></form> Now obviously the first once is more terse, but it would be considered the wrong way to ...

how to show section of a CSS sprite within a set position on the whole html body

hi there. I use sprite sheets for my css, adn they work great, however i want to have a section of my sprite sheet on the footer it is like a curved block and the left hand content boxes will come over the top of this a little. however i cant seem to get a section of a sprite as a background positioned at the bottom. now normally you ...

Position absolute vs float in XHTML/CSS

Hi, I want to convert a .psd to XHTML and I have a menu bar whith round corners streching all the width of the wrapper, what I did so far was making slices for the ends of the bar and one for the center that is set to repeat-x. For example I have this: <div id="tagline" class="grid_16"><!-- begin tagline --> <div class="le...

Can't get image to appear full size with thickbox jquery

I can't seem to get my image to pop up the actual size when using thickbox. anyone know how to fix this? <html> <head> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="style.css"> <title>WildFire</title> <script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="js/thickbox.js"></script> ...

Create reflected image with HTML Canvas?

I have the following code which tries to combine a vertical mirrored image with a transparent to background color gradient. When combining these two effects it fails, do I need to overlay a PNG gradient over the canvas instead of trying to get the canvas to perform both operations? <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transition...

Is &nbsp; allowed to make space in terms of semantic, web standards and accessibility and cross browser compatibility?

Is &nbsp; allowed to make space in terms of semantic, web standards and accessibility and cross browser compatibility? ...

Website problems with Safari

Does anyone know why my site is all messed up on safari? I need to get it live by monday and this is racking my brain. http://cheapramen.com/JQuery/WildFire/ Thanks in advance! ...

Does IE8 have rendering bugs like 6 or 7?

Does IE8 have rendering bugs like 6 or 7? If I make my site render correctly in Firefox 3.5, will it look the same in IE8 or will additional changes / hack / etc... be needed? I want to make my site IE8 compatible. Do I need to do something extra for that? Update: 6 march 2010 Is there a possibility , I will have to add conditional cs...

Scala and html parsing

How do you load an html dom document into scala. The XML singleton had errors when trying to load the xlns tags. import java.net._ import java.io._ import scala.xml._ object NetParse { import java.net.{URLConnection, URL} import scala.xml._ def netParse(sUrl:String): Elem = { var url = new URL(sUrl) var connect...

Text limit inside <span> XHTML?

I would like to limit the text inside a tag so when I add a new article in my ASP admin panel, it only has 350 characters max. How do I go about doing this? ...

How to apply pagination in IFrame.

I have an IFrame with a Table enclosed within it. I want to display 15 rows of a table and than a Next button must be there to move forward. How to apply pagination for IFrame? ...

Float over two elements

My problem is rather complex to explain, so I'll show you an example: http://ewolf.bplaced.de/misc/float.htm I want to have a floated element (the blue box) to be be placed over two other elements (red and green) and I want the whole thing to be fixed-width and centered (done by the box with the black border) while the background of the...

On load, jump to anchor within a div

Let's say I have the following page: <html> <body> <div id='foo' style='scroll:auto;height:400px'> // content, content, content... <div id='bar'></div> // content, content, content... </div> </body> </html> What jQuery (or vanilla Javascript) can I use so that when the page loads, it jumps to #bar only within the div...

Can we use <body> in place of #container div ?

Can we give width and border to <body> and use in place of Container div? see this example see source code of this file and code of file is also perfectly W3C valid. and looking same in IE 7 and firefox 3.5. <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd"&gt; <html xmlns=...