
Up2date techinques/tools to create proper CSS/XHTML

I figured, that iam currently "trying" to style the HTML/CSS in the plain *.css textfiles... My problem is, that i need to create a complex WebApp and need to figure out the best way to start with this designstuff... Problem: I am a hacker, no designer ^^ so, my current plan would be: Buy a nice css-book ( as i am really lacking of kn...

Why are table based sites bad for screen reader users?

How much easier is it for screen readers to handle <div> based websites as opposed to older <table> based websites, and why are they worse? ...

Is there anything wrong with having a button as a child element of an anchor?

I quickly tested this in Firefox, and it seems to work <a href="somewhere"><button>Go</button></a> The Validator didn't choke on it, but is it a reliable way to make a button a link? ...

Is there any negative issue if we use `overflow:hidden` to clear float?

Is there any negative issue if we use overflow:hidden to clear float. is it cross browser compatible IE 6, 7 , firefox , safai etc.? Is overflow:hidden enough or we need to add Zoom:1 too to make compatible with IE? Is this way better than .clearfix to get cross browser compatibility? ...

Margin on child element moves parent element

I have a div (parent) that contains another div (child). Parent is the first element in body with no particular CSS style. When I set .child { margin-top: 10px; } The end result is that top of my child is still aligned with parent. Instead of child being shifted for 10px downwards, my parent moves 10px down. My DOCTYPE is set to ...

What is Logically and semantically correct, A-grade browsers compatible and W3C valid way to clear float?

What is Logically correct and W3C valid way to clear float? zoom:1 is not valid by W3C and IE8 don't have hash layout problem overflow:hidden and overflow:hidden were not made to do this,as the spec intended overflow to be used <div class="clear"/> is not semantically correct and i don't want to add extra markup. clearfix hack generat...

jQuery Selecting the first child with a specific attribute

Hello, I have a form in HTML with multiple inputs of type submit: <form id = "myForm1" action="doSomethingImportant/10" class="postLink" method="post"> <input type="hidden" id="antiCSRF" name="antiCSRF" value="12345"></input> <input type="submit" value="clickThisLink"></input> <input type="submit" value="Don'tclickThisLink"></input> </f...

Is it possible to make one site for all type of screen resolutions mobile to PC?

Can we make website scalable , stretchable like elastic rubber including text ,images, video, JavaScript and that site should be accessible from all devices which access to web? I want to set max-width 980 px for site but minimum width can be everything and height should depend on content. ...

Can we add any attributes to any XHTML Tag through Javascript ? for example title in <a title="text>

For some reason I can't edit XHTML source. Can we add any attributes to any XHTML Tag through Javascript, for example title in <a title="text">? ...

IE's XHTML Compatibility

Hi stackoverflow, I'm having a rather heated debate into IE's XHTML Compatibility. The only thing is, I'm unsure if the guy is trolling. Essentially he claims that IE has absolutely no XHTML compatibility, and that a document with a defined XHTML doctype means absolutely nothing when served as content type text/html, regardless of the...

JavaScript-HTML: Create ComboBox with non-selectable items

I would like to create a ComboBox like you can see in the following image The Combo/Menu/List should allow some items to be bold (Main Categories), and to have "sub-categories" under each main category. The bold items should not be clickeable or selectable (I guess these items should have value="") ? Thanks ...

Simple XSLT Question: How can I add the closing "/" at the end of a single tag?

Hello, I'm teaching myself XSLT and am still trying to wrap my brain around the small details. I have a template in my XSL stylesheet that looks like this... <td><img src="{normalize-space(image)}"/></td> which produces XHTML that looks like this... <td><img src="somefile.jpg"></td> How do I change my XSL template to add a trailin...

Error received when attempting to load XSLT generated XHTML

Hello, I'm learning XSLT and Javascript and I'm trying to load some XSLT generated XHTML using the loadXML() function and I'm getting the following parsing error while using IE (might also be happening in FF to, not sure)... The server did not understand the request, or the request was invalid. Error processing resource 'http://www.w3.o...

What are the best practices for dealing with the Back Button in IE (and Firefox)

I know this in old issue but I can't figure out the best practices for dealing with the back button. I'm writing a web application with lots of data movement between the browser and the backend server. I currently use post and of course when the user bypasses the application navigation and uses the back button both IE and Firefox popup ...

How to write one IE conditional comment to target all IE versions at once?

I want to use a JavaScript only for all IE version 6,7 and 8. ...

Is there any jquery plugin or technique similar to Whatever:hover htc?

Is there any jquery plugin similar to Whatever:hover http://www.xs4all.nl/~peterned/csshover.html ?.I'm using jquery library already so is there any jquery plugin to make hover possible on all element in IE 6 like Whatever:hover htc does? ...

How to solve this error "The element type "head" must be terminated > by the matching end-tag "</head>"?

Why i'm getting this error Using org.apache.xerces.parsers.SAXParser Exception net.sf.saxon.trans.XPathException: org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: The element type "head" must be terminated by the matching end-tag "". org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: The element type "head" must be terminated by the matching end-tag ""...

Why we always use <ul> to make Navigation why not <ol> ?

Why do we always use <ul> to make navigation why not <ol>? While we can use both technically. ...

Is W3C invalid HTML and CSS code harmful for SEO and problematic for screen reader users?

If i made a site and site looking well in all a grade browsers but if site shows some errors in both XHTML and CSS validation then is there any benefit to solve those errors? Is site with 10 validation errors better than site with 35 validation errors or both are same for search engine? Does search engine read css file? Does CSS valida...

web design examples by element type

Hi, I'm trying to improve the style of a website. I'm looking for some examples of beautifully styled HTML elements (tables, lists, headings, etc.) that I can draw on for inspiration, or just copy and paste verbatim (if that's permitted). Some explanation of how the styling was achieved would be nice, but is not absolutely necessary, a...