
How to remove anchor link's dotted focus outlines only for mouse events but not for keyboard tabbed navigation?

For anchor links i want to removes the dotted focus outlines for mouse events, but want to display them when for keyboard tabbed navigation.? Is there any javascript, jquery method? Method should be compatible all A-grade browsers. including IE6. Although all pure css methods to remove dotted lines do not works in IE 6. But remember i...

Is possible to capture KeyDown event when current document is in design mode?

As you know, most of rich text editor use iframe to create WYSIWYG editor. In iframe contain document that is in design mode. I want to capture key down event when user press '@' character in rich text editor for displaying autocomplete for it. By the way, i cannot see any fired event inside design mode. How to solve this question? Tha...

Non Rectangular CSS Image Links

I have the following requirement: A large image contains several 'hotspots' that need to link to other pages. Sounds simple. I have created a simple html page, a div with the background image and absolute positioned links using CSS with image sprite rollovers. However, I have now been presented with another image and the hotspots are n...

How to open 2 different link one in same window and another one in new window from one link?

How to open 2 different link one in same window and another one in new window from one link? I want to open one link in parent window and other one in new window not new tab in all A-Grade browsers ...

If i have same navigation on 2 places in every page , one is in dropdown and again is in left sider bar will it create difficulties for screen reader user?

If i have same navigation on 2 places in every page , one is in dropdown and again is in left sider bar will it create difficulties for screen reader user? ...

How to style content of pages without adding css class to element?

I use CMS for client and client doesn't know CSS he use WYSIWYG editor to put content in pages. Client adds Paragraphs, images, images in paragraph (left or right floated), ordered and unordered list, Tables. Problems comes when he want to add images in paragraph (left or right floated). and without adding css class it's not possible. An...

How to style form elements unobtrusively with JavaScript and CSS?

How to style from elements unobtrusively in all browsers including IE6 ...

How to make accessible popup using jquery unobtrusively?

How to make Accessible popup using jquery with custom size and poition in perfect center on screen on any resolution? if JavaScript would be disabled then link should be open like normal link in new window/tab. I need unobtrusive method to add class to link also in script not in xhtml. ...

Can we use any extension in LONGDESC or only .html is allowed by W3C?

Can we use any extension in or only HTML is allowed by W3C? and how LONGDESC link should be open , only as new windows or can we open Longdesc url in popup or lightbox? Does LONGDESC have any benefit for Site SEO? ...

Submitting a form using JavaScript and image maps

I have a issue, I have a form called quicksearch CODE <form method="GET" name="quicksearch" action="search_results.php"> <input name="search" type="text" id="search" size="50" value="<?=@$_REQUEST['search']?>"> </form> The submit button is an image map and looks as follows <img src="images/header_16.jpg" alt="" width="111" ...

How to mix multiple javascript files into one?

To reduce http request i want to mix multiple jquery plugin's javascript filesa and main jquery file into one. What things should be considered? Do we just need to place code from all files into new file one bye one or need to do something more. ? ...

IE 6 strange problem background bullet only shown on mouse while hover is not applied?

in IE6 background image only shows if we mouse over on the link otherwise not #tbaContentContainer P A:link { font-size:1em; background: url(~/media/images/e/experian/images/content/arrow.ashx) no-repeat -2px 5px ; color: red; text-indent: 15px;position:relative} Attached here is a screenshot for more information. Can someone pleas...

Form entry gets inserted into the HTML code?

I am using following code to display HTML Form on my web page. This code also uses a third-party .js file that is linked to it. Everything is working fine except that when the first record is inserted and after saving the record the control comes back to this form, the company name entered in the first entry is seen in the code itself. I...

Any library to convert richtext to html.

At present I am using widgEditor It is a good library in JavaScript but has some minor issues. Is there any other library that can convert a Rich Text into an HTML equivalent? ...

How To Figure Out if an HTML Block Does Not Contain Any Text Nodes

How do you/is there a way to figure out if a block of HTML contains zero text nodes? e.g. this: <p><div><span></span></div></p> contains zero text nodes whereas this: <p>Stuff</p><div><span>other stuff</span></div> contains two. Additionally, you're guaranteed that the HTML is XHTML-compliant and the content is probably less tha...

How to execute a hyperlink automatically through php

I had a hyperlink like this http://www.mywebsite.com/sendmessage.php?uid=siva&amp;pwd=mani&amp;phone=newairtel&amp;msg=dg Normally in HTML we put href to that link and the link will open after the user click that link. But I want that link to be executed automatically without user interaction using PHP. How can i get it. Plz help. An...

Where we should put "skip to content" links?

See place 1,2 and 3. <body> <Place 1> <div id="container"> <Place 2> <div id="header"> <Place 3> <div id="logo"> </div> </div> </div> </body> ...

Attribute "runat" is not a valid attribute. Did you mean "content" or "target"? How to solve this asp.net validation error

see here this error - http://validator.w3.org/check?verbose=1&amp;uri=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.sitecore.net%2F ...

How to extract content of web pages easily which are embeded in html pages inside <body>?

How to extract content of web pages easily which are embeded in html pages inside only (like img, pdf, flv, doc, rtf, wmc etc) not css and css backgrounds images,javascript. I'm migrating content old site to new site. re-uploading all images, linked pdf, flv etc. ...

list doesnt display inline IE?

The code below works fine in firefox, but the list doesnt display in-line with IE. <div id="nav"> <ul> <li><a href="#">1</a></li> <li><a href="#">2</a></li> <li><a href="#">3</a></li> <li><a href="#">4</a></li> <li><a href="#">5</a></li> </ul> </div> CSS: #nav { width: 800px; padding: 0px; ma...