
XMLReader - How to handle undeclared namespace

I'm reading a large ~300Mb gzipped XML file with XMLReader that get's automatically dumped to my server nightly (archaic, I know..) It is malformed ie, it has an undefined namespace and it's throwing an error ErrorException [ Warning ]: XMLReader::read() namespace error : Namespace prefix xsi for AttrName on NodeName is not defined ...

Java, XML DocumentBuilder - setting the encoding when parsing

Hi I'm trying to save a tree (extends JTree) which holds an XML document to a DOM Object having changed it's structure. I have created a new document object, traversed the tree to retrieve the contents successfully (including the original encoding of the XML document), and now have a ByteArrayInputStream which has the tree contents (X...

python parsing xml

hi i have xml file whitch i want to parse, it looks something like this <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <SHOP xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xmlns:php="http://php.net/xsl"&gt; <SHOPITEM> <ID>2332</ID> ... </SHOPITEM> <SHOPITEM> <ID>4433</ID> ... </SHOPITEM> </SHOP> my parsin...

Parsing in Android

I want to do xml parsing of finding the "Humidity", "Current Temperature" and the "Icon" of the temperature(a SUN) in my android application. Can anybody please help me? ...

Cross-Browser Javascript Parser for XML with Namespace

This subject has been touched on before, but there's been some time since the last question regarding namespace handling. Is there a cross-browser solution to get the elements by name in Javascript? <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <NS:response success="1" xmlns:NS="http://someURI/ns"&gt; <NS:user firstname="foo" lastname="ba...

Coding progress bar advice

In my application i am parsing an xml file and validating the contents with xsd schema. When xml file gets bigger it takes some time to parse file and validate the contents. In this case I want visualize parsing and validation phases with progress bar. How to do this? Note: I am using Qt with C++ ...

Parse an XML structure as a simple, generic set of maps and lists

Somewhat related to http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1537207/how-to-convert-xml-to-java-util-map-and-vice-versa, only even more generic. I have an XML document, and I'd like to convert it to a very generic set of key/value pairs (in Java, that is). The basic idea is that we can parse pretty much every XML document and pass it on direc...

Printing Attribute Values in python-amara

Hi, I'm trying to parse an xml file with using python-amara. doc = amara.parse('h.xml') assert doc.xml_type == tree.entity.xml_type m = doc.xml_children[0] print m When I do this it gives amara.tree.element at 0x94c864c: name u'HOP', 0 namespaces, 0 attributes, 93 children However when I try this : print doc.HOP.A.D it says...

How to get the data from xml file

I have an application which binds a map with user's location, 2 pictures and some text in the xml file and send it to the other user through email. Now the question is that if the other user who is receiving it, how i should make this xml file parsed in my application so that the receiver can have a sensible look of the data like the ma...

Can we open Email account inside our app??

I am trying to build an application through which i would have some control on the content of the mail like one should be able to parse the xml he/she just received attached in an Email. How should i do it ?? Any idea?? Thanks, ...

How do I get a list of all parent tags in BeautifulSoup?

Let's say I have a structure like this: <folder name="folder1"> <folder name="folder2"> <bookmark href="link.html"> </folder> </folder> If I point to bookmark, what would be the command to just extract all of the folder lines? For example, bookmarks = soup.findAll('bookmark') then beautifulsoupcommand(bookmarks[...

cannot read two different tags using SAXParser in android?

I am using SAXParser to parse an xml document having three different tags But in the result i get the value of only "one tag and not Other two tags.. Can someone explain? My xml is : <outertag> <innertag> hello</innertag> <othertag>good morning</othertag> <thirdtag Attribute="its a pleasant day"/> </outertag> ...

Which Perl modules for good for data munging?

Nine years ago when I started to parsing HTML and free text with Perl I read the classic Data Munging with Perl. Does someone know if David is planning to update the book or if there are similar books or web pages where the new parsing modules like XML-Twig, Regexp-Grammars, etc, are explained? I assume that in the last nine years some ...

Improving text extraction routine from XML

I've an XML file which contains no. of <TEXT> </TEXT> tags enclosing text. <TEXT> <!-- PJG STAG 4703 --> <!-- PJG ITAG l=94 g=1 f=1 --> <!-- PJG /ITAG --> <!-- PJG ITAG l=69 g=1 f=1 --> <!-- PJG /ITAG --> <!-- PJG ITAG l=50 g=1 f=1 --> <USDEPT>DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE</USDEPT> <!-- PJG /ITAG --> <!-- PJG ITAG l=18 g=1 f=1 --...

Are there any more powerful XML parsers than the one built into jQuery?

I am trying to parse XML feeds from YouTube using jQuery (by doing $(xml).find(...)), but jQuery is having really hard time with those. YouTube feeds are real mess - they have bunch of namespace tags, escaped html tags with inline styles and what not. Are there any more powerful javascript XML parsers out there (preferably jQuery-compat...

Groovy:GPath - reading a xml file in which a node attribute is a map

I have following xml file: <doc_xml> <nodes> <node id='1' spec="{spec_a=0.9, spec_b=0.1}" /> <node id='2' spec="{spec_a=0.1, spec_b=0.3}" /> <node id='3' spec="{}" /> </nodes> </doc_xml> This code was created using Groovy MarkupBuilder. Now I would like to parse this file in a groovy script: def xml = new XmlParser().parseText...

how to insert xml file into sql lite database

I have some problem with android application in my application i have to use sql lite as a database but i have the data in XML format. so i am facing problems in inserting the data into database. ...

C++: Trouble with Parsing XML using Libxml

I am having a lot of trouble working with the libxml2 library to parse an xml file. I have weeded out a previous, similar problem, but have run into another. Here is the problem code: class SSystem{ public: //Constructors SSystem(){}; //Make SSystem from XML Definition. Pass ptr to node SSystem(xmlNodePtr Nptr, xmlDocP...

Best Java XML parser for producing/consuming REST services

Currently using Java's built-in XML DOM libraries for creation/parsing. Ugly, even with lots of helper classes and methods, and performance and memory usage sucks. What's the best Java tool or framework for dealing with XML in regards to producing and consuming REST services? A service I use uses JAXB. I was able to use their classes...

Using DB or XML Parsing for an iPhone App?

For a products catalogue app on iphone which approach is more efficient? Using sqllite db or directly parsing online from xml without db? ...