
How to change XmlSchemaElement.SchemaType (or: difference between SchemaType and ElementSchemaType)

Hey, I'm working on a XML Editor which gets all his information from the corresponding XSD file. To work with the XSD files I use the System.Xml.Schema Namespace (XmlSchema*). Because of an 'xsi:type' attribute in the XML I've to change the XmlSchemaType of an XmlSchemaElement. Until now I use in my code the 'ElementSchemaType' property...

tool to generate xml file from xsd (for testing)

I have an xsd file and have not done much xml manipulation, parsing, etc. I want/need test xml files for my code but don't have any samples. (I am using xerces to parse) This is similar to: xml-instance-generation-from-xml-schema-xsd but I don't really want to make it a two step process. (python or java) I just want to feed xsd fi...

How do I validate a string of XML against an XML Schema file

I'm developing a VB Web Application in .NET3.5 using Visual Studio 2008. I'm having difficulty in validating some XML as a string before I add it to a HTML form to post to a 3rd party. I have an XML schema file from the 3rd party to validate against and at this point I'd like the application to perform the validation before each post. ...

XML Schema: Why can't <xs:all> have <choice> children? and how can this be bypassed?

I'm trying to create a schema for a <property> element which must have a <key> sub-element, and one of <val>, <shell> or <perl> and an optional <os> or <condition>, and the order of the sub-elements doesn't matter. Here are some sample for valid <property> elements: <property> <key>A</key> <val>b</val> </property> <property> <k...

XML Schema for class containing a DataTable

I have one class which has field of type DataTable. I want to write XSD for this class. My problem is the datable structure is not fixed. The columns are added dynamically. How to write XSD for such a class? Once the XSD is defined, I want to validate the class serialized to XML against the XSD. ...

XML validation with Schematron/XSD in C#

I've been looking around for at a way to make some more advanced business rule validation of XML documents. So far Schematron seems to be able to do, what I need. I've been looking around, and the few libraries I've found was very old and seemingly not supported any longer. Was Schematron only "hot" in 2002? Are there any libraries th...

What is the simplest/clearest XSD for this XML?

What is the simplest/clearest style of XSD for this kind of XML? (it's from this answer) <object name="contact"> <object name="home"> <object name="tel"> <string name="area" value="910"/> <string name="num" value="1234 5678"/> </object> </object> <object name="work"> <object name="tel"> <string nam...

Simple XML Question

I am creating XML at runtime its schema is like <Item> <Content>Hi</Content> </item> The problem is when I am trying to save some HTML contents to this Tag <Item> <Content><strong>Hi</strong></Content> </item> How to resolve this issue Thanks in advance ...

Android schema validation

hi, I have created an XML and i am having an XSD file and i have to validate the xml with this schema ,can i get any example for doing that . And where i have to place the xsd file in my project so that i can validate with that schema. ...

Android schema

hi, In java there is class SchemaFactory which is used for schema validation but it is not available in android is there any other option available ...

XML schema for ASPX?

I'm editing a lot of .aspx files in Emacs these days. nxml-mode can use a schema (RELAX NG, but maybe others) to detect errors in XML, and I find it really handy for other things. Is there a RELAX NG schema for *.aspx files? (I'm having trouble searching because "aspx" is so common not just as a language but as part of URLs.) ...

Creating an xml file from xsd in .NET

Hi everyone, I would like to know the best method for solving this problem: I would like to create a blank template xml from a xml schema. All the required elements and attributes would be created and their values would be all empty strings. The next step is how to determine which child xml nodes a certain node could have. eg. I would s...

Restrict word list in XML schema

I'm writing an XML schema and need to prevent the text of an element from matching certain values. (Eg. the variableName element cannot match 'int', 'byte', 'string' etc.) I have tried using a restriction with a pattern element similar to "^(int|byte|string)", but without success. Do you know the way to format the regular expression, o...

XmlReader get element default from schema

This is probably a naive question about XmlReader, but I haven't turned up an answer in the MSDN docs. Suppose that I have XSD SchemaTest.xsd <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <xs:schema xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"&gt; <xs:element name="pageSettings"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element n...

How do I use PowerShell to Validate XML files against an XSD?

As a part of my development I'd like to be able to validate an entire folder's worth of XML files against a single XSD file. A PowerShell function seems like a good candidate for this as I can then just pipe a list of files to it like so: dir *.xml | Validate-Xml -Schema .\MySchema.xsd I've considered porting C# code from the Validati...

XML Schema For A Simple XML Goods-List

I'm trying to write a schema that will validate the following XML: <category type="rifles"> <item> <name> AK47 </name> <description> The USSR's chief export back in the day, and the guerrilla's best friend. On African flags than any other symbol. </description> <cost> 4000 </cost> <image> ak47.jpg </imag...

XML Schema for sequence of elements with same name but different attribute values?

How can I specify an XML schema for an instance document like this: <productinfo> <!-- other stuff --> <informationset type="Manufacturer"> <!-- content not relevant --> </informationset> <informationset type="Ingredients"> <!-- content not relevant --> </informationset> </productinfo> that is, a "productinfo" elemen...

XML Reuse Question

In XML, is it possible to reuse elements? Specifically, the problem that I am trying to solve is the following. I want to define an element table that contains an element tableSchema and an element dataSource. I want to do this in a way that a tables can refer to a tableSchema defined elsewhere. Thusly, I can have multiple reports defin...

Less Cumbersome Way To Document XSDs?

We recently started providing a data extract to clients via an XML. We have a schema (XSD) that defines the structure of this XML. I would like to include the documentation of the elements and attributes in the schema itself. The only thing I am finding is the very cumbersome "annotation" and "documentation" tags. So you take somethi...

java xml validation problem with schema

I can validate an xml with schema in java using DOM parser. But here both the schema and xml file have namespace. Now I want to validate an xml without namespace with schema. How to achieve this Thanks Bapi ...